Downloading and installing client (workstation) files

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How can the client files be downloaded?

Files for client (workstation) files can be loaded by clicking on the link for a particular file with the right mouse button. This will (on most browsers) bring up a pop-up menu that will have an option Save Link As, Save target As, Save As, or something similar. Select this option, and then set the appropriate target directory (and name if desired) for the file. The file will then be downloaded to the indicated location.

Alternatively, click the left mouse button on the link for a file. This will result in the browser prompting the user whether the file should be saved, where it should be saved, and under what name. Some browsers prompt for this information before the file is actually downloaded; others prompt for it after. Obviously, those that prompt after will present a considerable delay before the prompt. Opera actually prompts as soon as it receives the file header but continues downloading while waiting for the user response. The downloaded files can be 8 megabytes or bigger. This means that the actual download can take several minutes, depending on the size of object file and the speed of the network link to Sirius's web server.

Where can more documentation be found?

All the manuals for Rocket M204 products can be found on the Model 204 documentation page. Of particular interest if you are doing a Sirius Mods install is the Sirius Mods Installation Guide.

Is there any other help available?

As always, if you have any questions about the installation of Rocket M204 products, you should not hesitate to call our technical support number at +1.800.755.4222. You can also e-mail us at [].