NoEmptyElement (XmlNode property)

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Suppress/produce empty tag when serializing this Element, if childless (XmlNode class)

NoEmptyElement indicates whether or not to serialize the method object XmlNode with a separate start tag and end tag instead of with a single empty-element tag if the node is childless. A Boolean value of True serializes with a separate start tag and end tag (for example, <address></address> versus <address/>). The default value, False, serializes childless nodes in the usual way, that is, with an empty-element tag.

NoEmptyElement may be specified for any Element node.


%currentBoolean = nod:NoEmptyElement nod:NoEmptyElement = newBoolean

Syntax terms

%currentBoolean The Boolean enumeration value of object nod's NoEmptyElement property.
nod An XmlNode object expression.
newBoolean The Boolean value to set for nod's NoEmptyElement property.

Usage notes

  • NoEmptyElement can be useful if you are using SOUL to generate XHTML. Tests show that some browsers work correctly for certain childless elements only if they have an empty element tag, and for other childless elements they work correctly only if there are separate start and end tags. Because of this inconsistency, you cannot obtain a "blanket" suppression of empty element tags via using the NoEmptyElt option of the serialization methods (for example, see the Serial method).


The node in the following fragment is serialized with a start and end tag:

%texta = %form:addElement('textArea') %texta:noEmptyElement = True %texta:addAttribute('name', 'foo') %texta:addAttribute('rows', '15') %texta:addAttribute('cols', '40') %texta:print

The result is:

<textArea name="foo" rows="15" cols="40"></textArea>

Request-cancellation errors (for set method)

This list is not exhaustive: it does not include all the errors that are request cancelling.

  • The newBoolean setting is an invalid value.

See also