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After data is updated in the single student view, the gradebook goes back to the score update matrix view that had been used to navigate to the single student view. In this way a teacher could bring up a score update matrix view and then go through some or all of the students in the view one at a time with minimal navigation.
After data is updated in the single student view, the gradebook goes back to the score update matrix view that had been used to navigate to the single student view. In this way a teacher could bring up a score update matrix view and then go through some or all of the students in the view one at a time with minimal navigation.
==Submitting grades==
At the end of a marking period, it is possible for a teacher to submit the grades in the gradebook which means that the score calculated for the marking period category is entered as students marks for the marking period and will be reported as such on report cards. It is possible to submit grades for a marking period when the following conditions are met:
<li>It is within two weeks of the end of the marking period or later.
<li>All students in a section of scores for all subcategories of the marking period mark category.
When these conditions are meth, a "Submit grades" link appears on the score update matrix page for a section. Clicking on that link allows the teacher to submit the grades.
One caution should be mentioned here. Just because a subcategory of the marking period mark has a calculated score does not necessarily mean that all scores for subcategories of that subcategory have been entered. For example, if a section consists of 10 quizzes and scores have been entered for 8 of them, the SIS gradebook will calculate a quiz score for each of the students and so allow the marks to be submitted even though scores have not been entered for two of the quizzes. Obviously, if a teacher forgets to even add a quiz to the gradebook layout  there'd be no way for the SIS gradebook to know there are missing scores anyway. The bottom line is that it is the teacher's responsibility to make sure that all appropriate scores have been entered for all students. The requirement that scores be entered or calculated for all subcategories of the marking period mark is only the roughest fail-safe against submitting incomplete marks. The good news is that if an error is discovered before report cards are printed, corrected marks can be resubmitted without any difficulty though, obviously, it's best to make sure marks are what they should be the first time they're submitted.
When a teacher clicks on the "Submit grades" link the score update matrix page is refreshed. However, the new view has some differences. Scores are no longer updatable, nor or comments, nor additional score information. In addition, there is a checkbox in front of each student's data indicating whether the student's mark is to be updated in SIS from the gradebook. If no marks have been entered for the section yet, all students' ''Submit'' checkbox should be checked.
A teacher can check or uncheck all students' ''Submit'' checkboxes by clicking on the word "All" or "None" in the "Submit" column header. After doing so, a teacher can check or uncheck individual student ''Submit'' checkboxes.
In the common case where a teacher is happy with all the marks calculated by the SIS gradebook, the teacher can just click on the ''Submit grades'' button and the marking period marks in SIS will immediately be updated with the marks calculated from the gradebook. If for some reason a student's calculated mark (the value in the Total column) needs to be overridden, the teacher can enter a mark into the Override input box. In such a case, the teacher can (and probably should) also click on the star in front of the Override input box and enter a comment that explains the reason for the override.
A teacher can also choose to only submit marks for some students but this is probably not such a great idea unless exceptional circumstances require it &mdash; like if for some reason single student's grades aren't ready yet but everyone else's are.
Marks can be submitted from the gradebook as often as needed. If marks have already been submitted for a student when the grade submission view of the score matrix is requested, the ''Submit'' checkbox will be unchecked for all students for whom resubmitting the marks from the gradebook will not change the student's mark. In the common case where marks were submitted from the gradebook, this means that only students who have had score changes would be checked s thoe score changes would change the calculated marks. If no students had score changes, all students' ''Submit'' checkboxes would be unchecked but a teacher can check one and then enter an override mark for he student. There really wouldn't be much point in checking a student's ''Submit'' checkbox otherwise though it would also probably be harmless.
The marks calculated and submitted by the SIS gradebook submit process are stored in the same place that marks entered by the SISWeb marks update pages. As such, grades submitted in the gradebook are visible on the marks pages and marks entered on the marks pages are visible in the gradebook. In general, updating marks in both places is a bad idea as it could lead to lots of confusion but, nevertheless, it '''is''' allowed.
===Final average submission===
The process of submitting final grades for a section is identical to that for marking period with the exception that it must be done from the final average gradebook score update matrix page which is typically accessible by clicking on the "Year-to-date" column header on any score update matrix page.
Some schools might calculate the final averages offline using the marking period marks submitted via the gradebook or entered in the SISWeb marks update pages. In such schools, there's no point in submitting the final average via the SIS gradebook and the SIS gradebook will not override final averages calculated via the offline (batch) calculator.

