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Put up 'read' as soon as web request is received

CLOSEREAD is a parameter on JANUS DEFINE, which defines and sets characteristics of a Janus port.

CLOSEREAD indicates that web threads should "put up" a TCP/IP read after receiving the entire request but before processing it. This read can then detect if a connection has been lost. If CLOSEREAD is not specified a lost connection will probably only be detected when the web thread actually tries to write data to the connection.

CLOSEIMMED indicates that if a lost connection is noticed by the Janus PST, the PST should BUMP the Model 204 thread associated with the connection immediately. If CLOSEIMMED is not specified a lost connection will only cause request termination when the web thread tries to send data to the connection or invokes a $Web function.

CLOSEREAD and CLOSEIMMED are useful for ensuring that CPU and I/O intensive web requests will be terminated immediately should the user become impatient and cancel the request.

Valid only for WEBSERV ports.

See also