SERVNSA parameter

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Non swappable server areas


Default value
Parameter type
Where set
On User 0's parameter line
Related products
Model 204 V7.4


The SERVNSA parameter, along with the SERVNSSZ parameter, control non-swappable server areas that are placed above the 2G bar.

Each server table to be allocated above the bar is controlled by a bit in SERVNSA; if the bit is on, the corresponding server table is allocated above the bar.

The bits are:

BitServer table placed above the bar
X'00800000'GTBL — requires version 7.5 or later of Model 204.
X'00004000'NTBL — requires version 7.5 or later of Model 204.
X'00002000'QTBL — requires version 7.5 or later of Model 204.
X'00080000'STBL — requires version 7.6 or later of Model 204.
X'00040000'VTBL — requires version 7.6 or later of Model 204.

SERVNSSZ (server non-swappable size) is the amount of space in bytes required for the above-the-bar server tables per user. The total amount of storage allocated for non-swappable server areas equals SERVNSSZ rounded to 4 K and multiplied by NUSERS. When sizing SERVNSSZ, it should accomodate the largest non-swappable table sizes that might be needed.

The SERVNSA parameter is new in version 7.4 of Model 204.

For more information about server tables above the bar, see the Rocket Model 204 System Manager's Guide.