InvalidHexData class

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The InvalidHexData exception class describes an exception associated with finding non-hexadecimal data where hexadecimal data was expected, usually when translating the hexadecimal data to something else.

To produce an InvalidHexData exception yourself, you typically use a User Language Throw statement with an InvalidHexData New constructor. This statement must be issued from within a method, and it can only be caught by the code that calls the method. For example, the following statement throws an InvalidHexData exception with the position set to 1:

throw %(invalidHexData):new(position=1)

For an example of how you might catch an InvalidHexData exception, see Example, below.

The InvalidHexData methods

The following are the available InvalidHexData class methods.

NewCreate a new InvalidHexData object
PositionInput string position where non-hexadecimal character found

The methods in the class are described in the subsections that follow. In addition:

New constructor

Create a new InvalidHexData object (InvalidHexData class)

This Constructor generates an instance of an InvalidHexData exception. As shown below, the required argument of the New method is a setting of the Position property.


%invalidHexData = [%(InvalidHexData):]New( Position= number)

Syntax terms

%invalidHexData A reference to an instance of an InvalidHexData object.
[%(InvalidHexData):] The class name in parentheses denotes a Constructor.
Position This name required parameter specifies the numeric value (number) for the position to be assigned to the InvalidHexData exception object's Position property when a data error is encountered.

Position property

Input string position where non-hexadecimal character found (InvalidHexData class)

This ReadOnly property is the position in the (expected) hexadecimal string where a non-hexadecimal character was found.


%number = invalidHexData:Position

Syntax terms

%number This numeric value is the position in the hexadecimal string where a non-hexadecimal character was found. %number will be 0 (zero) if the exception was caused because the method object string contained an odd number of characters.
invalidHexData A reference to an instance of an InvalidHexData object.


The following statements catch an InvalidHexData exception and print its position:

%target is object invalidhexdata try %myobject:mymethod catch invalidHexData to %target print '%target is ' %target:Position end try