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<section begin="desc" />Convert datetime string to number of milliseconds<section end="desc" />

Most Sirius $functions have been deprecated in favor of Object Oriented methods. There is currently no OO equivalent for the $Sir_Date2NM function.

The $Sir_Date2NM function expects a datetime value string and a datetime format string and returns the input datetime converted to the number of milliseconds since 1 January, 1900. It accepts an optional CENTSPAN value and an optional error control string. If an error is detected, the returned value is -9E12 (-9000000000000).


<section begin="syntax" /> %num = $Sir_Date2NM(dat, fmt, span, errctl) <section end="syntax" />

$Sir_Date2NM Function


dat datetime value string.
fmt datetime format string corresponding to dat. Refer to datetime formats for an explanation of valid datetime formats and valid dates. Non-strict matching is used for input format fmt; see .
span optional CENTSPAN value, default is -50.
errctl optional error control string, refer to .
%num set to the value of dat, converted to the number of milliseconds from 1 Jan 1900 12:00 AM.

For example, the following fragment prints the value 86400000:

%A = $Sir_Date2NM('010695', 'MMDDYY') %B = $Sir_Date2NM('010595', 'MMDDYY') %C = %A - %B PRINT %C

Error conditions are shown in the following figure (see the discussion in ).

  • fmt is not a valid datetime format.
  • dat does not match fmt.
  • dat is outside of range permitted for fmt.
  • span is invalid.

$Sir_Date2NM returns the value -9E12 (-9000000000000) in the following cases:


  • Values returned by $Sir_Date2NM will often exceed the range that can be represented in a 4-byte integer, so you should probably avoid storing the value in a BINARY or FLOAT4 field.
  • Dates prior to 1 January 1900 will return a negative number.
  • The inverse of this $function is $Sir_NM2Date.

Products authorizing $Sir_Date2NM