Revision as of 15:59, 3 August 2011


The SIS Gradebook is a web program that's integrated with the rest of SIS for Web and allows teachers to enter scores for student work in a course and to calculate marking period marks and a final average from those scores. SIS Gradebook is based on the concept of a "gradebook". A gradebook has two basic components:

  • A layout
  • Scores

A gradebook layout indicates the things students are scored on and how those scores are used to determine the students' marking period mark and final average. The things students are scored on are typically things like homework, quizzes, exams, papers, projects, class participation, and so on. Groups of scored items can be organized together as part of a category. For example, all homework assignments might be grouped into a homework category, and weekly quizzes might be group into a quizzes category. The SIS gradebook provides an arbitary level of categorization so that a homework category might contain a Civil War assignment which might contain indivually scored items for Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. Probably, most teachers won't go to that level of granularity but it is easy for teachers who wish to to do so.

The scores in a gradebook consist of the scores the students received for the items specified in the layout. Since the SIS gradebook is integrated with the rest of SIS, the students in a section will automatically be present in the gradebook for that section so all a teacher will need to do once an item is specified in the gradebook layout is enter the scores for that item. In addition to the simple score, teachers are also able to attach comments to a score, exclude the score for an individual student (for example for a medical absence or family emergency), or indicate some standard qualifiers for the score such as Late or Absent.

Each section in a course has its own gradebook for each marking period and, in fact, there is also a gradebook for the Final Average. The Final Average gradebook will almost always consist of the equally weighted marking period marks but might also contain additional items such as a final project or a Regents Exam (though teachers are generally discouraged from using Regents Exam grades as part of a course grade). Different marking period marks might also be weighted differently though his would probably be very unusual and should not be done casually.

Getting started

To get started using the gradebook, a teacher simply has to select "Gradebook" from the drop-down list in the teacher's list of courses and sections. The teacher will then enter the gradebook for the selected section. The first thing the teacher must do in this case is specify the final average gradebook layout. Fortunately, final average gradebook layouts are almost always the same or very similar, simply consisting of equally weighted marking marks. Because this is by far the most common final average gradebook layout, the SIS gradebook provides this as the default layout and all the teacher has to do is click on the "Save New Data Button" and the final average gradebook will be created for the section.

Linking section layouts

In addition to creating a final average gradebook for the selected section, this will create a final average gradebook layout for all sections for the same course, taught in the same marking periods by the same teacher. That is, if a teacher teaches three sections of AP US History in Marking Periods 1 and 2, creating a final average gradebook layout for one of those sections will create one for the other two. In fact, these gradebook layouts are said to be linked because any additions or changes to a gradebook layout for one of the sections will be reflected in the other sections. Since it's common for the same sections of the course to have the same assignments, quizzes, tests, and so on, this can be very convenient, saving the teacher the work of entering the same item in multiple gradebook layouts.

If, however, a teacher has different assignments for different sections of the same course, this linking of gradebook layouts can be more a hindrance than a help. In such a case, the teacher can unlink the sections by clicking on the Unlink checkboxes on the gradebook layout page. These Unlink checkboxes only appear in the layout page for the final average and the marking period marks and do no appear on the layout pages for subcategories (more on this later). Be careful — if you unlink section layouts you can never link them back together again. While not the end if the world, it means that the teacher has to enter assignments separately for each of the unlinked gradebook layouts.

If a course consists of two sections, it's simple to unlink them. Simply go to the gradebook layout update page for the final average or marking period and click on Unlink. If there are multiple sections, it can be trickier to unlink sections. If a teacher is looking at section 002 that's linked to sections 003 and 004, unlinking only section 003, leaves sections 002 and 004 still linked and 003 unlinked from both of them. Unlinking both 003 and 004 would result in section 002 not being linked to any section and 003 and 004 still linked. A teacher could then go into section 003 or 004's layout update page and unlink the other to make all sections unlinked. All this said, the recommendation is to keep sections linked to save work.

