Connect-Star messages

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This topic describes the most common errors and message types that you might encounter using Connect-Star.

Message codes

The following table lists the sources of the various classes of error messages.

Message codes and their sources
Range Source Comments
1 to 98 Communications layer Positive numbers indicate errors; negative numbers indicate warning messages; zero indicates success.
SCFE Communications layer All messages with this prefix are Rocket Software internal errors, not communication errors. Contact Technical Support.

(mixed numbers and letters)

SQL Call Level Interface These messages follow SQL Access Group standards.
SQL Error n to nnnn SQL server returns SQL errors for display in the Model 204 audit trail Negative numbers indicate errors (not communication errors); positive numbers indicate warning or informational messages.

Note: If your site receives an internal error, contact Technical Support. Except for errors with the SCFE prefix, internal errors contain message text indicating their nature.

SQL error code formatting

The SQL error codes messages listed in this manual are often supplemented with context information, which varies from situation to situation.

The context information is denoted by the following context variables, acting as placeholders in the message:

  • A percent sign (%)
  • A word or phrase in italics

For example, error -199 has two context variables shown as percent signs: one holds the place for a keyword; the second holds the place for a token name:

-199 Illegal use of keyword %. Token % was expected.

For example, error -151 has one context variable named column-name:

-151 The column column-name cannot be updated.

Updates to column-name would violate a Model 204/SQL restriction. Perhaps you tried to update a field with the INVISIBLE attribute.

The error codes which have three digits, either + or -, are usually the same as the DB2 SQL codes with some minor changes to reflect Model 204 anomalies. Consulting the IBM DATABASE 2 Messages and Codes Manual is useful.

Four-digit error codes reflect Rocket Software and Model 204.

Messages beginning with a plus (+) sign

Number Message text
+7501 SKIP condition not met.

Description: An SQL client request required that Model 204 carry out multiple operations to accomplish a user's SQL request. Some of these operations are conditional on the outcome of others. This warning indicates that one of these conditions was not met.

Response: If your program appears to be functioning normally, this warning may be ignored. Otherwise, contact Technical Support.

Unsigned messages

Number Message text
100 No more data found.
558 The WITH GRANT option is ignored...
560 The WITH GRANT option is ignored...

Messages beginning with a minus (-) sign

Messages -7 through -199

Number Message text
-7 Statement contains the illegal character %.
-10 The string constant beginning % is not terminated.
-84 Unacceptable SQL statement.
-101 The statement is too long or too complex.
Description: Probably your LHEAP space has been exhausted.

Response: Increase LHEAP in CCAIN stream and rerun the program.

-102 The string constant beginning % is too long.
-103 % is an invalid numeric literal.
-104 Statement contains the invalid character or token %. Token % was expected.
-105 Invalid string constants.
Description: For example, you might have presented a zero length string to an INSERT statement.
-106 Empty system name
Description: The DDL you submitted to the Model 204 catalog, CCACAT, contains a SYSNAME keyword followed by an empty string (").
-107 The name % is too long. Maximum length is %.
-109 % clause is not permitted
-110 Invalid hexadecimal literal beginning %.
-111 A SQL function does not include a column name.
-112 The argument of a set function includes another SQL function.
-113 Invalid character found in name: %.
Description: Either the cursor name on the statement name is too long, does not start with an alphabetic character or contains an invalid character. Valid characters are all alphanumeric characters, the AT sign (@), the dollar sign ($), and the underscore (_).
-115 A predicate is invalid because the comparison operator % is followed by a parenthesized list or by ANY or ALL without a subquery.
-117 The number of insert values must equal the number of object columns.
-118 The object table is also identified in a FROM clause.
-119 The HAVING column must be a grouping column and the outer reference is not supported.
-120 A WHERE clause or SET clause includes a SQL function, or references a column % in a GROUP BY clause of a view definition.
-121 The column % is identified more than once.
-122 Invalid grouping in a SELECT statement.
-123 Column % used in a HAVING subquery must be a grouping column or be used in a set function.
-124 Within any queryspec or subquery or any outer references to it there must be only one DISTINCT.
-125 An integer in the ORDER BY clause is invalid.
-126 The statement contains both an UPDATE and an ORDER BY clause.
-127 DISTINCT is specified more than once in a subselect.
-128 Invalid use of NULL in a predicate.
-129 The statement contains too many table names.
-130 The column % cannot map to a Model 204 multiply occurring field. Use a separate nested table for this column.
-131 Statement with LIKE predicate has incompatible data types.
-132 A LIKE predicate is invalid because the first operand is not a column or the second operand is not a string.
-133 A SQL function in a HAVING clause is invalid because it applies an arithmetic operator to an outer reference.
-134 Improper use of a long string column % or a host variable of maximum length greater than 255.
-136 Sort cannot be executed because the sort key is too large.

Description: You have attempted to sort more than ten columns.

Response: Check the DISTINCT qualifier, the ORDER BY clause, or GROUP BY clause. Limit the combined number of columns specified for these operations to ten.

