New (SortedRecordset constructor)

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Create a new SortedRecordset object (SortedRecordset class)

This shared function instantiates an empty instance of a SortedRecordset object.

Available as of Sirius Mods version 7.6, the New method is an alternative to using a Sort statement factory constructor, as described in "Declaration and instantiation".


%sortedRecordset = [%(SortedRecordset In filOrGrp name):]New

Syntax terms

%sortedRecordset A declared SortedRecordset object including its file/group context.
%(SortedRecordset) Either a parenthesized class name, as in %(SortedRecordset in file foo), or a non-parenthesized variable in the class, as in %sortedRecordset.

Usage notes

  • If you are creating an extension class of the SortedRecordset class, you can use New in the Construct statement in the extension class:

    class sordidSet extends sortedRecordset in sordid inherit ... constructor new construct %(sortedRecordset in sordid):new ... end constructor ... end class

    The Sort statement constructors cannot be used for this purpose.


  • The New constructor has no parameters and simply instantiates an empty instance of its class:

    %srs is object SortedRecordset in sordid ... %srs = new

See also