The final average score entry page

Once the new final average gradebook layout is saved, the SIS gradebook will present the teacher with a page showing the scores that make up the final average. These scores will, of course, include the marking period marks. Of course, since there have been no scores entered yet, all scores will be blank and, since marking period marks are calculated from their gradebooks, it will not be possible to enter scores on the final average scores page.

Instead, the teacher should click on the link for the Marking period mark for which he or she wishes to define a gradebook layout (probably the earliest one). Since this is the first time the teacher has worked with the gradebook for the section, there will be no gradebook layout for the marking period so the SIS gradebook layout will take the teacher to the page to define the the marking period's gradebook layout. Because there is no definitive set of scored items that make up a marking period mark, none are assumed by the SIS gradebook. However, there are some common ones like quizzes, homework, exams, and class participation that the SIS gradebook provides for easy selection. To select one of these categories, the teacher simply has to uncheck the Remove checkbox in front of the item. The teacher can also add a new item by typing in the name of the new item in one of the empty Description boxes on the page. Once the teacher saves the gradebook layout for the marking period, it becomes possible to start entering scores for the marking period. More details about the gradebook layout follow. One important thing to keep in mind is that it is possible to change the gradebook layout after scores have been entered for the section. The one exception to this is that a gradebook layout item for which scores have been entered cannot be removed. However, if for some reason a teacher wishes not to use an item for which scores have been entered, the teacher can:

  • Delete all the scores for the item and then remove the item from the layout.
  • Exclude the scores from the mark calculation on the score input page.
  • Set the weight of the item to 0.

In any case, the point is that the teacher is not locked into a layout at any point and has a lot of flexibility in changing the layout as the marking period proceeds.

Gradebook layout update

The gradebook layout update page allows a teacher to enter the items that are scored and then used to calculate student marks for the marking period. These items are called categories. As the name suggests a category can consist of items that are each individually scored. These items are subcategories of the containing category. For example, "Hamlet quiz" might be a subcategory of the category "Quizzes". The marking period mark can be thought of the outermost category that contains the categories that are used to calculate the marking period mark. Those categories themselves can also contain subcategories some of which can contain subcategories. The gradebook layout update page only allows updating of one category and its subcategories. When a teacher is happy with the changes on the gradebook layout update page, the teacher can click on the "Save updates" button or simply hit the Enter key, though on most browsers hitting the Enter key has no effect unless the cursor is inside an input field.

Each category has a description which is simply text that describes the category. Some standard categories such a "Midterm Exam", "Regents Exam', or "Marking Period Exam" cannot have their descriptions changed but for all other categories, thee description can be whatever the teacher wishes. The descriptions must be unique within a gradebook so a teacher can't have two categories both called Quiz. At the very least the teacher should distinguish them by calling them "Quiz 1" and "Quiz 2" or perhaps "Quiz on" followed by the date in which the quiz was given.

On the gradebook layout update page, every category has a checkbox next to it that indicates whether or not the category can have subcategories. If not checked, the category cannot have subcategories added to it and scores can and must be entered directly for that category. If, on the other hand, the checkbox is checked indicating that a category has subcategories, those subcategories must be added using the gradebook layout update page. To get to the gradebook layout update page for a category that has subcategories, simply click on the Place of interest symbol (⌘) next to the category name on any gradebook page on which the name appears. Scores cannot be entered directly for a category with subcategories. Instead, scores must be entered for the subcategories and the the category's score is calculated from the subcategory scores based on the rules in the category's layout. Once a category has subcategories, the subcategories checkbox cannot be unchecked. Of course, if all the subcategories are removed, then it becomes possible to uncheck the subcategories checkbox.

Every category can also have an assigned date. This date is currently not used for anything though might appear on the parent/student view of the gradebook in the future and might be useful to the teacher.

