Host (Email property)

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This method retrieves or sets the host name of the SMTP server host.

Host syntax

%email:Host = hostname %curr = %email:Host

Syntax terms

%email A previously declared Email object.
hostname The host name or dotted IP address of the SMTP server host.
%curr A string or longstring variable to contain the current value of the

Host property.

Usage Notes

  • The initial value of this property is a null string. This means that Mail method invocations will try to use the REMOTE host name (if present) from the Janus client socket port definition. If the Janus client port does not have a REMOTE definition that specifies a TCP host name, you must set this Host property to the correct value for the target SMTP server host.
  • If you set the Host property value, and the Janus client socket port you are using has a host value defined, your Host property value must match the host value on the client port.

Mail (Email function)

This callable method sends the mail message to an SMTP server.

Mail syntax

[%rc =] %email:Mail([clientport], [cancel])

Syntax terms

%rc If specified, a numeric variable to contain the return code.

A value of 0 indicates success; a value of 1 indicates a communication error. If some other unexpected content is present or event occurs, %rc will contain the return code sent from the SMTP server. These codes are listed in "SMTP server codes".

%email A previously declared Email object.
clientport An optional string expression that identifies a previously

defined Janus CLSOCK port. The clientport default is the MASTER port, if any is defined. However, if you omit clientport and no MASTER port is defined, the request is cancelled (subject to the cancel setting).

cancel An optional numeric expression that controls whether the request is

cancelled if a communication/socket error occurs:

  • If zero, the request is not cancelled on these errors.
  • If non-zero, the request is cancelled (though a message is still issued).
  • If not specified, the default is to cancel the request.

Usage Notes

  • The SMTP Helper adds a “Date:” header to an Email object instance by default if you do not explicitly add one with AddHeader. If a Date header is present at the time the mail method is invoked, it is left intact. The Date header generated by the SMTP Helper uses the system clock (usually GMT), adjusted by the GMT offset specified in the OS system parameters.
  • For Mail method examples, see "Basic e-mail" and "E-mail with attachment".