Add (Stringlist function)

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Add strings to Stringlist (Stringlist class)

This callable method adds arbitrary string data to a Stringlist. The Add method accepts one argument and returns a numeric result.


[%number =] sl:Add( itemList)

Syntax terms

%number A numeric variable to contain the number of items in the indicated Stringlist after the string has been added. %number is also the item number associated with the added string in the Stringlist.
sl A Stringlist object.
string A string that is to be added to the Stringlist.

Usage notes

  • All errors result in request cancellation.
  • Before Sirius Mods Version 6.6, it was a request cancelling error to try to add a longstring longer than the size limit of a Stringlist item: 6124 bytes. This limitation was eliminated in Sirius Mods Version 6.6.
  • The Push and Enqueue stringlist methods are the same as the Add method. Push was designed as a convenience for use with Pop. Enqueue was designed as a convenience for use with Dequeue.


In the following example, four comma-delimited field values are added to a Stringlist for each record in a Recordset:

%list is object stringList
%list = new
for each record in %recset
   %data = ssn with ',' with lname with ',' -
           fname with ',' with mi
end for