If a category does not have subcategories, it must have a Date due entered, with one exception. This date is also not currently used for anything but might appear on the parent/student view of the gradebook in the future. The one exception to the requirement that a subcategory with no subcategories must have a Date due is the case where the containing category has a date due set, in which case that due date is also assumed for the subcategories. An example of where this might be used is if a teacher has a final paper due on a certain date but enters the scores for the paper as three separate subcategories: "Originality", "Grammar", and "Reasoning". The Assigned Date and Date Due dates can be manually entered in MM/DD/YY (month, day, year) format or selected from the calendar by clicking on the calendar icon next to the date input area or hitting the PgDn (Page Down) key when the cursor is in the grade input area. If both are specified, the Date Due cannot be before then Date Assigned and the dates for either of these must be inside the marking period cntaining the category or the previous marking period. The latter should be rare but can occur if students must hand in an assignment or quiz right at the end of a marking period but the teacher won't be able to grade it before the marking period marks are finalized.

Max Score and Weight

When students receive a score for a subcategory, that score's meaning depends on the maximum possible score for that category. For example, a student might receive a score from 0 to 10 on an assignment, or 0 to 20, or 0 to 100. A score of 10 means something very different depending on the maximum score.

In addition, a score for a subcategory has a particular weight. The weight indicates how important the score is in determining the score for the containing category. A subcategory with a weight of 2 will count twice as much as one with a weight of 1. It is the relative weights of the subcategories that is important, not the absolute values. So giving two subcategories weights of 1 and 2 is identical to giving them weights of 10 and 20, at least in determining their relative importance.

While the SIS gradebook allows arbitrary values for the maximum score and weights of subcategories in a category, there are really two basic models used in practice. One is that all subcategories have the same maximum score (often 100) but have different weights indicating their importance. A common special case of this is that the weights are actually percentages of the category grade that the subcategories make up. This is common in the "Marking Period Mark" (outermost) category for a gradebook where the marking period mark might be calculated by counting "Homework" as 30% of the grade, "Quizzes" as another 30%, a "Final project" as 20% and "Marking Period Exam" as 20%. To help a teacher set up such a category layout, the SIS gradebook shows the contribution of each category to the final grade as a percentage. If the weights and the percentages are all equal the teacher knows that the entered weights which were intended to be percentages add up to 100 so are, indeed, percentages. For example, if a teacher enters weights of 30, 30, 30, and 20 for four subcategories their percentages would not match the weights because these weights don't add up to 100. If the teaher changed two of the 30s to 25s, the total would be 100 and the percentages would match the weights.

The other commonly used model for subcategory grades and weights is that each subcategory is worth a certain number of points and both the weight and the maximum score are equal to the point value. For example, a test might be made up of three subcategories (sections): "Multiple choice questions", "Long answer questions", and "Essay" that are worth 30, 40, and 30 points respectively. Again, it's not uncommon for a teacher to want the points to equal the percentage of the category score made up by the subcategories and the SIS gradebook helps the teacher gets this right. On the other hand, sometimes the points for a subcategory is a somewhat arbitrary number like the number of questions on a quiz. A "Quizzes" category score might be made up of the scores of 5 quizzes that are worth respectively 9, 8, 11, 7, and 12 points because that's the number of questions on each of the quizzes. The gradebook layout update page will shows the percentage of the category score each quiz comprises but this might be of only academic interest to the teacher. Because the points model (weights and max score equal) is so common, the SIS gradebook facilitates this model by setting a subcategory's weight equal to its maximum score as soon as the maximum score is entered.

Note the the term "maximum score" is a bit of a misnomer as the SIS gradebook allows a teacher to give a student a score up to 20% higher than the maximum score. Such a score would typically result from the student getting extra credit.

Dropped scores

It is possible for a teacher to have the gradebook automatically drop one or more of the lowest score for a category for each student. While a reasonable thing to do, it does present some complexities that a teacher should be aware of. In the SIS gradebook the automatic dropping of low scores is indicated by setting the Number of lowest scores to drop to a number 1 or greater. It is possible to set the number of lowest scores to drop to a number equal to or greater than the number of subcategories in the category. This is because subcategories can always be added later. However, if the number of lowest scores to drop is greater than or equal to the number of subcategories, it is impossible to calculate a score for any student for the category because all scores for the category will always be dropped. This will usually prevent the marks from being submitted (finalized) at the end of the marking period.

