Value (RandomNumberGenerator function)

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Get a new random value (RandomNumberGenerator class)

This method returns the integer value, within a default or explicit range, of the random number method object. Using this method is the only way to get the random number referred to by a RandomNumberGenerator object variable.


%number = randomNumberGenerator:Value[( [min], [max])]

Syntax terms

%number A numeric variable to contain a random integer greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max.
randomNumberGenerator A RandomNumberGenerator object variable.
min An optional integer that is the lower limit for the generated random number. The minimum value of this argument is the same as its default: -1,000,000,000.
max An optional integer that is the upper limit for the generated random number. The maximum value of this argument is the same as its default: 1,000,000,000.

Usage notes

  • Since the Value method has no parameters, you can use either of the following ways if you want a fresh starting datum for each Value call:

    %num = %(randomNumberGenerator):new:value(1,10) %num = %(randomNumberGenerator):new(salt=%i):value(1,10)

    In the latter case, %i might be a counter that gets incremented at each New call.

See also