MSIR.0252 SYBMSG(41101,15,1) (resource) full, can't process request.
This message indicates that a request on a Janus Specialty Data Store port required more RPC buffer space, CCATEMP or a larger server table (STBL, SQTBL, VTBL, NTBL) to run. If the resource was RPC buffer space increase the size of the RPC buffer with the RBSIZE parameter on the JANUS DEFINE command for the port. If the resource was CCATEMP increase the amount of CCATEMP available to the Online or reduce the CCATEMP utilization in the Online. If the resource was a server table increase the size of the table by either increasing the table size in the IODEV definition for the SDAEMON threads or in a UTABLE command executed as part of the command processed as indicated by the CMD parameter on the JANUS DEFINE command for the port.