MSIR.0747 (error) during (action) in line (linenum), procedure (procname), file (filename)

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A severe error occurred while performing the indicated action with objects. The two possible errors are "Object $list full" or "CCATEMP full".

  • An "Object $list full" error suggests the use of too many objects in an application. Since the size limit of the object $list is approximately 3-gigabytes, this suggests either of these:
    • A loop in the application. If this is the case, correct the application.
    • An "extreme" application that is pushing the limits of the SOUL OO technology. If this is the case, contact Technical Support for ideas on how such an application might be better structured.
  • A "CCATEMP full" error suggests either a loop in the application, or an insufficient CCATEMP allocation for the Online. In the former case, In the latter, allocate more CCATEMP to the Online.