-137 Result of concatenation too long.
-138 2nd or 3rd argument of SUBSTR function is out of range.
-150 The object of the INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement is a view for which the requested operation is not permitted.
-151 The column column-name cannot be updated.
Description: Updates to column-name would violate a Model 204/SQL restriction. You might have tried to update a field with the INVISIBLE attribute.
-153 The CREATE VIEW statement does not include a required column list.
-154 The CREATE VIEW failed because the view definition contains a UNION.
-155 A FROM clause is invalid because one of the tables is a view that includes a GROUP BY clause.
-156 The statement does not identify a table.
-158 The number of columns specified for the view is not the same as the number of columns specified by the select clause.
-159 The name specified on DROP VIEW is a table name.
-160 The WITH CHECK option cannot be used for the specified view.
-161 The INSERT or UPDATE is not allowed because a resulting row does not satisfy the view definition.
-164 % does not have the privilege to create a view with qualification %.
-198 The operand of the PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement is blank or empty.
-199 Illegal use of keyword %. Token % was expected.

Messages -203 through -313

Number Message text
-203 A reference to column % is ambiguous.
-204 % is an undefined name.

Description: For example, the -204 error code for a table could mean that there was a failure when attempting to open the file.

-205 % is not a column of table %.
-206 % is not a column mentioned.

Description: An SQL DML statement referenced a column name that does not exist for the specified table. Check the flagged SQL statement against the table DDL.

-207 The ORDER BY clause is invalid because it includes a column name but it applies to the result of a UNION.
-208 The ORDER BY column % is not part of the result table.
-219 The required explanation table % does not exist.
-220 The column % in explanation table % is not defined properly.
-301 The value of a host variable cannot be used as specified because of its data type.
-302 The value of an input variable is too large for the target column.
-303 A value cannot be assigned to a host variable because the data types are not comparable.
-304 A value cannot be assigned to a host variable because the value is not within the range of the data type of the host variable.
-305 The NULL value cannot be assigned to a host variable because no indicator variable is specified.
-309 A predicate is invalid because a referenced host variable has the NULL value.
-311 The indicated length of a host variable is negative.
-312 Undefined or unusable host variable %.
-313 The number of host variables specified is not equal to the number of parameter markers.

Messages -401 through -555

Number Message text
-401 An arithmetic or comparison operation is applied to dissimilar data.
-402 An arithmetic function or operator % is applied to character data.
-404 The string % is longer than its target column
-405 The numeric literal % is out of range.
-406 A derived numeric value is not within the range of its object column.
-407 NULL values cannot be specified for the object column %.
-408 A value is not compatible with its object column %.
-409 Invalid operand of a count function.
-410 The floating point literal % is longer than 30 characters.
-411 The keyword USER cannot be used as specified.
-412 The SELECT clause of a subquery specifies multiple columns.
-413 Overflow occurred during data type conversion.
-414 The numeric column % is specified in a LIKE predicate.
-415 The corresponding columns, %, of the operands of a UNION do not have identical column descriptions.
-416 An operand of a UNION contains a long string column.
-417 A statement string to be prepared includes parameter markers as the operands of the same operator.
-418 A statement string to be prepared includes parameter markers in a SELECT clause.
-419 The result of decimal division has produced a negative scale.
-421 The operands of a UNION do not have the same number of columns.
-501 The cursor identified in a FETCH or CLOSE statement is not open.
-502 The cursor identified in an OPEN statement is already open.
-504 The cursor name % is not defined.
-507 The cursor identified in the UPDATE or DELETE statement is not open.
-508 The cursor identified in the UPDATE or DELETE statement is not positioned on a row.

Description: You attempted to update a record that could not be found. The row being processed may have had a foreign key, which did not represent an active record at the time the statement was processed. You may also receive this error when inserting a row into a nested table.

Response: Check the source of the foreign key. Data associated with this key may have been deleted or incorrectly entered.

-509 The table identified in the UPDATE or DELETE statement is not the same table designated by the cursor.
-510 The table designated by the cursor of the UPDATE or DELETE statement cannot be modified.
-514 The CURSOR % is NOT in a PREPARED state.
-516 The DESCRIBE statement does NOT identify a PREPARED statement.
-517 CURSOR % cannot be used because its statement name does NOT identify a prepared SELECT statement.
-518 The EXECUTE statement does not identify a valid PREPARED statement.
-551 % does not have the privilege to perform operation % on object %.
-554 An authorization ID cannot grant a privilege to itself.
-555 An authorization ID cannot revoke a privilege from itself.

Messages -601 through -927

Number Message text
-601 The name of the object to be created is identical to the existing name % of the object type %.
-604 Definition of column, %, specifies an invalid length, precision or scale attribute.

Description: The column definition data format must be within the following ranges to succeed:

  • CHARACTER: 1 to 255
  • DECIMAL or NUMERIC: 1 to 15

    The scale specified for a DECIMAL or NUMERIC field must be an integer value less than the specified precision.

  • FLOAT: 1 to 56
-612 % is a duplicate column name.
-802 % exception has occurred during % % processing
Description: This message is for arithmetic errors such as the following:
  • EXPONENT OVERFLOW exception has occurred during FLOATING POINT ADDITION processing
  • FIXED POINT OVERFLOW exception has occurred during INTEGER ADDITION processing.
-803 One or more insert or update values are invalid because they violate uniqueness constraints.
-811 The result of a subquery is more than one value.
-815 A GROUP BY clause is specified in a subquery.
-904 Unsuccessful execution caused by an unavailable resource reason %, type of resource %, and resource name %.

