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$EcbDSet sets string data associated with an Event Control Block (ECB).


$EcbDSet({ECB-number | 'CPQZ'},{'string'})


  • ECB-number is a string with a numeric value from one to the NECBS parameter that identifies the ECB in which to store the string of data. The ECB-number can be expressed as a numeric literal, a %variable, or a field name.
  • CPQZ is a named ECB used by the NonStop/204 facility to automatically post an extended quiesce. See Media recovery NonStop/204 for an explanation of the facility.

    To use CPQZ, you need not set the NECBS parameter. CPQZ can be expressed as a literal, a %variable, or a field name. When CPQZ is specified, the value of the $EcbDSet function can be non-null (except for error values) during only extended quiesce. CPQZ is internally cleared to null when the system exits extended quiesce.

  • string can be up to 255 bytes long. It can be a numeric, a literal, a %variable, or a field name.
  • Unless explicitly reset to null, data strings persist whether or not the ECB is posted. Depending on the sequence, data strings can be changed by either the $Post or $EcbDSet functions.


The $EcbDSet function returns the following return codes:

Return code Meaning
0 Success
2 Bad argument specified
3 NECBS parameter is not specified or is zero
4 The first argument is less than one or greater than the NECBS parameter
5 NUSERS = 1
7 $EcbDSet missing data argument
8 No argument specified
9 Extended quiesce environment error; issue a $StatusD function call for details.
11 Cannot be issued after QZSIG has been posted
12 Invalid argument CPQZ or invalid argument following QZSIG
13 Cannot be issued outside of extended quiesce

Note: The $EcbDSet function associates a string with an ECB, regardless of whether the ECB is posted or not. String data set by $EcbDSet is accessible using the $EcbDGet function.


%x=$Ecbdset(1,'This is about managing user threads')