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Delete a global select element

$Web_Del_Sel deletes a global select element, preventing its further use and freeing any CCATEMP pages used by it. An overview of the $Web_Sel* functions is provided in $Web_Selp.

$Web_Del_Sel is a callable $function, and it can be run from a non-Janus Web Server thread.


%rc = $Web_Del_Sel(global_name)

Syntax terms

%rc A numeric status code. 0 is always returned.
global_name The name of the global select element to delete. If it has not been saved by $Web_Save_Sel, this routine does nothing.

Usage notes

  • $Web_Del_Sel will delete a global select element, preventing its further use; an example of this is shown in $Web_Selp. Other than this, $Web_Del_Sel is not needed to perform any processing supplied by the $WEB_SELx functions; unused global select elements will simply have their contents migrate out of the buffer pool and remain as unused CCATEMP pages.