Description: Your SQL DDL or DML cannot be executed because an SQL object you require is locked by another user.

For example, you are trying to execute DML or DDL against an object whose state is required to be unchanged for some DML statement preparation. Or, another user is executing DDL against an object you are trying to update with your DDL or reference with DML.

When the resource conflict involves your SQL DML and another user's SQL DML, the error code message reports the following information:

reason "enqueue conflict"
type "record"
name name of file involved

When the resource conflict involves SQL DDL (except as described below), the error code message reports the following information:

reason "enqueued" or "locked exclusively"
type "T" (table), "V" (view), or "S" (schema)
name name of SQL object involved

When the resource conflict involves your SQL DDL against an object which is being referenced by an SQL DML catalog query, the error code message reports the following information:

reason "enqueue conflict"
type "record"
name "CCACAT"
-913 Unsuccessful statement execution caused by deadlock or timeout. Reason code%, type of resource%, and resource name %.
-920 Internal logic error. Wrong state of a terminal node.
Response: Check the Model 204 audit trail for other errors or information. Contact Technical Support.
-921 Internal logic error. Wrong state End of a non-terminal node.
Response: Check the Model 204 audit trail for other errors or information. Contact Technical Support.
-922 Internal logic error. Wrong state not Fetch of a non-terminal node.
Response: Check the Model 204 audit trail for other errors or information. Contact Technical Support.
-923 Internal logic error. Wrong state Next of a top node.
Response: Check the Model 204 audit trail for other errors or information. Contact Technical Support.
-924 Internal logic error. Wrong state Next of a right child node.
Response: Check the Model 204 audit trail for other errors or information. Contact Technical Support.
-925 Internal logic error. Wrong state End of a non-terminal node.
Response: Check the Model 204 audit trail for other errors or information. Contact Technical Support.
-926 Internal logic error. Wrong state End of a left child node.
Response: Check the Model 204 audit trail for other errors or information. Contact Technical Support.
-927 Internal logic error. Wrong state End of a non-terminal node.
Response: Check the Model 204 audit trail for other errors or information. Contact Technical Support.

Messages -1001 through -1053

Number Message text
-1001 M204_message_text
Description: Your error has more to do with Model 204 database management than with SQL processing.
  • When M204_message_text is returned, it is the Model 204 error number and message associated with this error.
  • However, sometimes M204_message_text is not returned. In that case, check the Model 204 audit trail to determine the specific Model 204 error.

Response: See the Rocket Model 204 Messages Manual for more information about the specific error.

-1003 Record locking conflict.
-1005 Memory allocation error; subsystem %, module %. Increase LHEAP parameter.
Description: The subsystem and module names here may be generic items in the text. Memory allocation error means the size of the C heap must be increased. This error is comparable to the Model 204 message: Insufficient space to store the procedure.

Response: Increase the LHEAP parameter in CCAIN stream and retry.

-1006 Internal program logic error in subsystem %, module %. Please check CCAUDIT for detail.
-1007 Inadequate Server Space: %
Description: % token is NTBL, QTBL, etc.
-1008 IFAM error encountered; canceling SQL request.
-1011 Attempt to establish more than one connection.
-1012 All MODEL 204 connections are busy.
-1013 Operation cannot be accomplished without a connection to MODEL 204.
-1015 SQL-IFAM buffer full: %.

Description: The SQL processor requires a special internal IFAM input/output buffer for compiling and evaluating SQL requests. Most Model 204 database actions are performed through this SQL-IFAM interface. An SQL-IFAM interface routine did not have enough space to store data in this buffer.


Either reduce one of the following:

  • The total length of a row fetched from Model 204
  • The total length of the indexed terms in the WHERE clause of an SQL query
  • The total data length of an insert or update query

Or increase the following:

-1016 Total length of data too long for nested table searched update. Limit=%, len=%.
-1017 Internal table overflow.

Description: SQL internal processing generates calls to IFAM routines. During compilation of an SQL statement, information about these calls is stored in a table. The statement you issued filled the table that stores calls to IFAM. You cannot reset the size of this table.

Response: Simplify the statement or break it into more than one statement.

-1018 Communication error with MODEL 204.
-1019 Connection to MODEL 204 has been dropped.
-1030 SQL table % is inaccessible, as attempt to open the underlying MODEL 204 file has failed.
-1050 Invalid argument.
-1051 Internal error.
-1053 Too many FILES referenced in a statement with serializability requested.

Messages -2007 through -2089

Number Message text
-2007 Number of parameters on select into doesn't match result table.
-2008 Only one item on IN list.
-2009 Invalid IN list element.
-2010 Elements on IN list not comparable types.
-2016 Subject and object of IN test not comparable.
-2017 Subject and object of quantified comparison not comparable.
-2019 Invalid escape character in LIKE test.
-2020 Operands in BETWEEN test not comparable.
-2027 Duplicate exposed names in FROM list.
-2033 Set function illegal within update value.
-2036 No operators allowed when outer reference in set function argument.
-2037 Set functions supported only on columns.
-2039 Set functions in grouped joins not supported.
-2040 HAVING not supported.
-2041 DISTINCT not supported.
-2042 USER literal not supported.
-2043 Arithmetical operations on set functions not supported.
-2044 Set functions supported only in SELECT clauses.
-2045 Quantified comparison not supported.
-2046 EXISTS test not supported.
-2047 No joins allowed with ORDER BY.
-2048 Expressions are not supported in ORDER BY list.
-2049 IN SELECT clause not supported.
-2050 ORDER BY with GROUP BY is not supported.
-2051 Invalid escape character in LIKE test.
-2052 Column % illegal as used.

