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Display remote port status

This provides a detailed display of the current status of remote servers for specified portnames and/or remote server names.


JANUS STATUSREMOTE portname remotename


portname The name of the port whose remote server is to be monitored. portname defaults to asterisk (*) to display the status of remote servers for all ports.
remotename The name of the remote server to monitor. A blank or an asterisk displays the status for all remote servers.

Usage notes

  • JANUS STATUSREMOTE provides the following information:
    PORTNAME Name defined to the TCP/IP port.
    SERVERNAME Remote server associated with the port.
    SITEUI User number of the incoming site handler — always the same as SITEUO.
    SITEUO User number of the outgoing site handler — always the same as SITEUI.
    NCONNI Number of active logical connections on the port initiated by the remote server.
    NCONNO Number of active logical connections on the port initiated from within the current Model 204 address space.
    TCONNI Total number of connections over the port that have been initiated at the remote server.
    TCONNO Total number of connections over the port that have been initiated from within the current Model 204 address space.
  • Valid abbreviations for STATUSREMOTE are STATREM, STATREMOTE, and STATUSREM.
  • Here is sample output:

    Portname Servername SiteUI SiteUO NConnI NConnO TConnI TConnO AGENTS RS_6000 0 0 0 0 AGENTS MASTER 0 0 0 0


The following command displays the statuses of all remote servers for all defined ports:


See also