MSIR.0394 RELATEd fields have different (info) in (type) date formats

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This message indicates that a SIRFIELD RELATE command was issued, and that the command could not succeed because the two fields have incompatible date formats.

'Info' can be:
I and * tokens
indicating they have incompatible "wild card" tokens. Formats must have the same number of I tokens and if either contains the * token, then the other one must as well.
indicating they do not specify the same units of time. For example, you cannot relate a field with format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS to a field with format YY/MM/DD, because the precision of the one is seconds but the precision of the other is days.
'Type' is one of the following:
indicating the incompatible formats were specified on the SIRFIELD FORMAT command
indicating the incompatible formats were specified on the ERROR clause of the SIRFIELD RELATE command
indicating the incompatible formats were specified on the ALTERNATES clause of the SIRFIELD RELATE command

The command is rejected.