Description: For example, you cannot issue a SELECT * if one of the columns is defined as INVISIBLE.

-2053 NULL not allowed in object column %.
-2055 Invalid cursor name.
-2056 Stack overflow during parse of SQL statement.

Description: The internal stack used for parsing an SQL statement has been exhausted. This can occur if the number of columns specified in the SELECT list exceeds 400.

Response: Review the SQL statement accordingly.
-2057 The special table CCACAT cannot be updated.
-2060 Syntax error in % at position %

Description: Any general syntax error in an SQL statement. For example,

SQL ERROR -2060: Syntax error in query specification at position 37: CCACAT.QASQL???.CUSTOMER

-2061 The view definition contains illegal use of parameter markers.
-2062 The view definition for % contains a reference to itself.
-2063 The qualifying schema is not compatible with the containing schema name.
-2064 A view from a UNION, specified in the FROM clause of the query specification must be the only table specified.
-2065 View with a UNION cannot be referenced in a DML statement with a UNION.
-2066 Not more than one view referenced in DML statement can use the UNION operator.
-2067 The UNION operator is only supported in at most 1 level of view references.
-2068 Illegal use of the CAST operator.
-2069 The column % cannot be updated because it is a nested key or inserted because it is a system key.
-2070 The column % cannot be updated because it is a SORT or HASH key.
-2071 A grouped view cannot be used with a WHERE, GROUP BY, or HAVING clause or with set functions.
-2072 Unsupported use of an invisible column.
-2073 A dyadic operator may not be applied to a distinct set function.
-2074 A view with DISTINCT can only be used with SELECT *.
-2075 A view with a UNION cannot be referenced in a subquery.
-2076 A view with DISTINCT or an aggregating view cannot be joined to another table.
-2078 UNION views cannot be used in aggregating types of queries.
-2079 Invalid (Inner) Join specifications.
-2080 Invalid Cross Join specifications.
-2081 Invalid Natural Join specifications.
-2082 Invalid Left (outer) Join specifications.
-2083 Invalid Right (outer) Join specifications.
-2084 Invalid Full (outer) Join specifications.
-2085 Unknown Join functions.
-2086 Invalid join syntax.
-2087 Invalid scope of join qualifier(s).
-2088 Multiple parent tables in join qualifier(s).
-2089 A nested table tablename in an outer join is not supported.

Messages -3015 through -3103

Number Message text
-3015 Order-by items must appear in the select-list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.
-3102 The statement contains too many subqueries in a HAVING clause.
-3103 The argument of a set function (e.g. SUM, MIN, MAX) is too complex.

Messages -4000 through -4703

Number Message text
-4000 Attempt to update or delete with no current row.
-4001 Internal program logic error: unknown command.
-4002 Constraint violation.
-4007 Bad data for M204 pre-allocated fields.
-4009 CCATEMP full.
-4010 Unable to reserve private buffer for sort.
Description: An SQL sort process cannot reserve enough private buffers to initiate or continue sorting. The SQL processor invokes one or more sort processes for a given SQL query if the SQL query contains one of the following keywords or keyword combinations:

< > ALL
<> ANY
UNION, except UNION ALL keywords.

The SQL processor also invokes sort processes during a searched update of nested tables with unique columns. When you select from more than one table, the SQL processor may also invoke an SQL sort process.

To minimize the use of shared resources, the SQL processor may invoke, suspend, resume, or terminate an unspecified number of sort processes for one SQL query. Each active sort process requires seven Model 204 private buffers reserved for it while an inactive (suspended) sort requires none.

A user in a swapped-out state does not have private buffers reserved. Currently, the SQL query processor allows two active sort processes for each user.

Response: Set the value of MINBUF in CCAIN to:


Depending on how busy the system is, a smaller MINBUF value may or may not cause an error.

-4011 An update failed. Please check CCAAUDIT for detail.
-4012 AT-MOST-ONE violation. (M204 field level constraint)
-4013 Null column value detected in a nested table row.
-4014 Null value found during multi-column key construction.
-4015 Dirty data found in a FETCH. SQL cannot skip rows.
Description: Data fetched does not match the SQL column definition. There are two possible explanations for this error:
  • The User 0 parameter SQLCNVER has been set to cause error reporting of data conversion errors occurring during fetching. This setting implies that the user expects clean data, and that unsuitable data indicates a corrupted file.
  • The User 0 parameter SQLCNVER is set to allow rows containing unsuitable data to be skipped. (The implication is that the user knows the file contains data that does not match the SQL definition, but wishes to retrieve data that does match.)

    The specific statement causing the error requires that the row be present to proceed and overrules the SQLCNVER parameter setting. For example, a searched update fetches the row before it updates it. If the row is unavailable due to data exception, the update operation cannot be completed.

