MSIR.0605 Connection being debugged lost

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A statement that requires an open connect to a client (such as a $Web function or a Print statement) was invoked but the connection being debugged via JANUSDEBUG was closed. This statement is the equivalent of a M204.0564 CONNECTION TO USER LOST (PHONE WAS HUNG UP message when the request is not being run under JANUSDEBUG. Since the primary connection for a JANUSDEBUG thread is the 3270 thread, MSIR.0605 is issued in place of M204.0564 to prevent the 3270 thread from being restarted because a browser closed a connection.

This message could either because the client (most often a browser) closed the connection before it received a response or because of an application error that performs a web function after sending the response to the browser, that is, after it issued a $Web_Done, or a $Web_ProcSend without a MORE.