This may be the best of the search options, though very recently created pages may not yet be indexed.
Precede or follow your search term with the word M204wiki.
The search box in the M204wiki sidebar search area.
The search is case-sensitive. If you have an exact page name, click the Go button to proceed directly to the page. Otherwise, click Search for a list of results.
An advantage of this tool is quick creation of a new page:
In the search box, specify the page name, exactly.
Click the Go button.
In the "Search results" page, click the page name (red) in the prompt to create a new page.
The "SphinxSearch" link in the sidebar search area.
This tool does a better job rendering wiki markup, so reported results are often formatted clearer than the default search box.
The "Method search" link in the sidebar search area.
This is for Janus SOAP system class methods only. In addition to being very fast, this tool provides wildcard searching, so you don't have to know the exact method name.