-4016 Table reference to a label in a subquery is lost.
-4017 Nested table reference to a label in a subquery is lost.
-4701 Rules of mapping SQL primary / nested keys to MODEL 204 fields violated.
-4702 Rules of mapping SQL multicolumn unique constraints to MODEL 204 fields % violated.
-4703 Rule of mapping FOREIGN KEY to MODEL 204 field % violated.

Messages -5001 through -5541

Number Message text
-5001 Catalog file CCACAT not found, not opened, or not accessed. SQL processing not possible.
Description: An attempt to open the SQL catalog file (CCACAT) has failed. CCACAT must be opened as a Model 204 file and be accessible to any user who logs in to use an SQL application.

Response: Try to log in again. Notify your system manager.

-5002 Invalid data in SQL catalog: description.
Description: An inconsistent record was found in CCACAT.

Response: Notify the system manager. The system manager must reissue the DDL definition of the affected SQL object.

-5499 Data type mismatch in mapping column %.% to invisible MODEL 204 field fieldname. The column is impossible to use.
Description: The mapping of the data types of the named column and field does not preserve the Model 204 index required for the use of the INVISIBLE fields.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the field to bring the Model 204 field attributes in synch with the SQL data type of the mapped column.
-5500 Data type mismatch in mapping column % to MODEL 204 field %. Table B search and file lock may be implied in %.
Description: The mapping of the data types of the named column and field does not preserve the Model 204 index required for the operation you are attempting against this column.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use the DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE statements to bring the SQL column data type in synch with the Model 204 field data type.
  • Redefine the field to bring the Model 204 field attributes in synch with the column data type.
-5511 Attribute mismatch: nested column % may not be mapped to invisible Model 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map a nested column to a Model 204 INVISIBLE field.

Response: Redefine the Model 204 field as VISIBLE.

-5512 Attribute mismatch: nested column % may not be mapped to UPDATE AT END Model 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map a column in a nested table to a Model 204 UPDATE AT END field.

Response: Redefine the Model 204 field as UPDATE IN PLACE.

-5513 Column %, used in a multi-column unique key, may not be mapped to invisible MODEL 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map a column with a multicolumn unique constraint to a Model 204 INVISIBLE field.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use the DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE statements to drop the constraint.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to VISIBLE.
-5516 Data type mismatch: integer column % may not be mapped to float len 4 MODEL 204 field %
Description: You cannot map an INTEGER column to a Model 204 FLOAT LEN 4 field. This is not allowed because data inserted by an SQL client that contains more than six decimal or 21 binary significant digits would be corrupted.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a BINARY or a FLOAT LEN 8 field (reorganize the file).
-5517 Data type mismatch: smallint column % may not be mapped to float len 4 MODEL 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map a SMALLINT column to a Model 204 FLOAT LEN 4 field. This is not allowed because data inserted by an SQL client that contains more than six decimal or 21 binary significant digits would be corrupted.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a BINARY or a FLOAT LEN 8 field (reorganize the file).
-5518 Data type mismatch: double or float column % with precision > 21 may not be mapped to float len 4 MODEL 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map DOUBLE columns or FLOAT columns with precision greater than 21 to Model 204 FLOAT LEN 4 fields. This is not allowed because data inserted by an SQL client that contains more than six decimal or 21 binary significant digits would be corrupted.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a FLOAT LEN 8 field (reorganize the file).
-5519 Data type mismatch: decimal or numeric column % with precision > 6 may not be mapped to float len 4 MODEL 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map DECIMAL or NUMERIC columns with precision greater than six to Model 204 FLOAT LEN 4 fields. This is not allowed because data inserted by an SQL client that contains more than six decimal or 21 binary significant digits would be corrupted.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a FLOAT LEN 8 field (reorganize the file).
-5528 Data type mismatch: double, real, or float column % may not be mapped to binary MODEL 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map DOUBLE, REAL, or FLOAT columns to Model 204 BINARY fields. This is not allowed because non-integer data inserted by an SQL client would be corrupted.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a FLOAT field of sufficient length (reorganize the file).
-5529 Data type mismatch: decimal or numeric column % with scale > 0 may not be mapped to binary MODEL 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map DECIMAL or NUMERIC columns with scale greater than zero to Model 204 BINARY fields. This is because non-integer data inserted by an SQL client would be corrupted.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a FLOAT field of sufficient length (reorganize the file).
-5530 Data type mismatch: decimal or numeric column % with precision > 9 may not be mapped to binary Model 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map DECIMAL or NUMERIC columns with precision greater than nine to Model 204 BINARY fields. This is because non-integer data inserted by an SQL client would be corrupted.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Depending upon the Model 204 indices, redefine the Model 204 field to a STRING field or a FLOAT LEN 8 field (reorganize the file).
-5535 Data type mismatch: character column % may not be mapped to float MODEL 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map CHARACTER columns to Model 204 FLOAT fields.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a STRING field (reorganize the file).
-5536 Data type mismatch: character column % may not be mapped to preallocated non-coded binary MODEL 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map a CHARACTER column to a preallocated NON-CODED BINARY Model 204 field. This is not allowed because existing coded data cannot be selected by an SQL client.

Response: Redefine the Model 204 field to a STRING or CODED field (reorganize the file).

