$Web_Date, $Web_DateND, $Web_DateNM, and $Web_DateNS

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<section begin="desc" />$Web_DateND, $Web_DateNM, and $Web_DateNS: Current date as number<section end="desc" />

The $Web_Date* functions get the current date and time as a number. The returned number is always in time units since 12 AM on Jan 1, 1900.


<section begin="syntax" />%DATETIME = $Web_Date %DATETIME = $Web_DateND %DATETIME = $Web_DateNM %DATETIME = $Web_DateNS <section end="syntax" />

Usage notes

  • Each of the $Web_Date* functions takes no arguments and returns a number. The time units returned by the various flavors of $Web_Date* are :
    $Web_Date Number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1900.
    $Web_DateND Number of days since midnight, January 1, 1900.
    $Wdb_DateNM Number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1900.
    $Web_DateNS Number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1900.
  • $Web_Date produces identical results to $Web_DateNS. For clarity, it is recommended that $Web_DateNS be used instead of $Web_Date, since $Web_DateNS indicates the time units being returned (number of seconds).
  • The units returned by the $Web_Date* functions are convenient to manipulate because there are no idiosyncrasies of date/time formats to deal with and can be useful as inputs to other web $functions or as time stamps. For example, this sets an expiration time for the current URL of 24 hours hence:

    %rc = $Web_Expire($Web_DateNS + 24 * 60 * 60)

    The following sets a timestamp in a record to the current time in milliseconds.


  • In general, $Web_DateNS is the preferred $Web_Date function because its time units match the resolution of web timestamps such a those used in $Web_Expire and $Web_Last_Modified processing. While it might be tempting to use the very high resolution provided by $Web_Date2NM, this resolution would be lost if used in expiration or last-modified processing and could be the source of application bugs.

See also