Number of saved logon messages
$Web_Num_LogMsg retrieves the number of saved logon messages.
%count = $Web_Num_LogMsg
$Web_Num_LogMsg takes no arguments and returns a number.
If the port definition contains a LOGMSGI parameter, $Web_Num_LogMsg will always return a 0, otherwise it will return the number of messages issued to the Janus Web Server thread's "terminal" at logon time. $Web_Num_LogMsg and $Web_LogMsg are probably most useful in a JANUS WEB ON LOGONERR
routine but can be used in any JANUS WEB ON routine.
FOR %I FROM 1 TO $Web_Num_LogMsg %MSG = $Web_LogMsg(%I) IF $SUBSTR(%MSG, 1, 10) EQ 'M204.1500:' THEN JUMP TO GOTACF2MSG END IF END FOR
This is an example of how $Web_Num_LogMsg can be used to scan logon messages looking for an ACF2 message that perhaps indicates the reason for a logon failure. Depending on the reason (incorrect password, expired password, suspended account), appropriate action can be taken.