-5537 Character column % is too long and may not be mapped to preallocated MODEL 204 field % with a shorter length.
Description: You cannot map a CHARACTER column to a Model 204 preallocated field with a shorter length. This is because data containing more than n (=preallocated max length) characters cannot be inserted by an SQL client.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a STRING field with a length longer than the column (reorganize the file) or to a CODED field.
-5538 Data type mismatch: double, real, or float column % may not be mapped to preallocated string MODEL 204 field %.
Description: You cannot map DOUBLE, REAL, or FLOAT columns to Model 204 preallocated STRING fields. This is because data in these types of columns would require a preallocated length of 87 or greater in Model 204.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a FLOAT field of sufficient length or to a non-preallocated STRING field (reorganize the file), or make the field CODED.
-5539 Integer or smallint column % may not be mapped to preallocated string MODEL 204 field % with length < 11.
Description: You cannot map an INTEGER or SMALLINT column to a Model 204 preallocated STRING field with LENGTH less than 11. This is because data containing more than ten significant decimal digits cannot be inserted by an SQL client.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a STRING field with a length greater than ten (reorganize the file) or make the field CODED.
-5540 Decimal or numeric column % may not be mapped to preallocated string MODEL 204 field % of insufficient length.
Description: You cannot map a DECIMAL or NUMERIC column to a Model 204 preallocated STRING field of insufficient length. This is because data containing too many significant decimal digits cannot be inserted by an SQL client.

Response: You can take one of these actions:

  • Use ALTER TABLE MODIFY to change the data type of the column.
  • Redefine the Model 204 field to a STRING field with a longer length (reorganize the file) or make the field CODED.
-5541 Column % maps to Model 204 INVISIBLE field and may not be used in an ORDER BY clause

Messages -6002 through -6850

Number Message text
-6002 File % is already cataloged. CREATE TABLE rejected.
-6006 Conflicting schema qualification.
Description: The schema name in your CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, or GRANT statement does not match the current default schema name.

Response: If this statement is part of a CREATE SCHEMA statement, move it outside the CREATE SCHEMA statement. Ensure the correct default schema setting by issuing a SET SCHEMA statement at the start of your program. Reissue the DDL statement.

-6072 Incomplete or inconsistent referential constraint specification
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement that violates the rules of creating parent or nested tables and specifying foreign or nested keys. One of the following conditions may have caused this error:
  • No REFERENCES clause in a nested table
  • Mismatches between REFERENCES and NESTED clauses in a nested table
  • Empty foreign key column list

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement. Reissue the DDL statement.

-6103 Schema % already exists.
Description: A CREATE SCHEMA statement contains a schema name that is already in use. Schema names must be unique.

Response: If you are replacing the current schema, drop the existing schema before substituting a new schema. If you are retaining the original schema, give the new schema a new name. Correct the CREATE SCHEMA statement and reissue.

-6104 Table % already exists in schema %.
Description: A CREATE TABLE statement contains a table name that is already in use in the schema you have named. Table names within the same schema must be unique.

Response: If you are replacing the current table, drop the existing table before replacing it with a new table. If you are retaining the existing table, give the new table a new name. Use the SYSNAME clause to ensure valid table to file mapping. Correct the CREATE TABLE statement and reissue.

-6105 Column % already exists in table %.%.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement that included two or more columns with the same name; or you issued an ALTER TABLE ADD statement that contained a column name that already existed in the same table. Each column name within a table must be unique.

Response: If you are replacing the current column, drop the existing column before substituting a new column. Correct the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement and reissue.

If you are retaining the original column, give the new column a new name. Correct the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement and reissue.

-6200 Nested table must belong to same schema as its parent table.
Description: You tried to create a nested table using a parent table that belongs to a different schema.

Response: Ensure that the nested table is created in the same schema as its parent table. Reissue the DDL statements.

-6202 Mutually exclusive keywords specified: % and %.
Description: You issued a DDL statement that contains contradictory SQL keywords. The DDL compiler-validator cannot resolve this ambiguity.

Response: Correct the statement and reissue.

-6255 Nested key column may not be the only column of the nested table.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement that contains only a nested key in the table element list. Nested keys are simply a mapping to a real column (primary key) of a parent table. Consequently, your nested table contains no real columns.

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement by adding nested columns. Reissue the statement.

-6277 Nested tables can only be nested one level deep.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement in which the:
  • Table to be created is nested
  • Table specified in the REFERENCES clause for the nested key is also nested

Only one level of nesting is allowed.

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement or redesign your SQL application. Reissue the statement.

-6278 Unique or primary keys on nested tables are disallowed.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement in which:
  • The table to be created is nested
  • A PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE clause is also specified for the table to be nested

PRIMARY KEY is not allowed in a nested table.

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement or redesign your SQL application. Reissue the statement.

-6281 Primary key column cannot be dropped or modified because it is referenced in another table.
Description: You issued an ALTER TABLE statement that attempts to drop or modify the primary key column. This is not allowed because the table definition becomes incompatible with the definitions of tables nested in this table.

Response: Correct the ALTER TABLE statement or redesign your SQL application. Reissue the statement.

-6282 Nested key column cannot be dropped or modified.
Description: You issued an ALTER TABLE statement that attempts to drop or modify the nested key column. If this statement were allowed, the nested table and parent table definitions would be incompatible.

Response: Correct the ALTER TABLE statement or redesign your SQL application. Reissue the statement.