It is also usually a bad idea to use the drop low grades capability when the weight of the subcategories are different, especially if they differ significantly. To see why, consider the case where a teacher drops the lowest quiz score and one quiz is weighted much more heavily than the others. A student who bombs the heavily weighted quiz will have that quiz's score dropped. However, a student who gets a below average (for the student) but not disastrous score for the heavily weighted quiz will see her score dragged down significantly by the heavily weighted quiz because it won't be dropped. So, a student will often be penalized more for doing slightly badly on a heavily weighted quiz than one who bombs it, if low scores are being dropped. In fact, if low scores are dropped for subcategories with different weights, it's possible for student A to get a better score for the category than student B, even if student B did better on every subcategory than student A. Clearly, this is unfair and is a situation best avoided.

If a category does contain a more important subcategory than the others but low scores are being dropped in the category, it's probably a good idea to prevent the important subcategory from ever being dropped. This can be accomplished by checking the Don't drop checkbox to the left of the subcategory description.

The calculated percent of the overall category score for a droppable subcategory is weighted based on the probability of the subcategory score actually being used. So, if there are 11 equally weighted quizzes in a category with droppable scores where the lowest score in the category would be dropped, each one shows up as comprising 9.09% (1/11) of the overall category score not 10%, even though when a subcategory score is not dropped it makes up 10% of the category score.

The final word of warning about dropping scores is that doing so make mid-marking reporting problematic. To understand why, consider the case where a student will have 10 equally weighted quizzes in the marking period and the lowest two scores will be dropped. At mid-marking period time the student has gotten a 100, 90, 80, 70, and 60. So the gradebook score calculator will drop the low two scores and produce a score of 90 by averaging 100, 90, and 80. But this is likely to be an overestimate as if the student repeated his performance exactly on the next 5 quizzes, the students final quiz score would end up being 85 (the average of 100, 90, 80, 70, 100, 90, 80, and 70). In general, the mid-marking period values for scores will tend to be overly optimistic as a grater percentage of low scores will be dropped than at the end of the marking period. Teacher's can try to compensate for this by adjusting the number of dropped scores between mid-marking period and the end but this can be error prone and can still produce biases that give students and their parents an incorrect picture of how the student is really doing.

Ordering subcategories

While the order of subcategories has no intrinsic significance to the SIS gradebook, a teacher might prefer to see subcategories in a certain order. The order of the subcategories on the gradebook layout update page is the order in which they will appear on the score input matrix page. Probably the most common preferred order would be in ascending order of the due date.

Teachers can rearrange the order of subcategories in a category in two ways:

  1. By clicking on the column header for the column by which the subcategories are sorted. Repeatedly clicking on the same header will switch the ordering from ascending to descending and back. Sortable columns are Description, Date assigned, and Date due.
  2. By dragging and dropping a subcategory to a different position on the list. Subcategories can be dragged by grabbing the image with the two arrows to the right of the subcategory's information.

Gradebook layout view

The gradebook layout update page is fairly complicated because it allows for a lot of information to be changed. As such, the layout update page is restricted to a single category and its subcategories. However, sometimes a teacher might wish to see the entire gradebook layout with all categories and subcategories on a single page. Such a read-only view can be reached in most grade books by clicking on the Marking period x gradeboook layout or Final average gradebook layout link at the top of most gradebook pages. The former link shows the layout of the gradebook for the marking period currently being viewed or updated and the latter the layout of the final average gradebook. As noted before, the final average gradebook layout is usually not very interesting so the marking period link is usually likely to be most useful.

The gradebook layout view, in addition to showing the weight of a subcategory as a percentage of the containing category but also its overall percentage for the entire marking period mark (or final average). For example, if quizzes are 30% of a marking period mark and one quiz is 10% of the quiz score, the gradebook layout view will show that the quiz is 3% of the marking period mark. If the quiz itself is broken into 5 section subcategries, each worth 20% of the quiz score, each section will show up as 0.6% of the entire marking period mark.

