Debugger Client Beta documentation

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This page describes any beta versions of the Janus/Tn3270 Debugger Workstation Client that are available.

Build 63, Tag 1 Beta

Run Until/White list/Black list with Daemons

When used with Model 204 Version 7.6 and up Build 63


HTTP Server requirements/setup

Any web server that supports HTTP PUT and GET may be used. This document provides an example of how to set up a Janus Web Server to handle HTTP based PAC files.

begin variables are undefined local subroutine closeFile(%iFile is string len 8 input) * Close the file whose name is passed. Messages surpressed. %rc is float $resetn('MSGCTL', 6, %rc) $close('FILE ' with %iFile) $resetn('MSGCTL', 0, %rc) end subroutine local function openFile(%iFile is string len 8 input) is float * Open the file whose name is passed and return 0 for success or * non-zero for failure. Messages surpressed. %rc is float $resetn('MSGCTL', 6, %rc) openc file %iFile $resetn('MSGCTL', 0, %rc) return $status end function * Get and validate the command line argument: port number %args is object stringlist %args = %(system):arguments:unspace:parseLines(', ') %portNumber is float if (%args:count eq 0) then print 'No port number specified' stop elseif (%args:count > 1) then print 'Too many arguments' stop elseif (%args(1) is not like '/2-5(#)') then print 'Invalid port number' stop else %portNumber = %args(1) end if %pacRepo is string len 8 initial('JDPACREP') %worker is object daemon auto new %workForDaemon is object Stringlist auto new * See if the memory file for a PAC repository is there, if not create it if (%(local):openFile(%pacRepo) eq 0) then printText Memory file {%pacRepo} already present  %(local):closeFile(%pacRepo) else printText creating memory file {%pacRepo} text to %workForDaemon = new ALLOCATE {%pacrepo} WITH MEMORY PAGES=300 CREATE {%pacrepo} PARAMETER BSIZE=1, DSIZE=250 END OPENC {%pacrepo} IN {%pacrepo} INITIALIZE CLOSE {%pacrepo} end text %worker:run(%workForDaemon):print end if * Set up a simple Janus web server with web rules for loading * serving and listing PAC files generated bythe debugger client. %portName is string len 8 initial('JDPACSRV') * Get rid of any earlier one, so this script can be rerun as needed text to %workForDaemon = new JANUS DRAIN {%portName} JANUS DELETE {%portName} end text %worker:run(%workForDaemon) * Create the server and its rules text to %workForDaemon = new * Create a web server JANUS DEFINE {%portName} {%portNumber} WEBSERV 20 TRACE 7 * Allow upload of PAC files via HTTP PUT of a URL of format /pacman/xxx.js JANUS WEB {%portName} ON PUT /PACMAN/*.JS OPEN FILE {%pacRepo} RECV *.JS BASE64 JANUS WEB {%portName} ALLOW PUT /PACMAN/*.JS * Provide HTTP GET access for URLs of format /pacman/xxx.js JANUS WEB {%portName} ON GET /PACMAN/*.JS OPEN FILE {%pacRepo} - SEND *.JS BINARY EXPIRE +0 * Start the web server JANUS START {%portName} end text %worker:run(%workForDaemon):print end

DebuggerConfig.xml changes

Once the HTTP server is set up to accept and serve PAC files, the debugger client configuration must be updated to indentify it.

Preferences UI changes

  • File->preferences
  • If newPac or mergedPac is selected and the configuration has been set up.
  • Preferences Section->PAC Button

SetIeMode command changes

setIeMode {none|proxy|newPac|mergedPac} [file|http]

ShowIE command changes

ShowIE has been enhanced to display URL info for any PAC file in use by the debugger client. For example:


RetryHTTPPac command

&&currentPacFile function added

The &&currentPacFile function returns the URL of the PAC file in use or "" if none. The URL returned could bee either a file: or http: style URL.

Other new commands

  • httpPutFile
  • httpPutString
  • httpGet