-6303 Table % does not have a primary key column.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement in which the:
  • Table to be created is nested
  • TABLE tablename is specified in the REFERENCES clause of the nested key of the table you are trying to create
  • TABLE tablename has no primary key defined; consequently, it cannot be a parent table

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement or redesign your SQL application. Reissue the statement.

-6304 Foreign key and primary key columns are not compatible.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement in which the:
  • Table to be created is nested
  • Data type of the nested key does not match the data type of the primary key of the parent table

This is invalid because key data types must match.

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement or redesign your SQL application. Reissue the statement.

-6306 Duplicate foreign key references.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement in which:
  • The table to be created is nested
  • Two or more REFERENCES clauses use the nested key of the table you are trying to create
  • The REFERENCES clauses do not match

If two or more REFERENCES clauses define a foreign key, they must match.

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement or redesign your SQL application. Reissue the statement.

-6307 Only one primary key can be defined per table.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement in which:
  • Two or more PRIMARY KEY clauses are included
  • Column names in these clauses do not match

This is invalid because only one primary key per table is allowed.

Response: Eliminate the extra PRIMARY KEY clauses in the CREATE TABLE statement. Reissue the statement.

-6313 SYSNAME cannot be specified with a foreign key of a nested table.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement in which the:
  • Table to be created is nested
  • Nested key definition of the table you are attempting to create contains a SYSNAME clause

Using a SYSNAME clause is not allowed because it could create
column-to-field mapping incompatibility. A nested key is simply a mapping to the primary key column of the parent table.

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement by discarding the SYSNAME clause in the nested key column definition. Reissue the statement.

-6314 A user-specified system key must be a primary key.
-6315 SYSNAME cannot be specified with PRIMARY KEY SYSTEM.
-6321 The referenced table must be an unnested base table.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement in which the:
  • Table to be created is nested
  • Table specified in the REFERENCES clause for the nested key is also nested

Only one level of nesting is supported.

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement or redesign your SQL application. Reissue the statement.

-6335 All columns in a unique constraint must be NOT NULL.
Description: You issued a CREATE TABLE statement in which:
  • The multicolumn UNIQUE constraint is present
  • Not all column definitions of the columns specified in the UNIQUE constraint column list contain a NOT NULL attribute

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement by specifying NOT NULL for each constraint column or by discarding the UNIQUE constraint. Reissue the statement.

-6350 Inconsistent language - only one language allowed per query
-6500 % % in the statement % is unknown or undefined.
Description: You issued a DDL statement that references an unknown or undefined SQL object. This may occur in one of the following situations:
  • This is a nested table definition and the referenced table definition has not been found. If this CREATE TABLE statement is a part of CREATE SCHEMA statement, the order of your CREATE TABLE statements may be incorrect.
  • This is a CREATE TABLE statement and the FOREIGN KEY column list, multicolumn UNIQUE column list, or PRIMARY KEY constraint column list contains a column that has not yet been defined. The column definition may be missing, or it may follow the constraint definition in the table element list instead of preceding it.

Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement by creating the parent table, correcting the order of table elements, or adding the missing column definition. Or correct the order of elements in the CREATE SCHEMA statement. Reissue the statement.

-6520 % % cannot be altered. It is referenced in a multicolumn unique constraint.
Description: You issued an ALTER TABLE statement in which you attempted to modify a column that is referenced in a multicolumn unique constraint.

Response: Correct the ALTER TABLE statement or drop the table and create another table. If you create a new table, remember that table privileges must be granted again. Reissue the statement.

-6530 % % cannot be dropped. You must leave at least one column in the table.
Description: You have attempted to drop the last column in a table, which is not allowed.
-6535 VIEW: % exceeds max allowed view of depth of %.
Description: You have too many levels of dependency like the following: the view is based on a view which is based on a view which is based on a view, and so on. Although the maximum number of levels is around 30, the recommended limit is four.
-6666 Semantic error in % SQL statement. % statement is aborted.
Description: There is a syntax error in your statement.

Response: Correct the statement and reissue.

-6680 The SQL catalog is logically inconsistent. % statement is aborted.
Description: There is a consistency problem with the SQL catalog.

Response: Notify the system manager. The system manager should disconnect the SQL threads, terminate the Online, and restore or repopulate the CCACAT file.

-6699 System information schema CATALOG cannot be dropped or modified.
Description: You issued a DDL statement that attempts to create, drop, or modify SQL objects in a reserved schema CATALOG or in an internal file. This is strictly prohibited.

Response: If you have any problems with the queriable views in the SQL catalog, contact Technical Support.

-6701 % % cannot be dropped due to reference in %.
-6702 A parent table may not be dropped before its children.
Description: You attempted to issue a DROP TABLE statement in which:
  • The table definition contains a PRIMARY KEY clause
  • A nested table exists which references the table you attempted to drop
-6802 View % not created because it references table to view % for which % does not have SELECT privilege.
Description: You do not have the authority to create this view.

Response: Issue SET USER ownerid, where ownerid is authorization id of the owner of the SQL object; GRANT the required privilege to userauthid; then issue SET USER userauthid. Then reissue the DDL statement.

-6850 The % statement had no effect: %.
Description: No action was taken on the DDL statement you issued.

Response: Correct the statement and reissue.

