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//LKONLN PROC RKOBJ204=, Downloaded Model 204 object library // SYSLMOD=, Library to store ONLINE load module // MQ=NULLFILE, IBM MQ series load library // LOCALOBJ=&&NULPDS, Local obj modules: RACFPARM, FUNU, .. // ACF2=NULLFILE ACF2 security interface load/objlib //* //* ********* z/OS JCL PROC to link edit Model 204 ONLINE ******** //* //* ****************************************************************** //* ** Do not copy nor edit this PROC. It is invoked by member ** //* ** LKONLN2, which you should copy from the downloaded object ** //* ** library and then edit in a local TSO library. ** //* ****************************************************************** //* //* The first two symbolic parameters (RKOBJ204= and SYSLMOD=) are //* required. The other three depend on your ONLINE configuration. //* //* To invoke this PROC, copy the LKONLN2 member of the downloaded //* object file into a local TSO library; it contains instructions //* to modify and submit that jobstream. //* //* For detailed explanations, see //* //* http://m204wiki.rocketsoftware.com/index.php/M204_inst_zOS#lkonln //* //* ------------------------------------------------------------------ //* Note: If you assembled local object files (RACFPARM, ACF2PARM, //* FUNU, etc.), they are stored in your local object library, //* (specified by the LOCALOBJ= symbolic parameter) //* //* Keep the local and downloaded object libraries separate: //* //* - Do not store local object files in the downloaded object //* library. //* - Do not mix any downloaded object files in the local object //* library. //* //* ****************************************************************** //* First step - allocate empty PDS as LOCALOBJ placeholder: //* //ALLOCNUL EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //NULLPDS DD DISP=(,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(2,1,1)), // DCB=(DSORG=PO,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=32720), // DSN=&&NULPDS //* ****************************************************************** //* Second step - link ONLINE: //* //M204LINK EXEC PGM=IEWL,REGION=0M, // PARM='SIZE=(2048K,200K),LIST,LET,NCAL,MAP,AC=1,RMODE=ANY' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* //RKOBJ204 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&LOCALOBJ, Empty PDS if no local object // DCB=BLKSIZE=32720 // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&RKOBJ204 Downloaded M204 object library //* //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SYSLMOD Loadlib for new Model 204 modules //* //MQ DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&MQ IBM MQ series load library //* //ACF2 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&ACF2 ACF2 system load/object library //* // PEND ************** End of LKONLN PROC **************