List of Janus Web Server $functions

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The following are the available Janus Web Server $functions.

See Notation conventions for methods for information about the conventions followed in the method descriptions.

$WEBDetermine whether running a web request
$WEB_BROWSERRetrieve browser version
$WEB_CERT_INFORetrieve client certificate information
$WEB_CERT_LEVELSDetermine number of client certificate levels
$WEB_CIPHERDetermine SSL cipher used on connection
$WEB_COOKIE_LENLength of cookie
$WEB_COOKIE_NAMEName of cookie
$WEB_COOKIE_PARMValue of cookie
$WEB_DATE, $WEB_DATEND, $WEB_DATENM, and $WEB_DATENSCurrent date as number
$WEB_DBCSModify DBCS output translation
$WEB_DEL_SELDelete a global select element
$WEB_DONESend Web response
$WEB_END_SESTerminate a logical login session
$WEB_END_SSLSESTerminate an SSL session
$WEB_EXPIRESet expiration date/time of Web response
$WEB_FILE_CONTENTRetrieve input contents
$WEB_FLUSHClear contents of Web response buffer
$WEB_FORM_ACTION_LENReturn action URL length
$WEB_FORM_DONESend Web Response for a Form
$WEB_FORM_LENLength of form field
$WEB_FORM_LINEValue of line in form field
$WEB_FORM_NAMEName of form field
$WEB_FORM_PARMValue of form field
$WEB_FORM_NUM_LINENumber of form field lines
$WEB_FORM_PARM_LENLength of form field
$WEB_FORM_PARM_LINEValue of line in form field
$WEB_FORM_PARM_LSTRValue of form field to longstring
$WEB_FORM_PARM_NUM_LINENumber of form field lines
$WEB_GET_COOKIEValue of cookie
$WEB_GET_COOKIE_LSTRValue of cookie to longstring
$WEB_HDR_LENLength of request header field
$WEB_HDR_NAMEName of request header field
$WEB_HDR_PARMValue of request header field
$WEB_HDR_PARM_LSTRValue of header parameter to longstring
$WEB_INPUT_CONTENTRetrieve input contents
$WEB_IPADDRIP address of browser
$WEB_ISINDEX_LENLength of isindex field
$WEB_ISINDEX_LINEValue of isindex field line
$WEB_ISINDEX_NAMEName of isindex field
$WEB_ISINDEX_NUM_LINENumber of isindex field lines
$WEB_ISINDEX_PARMValue of isindex field
$WEB_ISINDEX_PARM_LENLength of isindex field
$WEB_ISINDEX_PARM_LINEValue of isindex field line
$WEB_ISINDEX_PARM_LSTRValue of URL parameter to longstring
$WEB_ISINDEX_PARM_NUM_LINENumber of isindex field lines
$WEB_LAST_MODIFIEDSpecify date/time response last updated
$WEB_LENLength of isindex or form field
$WEB_LINEValue of isindex or form field line
$WEB_LIST_RECEIVEReceive uploaded file into $list
$WEB_LOGMSGGet saved logon message
$WEB_NAMEName of isindex or form field
$WEB_NOCACHESet HTTP response headers so fresh page displayed
$WEB_NUMNumber of isindex and form fields
$WEB_NUM_COOKIENumber of cookies in request
$WEB_NUM_FORMNumber of form fields with non-null data
$WEB_NUM_HDRNumber of fields in request header
$WEB_NUM_ISINDEXNumber of isindex fields
$WEB_NUM_LINENumber form or isindex field lines
$WEB_NUM_LOGMSGNumber of saved logon messages
$WEB_NUM_URL_PARMNumber of URL parameters
$WEB_OFFSuspend adding terminal output to response
$WEB_ONResume adding terminal output to response
$WEB_OUTPUT_CONTENTRetrieve current output stream
$WEB_OUTPUT_TYPERetrieve current output mime-type
$WEB_PARMValue of isindex or form field
$WEB_PARM_LENLength of isindex or form field
$WEB_PARM_LINEValue of isindex or form field line
$WEB_PARM_LSTRValue of URL parameter or form field to longstring
$WEB_PARM_NUM_LINENumber form or isindex field
$WEB_PASSWORDPassword sent by browser
$WEB_PORTName of current &JWEBS port
$WEB_PROC_RECEIVEReceive uploaded file into procedure
$WEB_PROCSENDAdd contents of procedure to response
$WEB_PROTOCOLGet security protocol being used for a request
$WEB_PUT_BIN, $WEB_PUT_BINARYAdd binary string to response buffer
$WEB_PUT_TEXTAdd text string to response buffer
$WEB_REALMSet web "realm" for "Unauthorized" response
$WEB_REDIRECTRe-route client to another server
$WEB_RESPONSESet HTTP response header parameter
$WEB_RESTORE_LISTRestore saved $list
$WEB_RESTORE_RECSETRestore saved set of records
$WEB_SAVE_LISTSave contents of a $list
$WEB_SAVE_RECSETSave set of records
$WEB_SAVE_SELSave a global select element
$WEB_SCREENSet 3270 to HTML mapping options
$WEB_SECURECheck if thread running on secure port
$WEB_SELBuild select options from global select element, selected is string
$WEB_SEL_CHECKCheck string against a global select element
$WEB_SELPBuild select options from global select element, selected from parameters
$WEB_SELP_CHECKCheck parameters against a global select element
$WEB_SELPSBuild select options from delimited list of strings, selected from parameters
$WEB_SELPS_CHECKCheck parameters against a delimited list of strings
$WEB_SELSBuild select options from delimited list of strings, selected is string
$WEB_SELS_CHECKCheck string against a delimited list of strings
$WEB_SELSPBuild select options from delimited list of strings, selected from parameters
$WEB_SELSP_CHECKCheck parameters against a delimited list of strings
$WEB_SET_COOKIESet a cookie
$WEB_SET_COOKIE_LSTRSet a cookie from a longstring
$WEB_SETChange certain web connection settings
$WEB_SUBSet delimiter for procedure text substitution
$WEB_TYPESet response content type
$WEB_URL_PARMValue of URL parameter
$WEB_URL_PARM_LENLength of URL parameter
$WEB_URL_PARM_LINELine of a URL parameter
$WEB_URL_PARM_LSTRLongstring URL parameter value
$WEB_URL_PARM_NAMEName of URL parameter
$WEB_URL_PARM_NUM_LINENumber of lines in a URL parameter
$WEB_USERUser ID sent by browser