Messages -7003 through -7502

Number Message text
-7003 A value cannot be assigned to a host variable due to internal data type conversion errors.
-7110 Insufficient memory in ONLINE region for internal IFAM buffer.
-7121 Statement '%' is already in use.
Description: An attempt was made to name a prepared statement that already refers to a prepared statement. The result was an internal error. When using the COBOL API, or SQL CLI, the names are machine generated.

Response: Contact Technical Support.

-7126 No such statement 'statement'.
Description: An attempt was made to use a previously prepared statement that does not exist. The result was an internal error. When using the COBOL API, or SQL CLI, the names are machine generated.

Response: Contact Technical Support.

-7128 Statement % already has a cursor open on it.
-7129 Statement ' %' already has a cursor open on it.
-7131 Invalid parameter type, variable '%'.
-7132 Invalid parameter length, variable '%'.
-7133 Invalid parameter precision, variable '%'.
-7134 Invalid parameter scale, variable '%'.
-7136 Parameter type conversion error, variable '%'
-7137 Char parm value gets truncated, variable '%'.
Description: An attempt was made to use parameter substitution to insert a CHARACTER value longer than that defined for the column. number identifies which statement variable (counting from the statement beginning) associated with the data truncation.

Response: Make sure the length of your data and the SQL catalog-defined length of the column are consistent.

-7138 Numeric parm value loses significance, variable '%'
-7160 %x version of the SQL client is not compatible with the MODEL 204 online in use.
Description: You are using a version of Connect-Star that does not work with the version of the Model 204 Online that you have.

Response: Ensure that you are using the correct version of your software. If this error occurs erratically, it can indicate memory corruption in the COBOL API, or the SQL CLI. Contact Technical Support.

-7161 Unsupported isolation level (%).
-7163 Invalid SQLCNVER-parameter override switch (%).
-7170 Attempt to re-INITIALIZE SQL thread. Please contact Customer Support.
Description: There was an attempt to initialize the current thread when it was already initialized. This is most likely due to memory corruption in Model 204 or a synchronization problem within the client interface.

Response: Contact Technical Support.

-7171 Attempt to use SQL thread without proper initialization.
Description: Although an SQL thread has been allocated, an initialize operation failed, making the thread unusable for the current and subsequent SQL requests. In this case, the reason for failure would have been detailed by a previous error code (such as -5001, -5002, -7060, or -7110).

Response: If this error occurs repeatedly, it can indicate memory corruption in Model 204 or a synchronization problem within the client interface. Contact Technical Support.

-7181 Cursor '%' is already in use.
-7184 The cursor identified in a DROP statement is open.
-7187 Cursor '%' has already been fetched to completion.
-7188 Statement '%' does NOT have WHERE POSITIONED clause.
-7189 Statement '%' has WHERE POSITIONED clause.
-7300 No memory for statement '%'.
Description: Insufficient memory exists within the Model 204 SQL Server to allocate an entry in the prepared-statements list for this statement.

Response: Increase the LHEAP parameter in the CCAIN stream and cycle the Online. If using the SQL CLI, you can instead restructure your program so that it issues an SQLFreeStmt() with the SQL_DROP option to reclaim storage from other statements that are no longer needed.

-7301 No memory for cursor '%'.
Description: Insufficient memory exists within the Model 204 SQL Server to allocate an entry in the declared-cursors list for this cursor.

Response: Increase the LHEAP parameter in the CCAIN stream and cycle the Online. If using the SQL CLI, you can restructure your program so that it issues an SQLFreeStmt() with the SQL_CLOSE option to reclaim storage from other cursors that are no longer needed.

-7302 No memory for execution of statement '%'.
Description: Insufficient memory exists within the Model 204 SQL Server to allocate storage needed to execute this statement.

Response: Increase the LHEAP parameter in the CCAIN stream and cycle the Online. If using the SQL CLI, you can restructure your program so that it issues SQLFreeStmt() calls to reclaim storage from other statements or cursors that are no longer needed, because storage is taken from the same pool (LHEAP) as the needed storage.

However, keep in mind that a one-to-one correspondence between the need for memory to execute a given statement and the size of the statement and cursor list entries does not exist.

-7333 DDL statement '%' has already been executed.
-7335 DDL statement may not be PREPAREd.
-7342 DML transaction in progress. DDL disallowed until COMMIT/ROLLBACK.
-7400 The SQL Client Front End being used is newer than the MODEL 204 ONLINE. Request type % is not available. Please contact Customer Support.
Description: The SQL client you are using is a later release than your Model 204 Online. This request type is not available.

Response: Contact Technical Support.

-7403 The SQL Client Front End being used is newer than the MODEL 204 level % and level % was requested. Please contact Customer Support.
Description: The SQL client you are using is a later release than your Model 204 Online. This type of request is available in release online-level-number, but you requested release req-level-number.

Response: Contact Technical Support.

-7501 Attempt to skip past end of request-packet. Please contact Customer Support.
Description: An SQL client request required that Model 204 carry out multiple operations to accomplish a user's SQL request. Some of these operations are conditional on the outcome of others. While one of these conditions was met, a branch specification was invalid because of memory corruption or an internal error within the SQL client interface.

Response: Contact Technical Support.

-7502 Communication type code received is invalid. Code received is %.

See also

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