Score update matrix

Once the layout is specified for a gradebook, selecting the gradebook from the class list drop-down list will usually go directly to the score update matrix for the current marking period. The initial score update matrix will show a column for each of the subcategories of the marking period mark. These would typically be columns like "Quizzes', "Homework", "Final exam", and so on. In theory, a teacher could start entering scores on this page, but probably most of the columns on this page will be for categories that have subcategories so do not allow direct entry of scores (their scores are calculated). To enter scores for the hidden subcategories, a teacher has two options:

  1. Expand the matrix on the page to include subcategories. This can be accomplished by clicking on the expand characters ("<<>>") on the page. Repeatedly clicking on the shows more and more levels of subcategories though, of course, most gradebook layouts will only have two levels and very few would have more than three. In any case, for all but the simplest gradebooks this is probably not a very good option as it will tend to produce a very large and busy screen that will required right-left scrolling to see all the data on the page.
  2. Usually a better option is to drill down to the subcategory of interest. For example, if a teacher wishes to enter scores for a homework assignment, he or she can click on the column header for homework and then see a score matrix for all the homework assignments. The teacher can then enter the scores for the assignment of interest right on that page. However, maybe the homework category has lots of assignments in it and the teacher would prefer to focus on just the assignment for which grades are being entered. In such a case, the teacher can click on the column header for the assignment of interest and see a page that just has scores for that assignment.

A common operation for many teachers is to add a new subcategory and then enter grades for the subcategory. For example, when students hand in a quiz, the teacher might want to add that quiz as a subcategory of the "Quizzes" category and then enter grades for the new quiz. This can be most easily be done as follows:

  • When the marking period mark gradebook score update matrix comes up, click on the Place of interest symbol (⌘) next to the category to contain the new subcategory (in this case Quizzes). This will take the teacher to the gradebook layout update page for the "Quizzes" category. The cursor will be positioned to enter a new subcategory.
  • Enter the description of the new quiz (Quiz 5, Pop quiz about Frederick Douglas, whatever) and other information such as date assigned, date due, maximum score and weight. When all the appropriate information is entered, hit Enter or click on the Save updates button. This will save the new subcategory information.
  • The SIS gradebook will see that the teacher has just added a new subcategory to the gradebook layout so will guess that the teacher also wants to enter scores for that subcategory. As such, it will take the teacher directly to the score input matrix page where the matrix consists only of the newly added subcategory.
  • The teacher can now enter the scores for the newly added subcategory or, if that's not what he or she wished to do, navigate away from the score input matrix page using the links on the page.

Entering scores

A teacher can enter scores for a student by simply clicking on the dotted box for the correct student/category combination and typing in the score. As noted elsewhere, scores cannot be entered for categories with subcategories — the score for such a category is calculated from the subcategory scores. Once a score input field is selected, a teacher can navigate to other score input fields with the mouse or with the up and down arrow keys to move up and down, and the tab and shift-tab to move right and left.

If a teacher changes a score, the calculated scores on the page are immediately recalculated to reflect the new score. In addition, changed (including newly entered) scores are indicated by a pink background. If a teacher wants to return an score input field to its original value when the page was displayed, the teacher should navigate to the field and then hit the Esc (Escape) key.

When a teacher is happy with the entered scores, he or she could save those scores by clicking on the "Save updates" button or hitting the Enter key (if the cursor is inside on input field). This will save the entered scores. In general, the SIS gradebook will stay on the grade input matrix after the teacher saves the grades, however the "Save updates" button will be dimmed to indicate there are no more updates on the page and the changed input fields (scores) will no longer have a pink background. This also means that score updates cannot be undone by moving the a score input field and hitting the escape key. Because the gradebook stays on the grade input matrix page when scores are saved, a teacher entering a lot of grades on the same input matrix can periodically save the changes without having to navigate back to the update page after doing so. On occasion, a teacher will wish to give all students the same score for a category, or perhaps most of the students got the same score and the teacher wishes to set the scores that are different and then set all other students to the common score. A teacher can accomplish this by clicking on the column header with the down arrow and maximum score and then entering the score for that category for all students. Scores that have already been entered will not

Entering additional information for scores

Every score in the gradebook, even calculated scores, can have some additional information stored. This information includes:

  • An exclude indicator. This means that the student's score for this category or subcategory is not to be counted toward the category score. Generally, this means the student is excused from an assignment, or quiz, or test. A score might or might not still be recorded for the subcategory. Regardless, if exclude is set it will not be used in any score calculations.
  • Informational indicators. These include checkboxes to indicate reasons for a poor grade such as Late, Incomplete, or Missing. They also include a Medical checkbox that would presumably be checked when Excused is also checked to indicate that the reason for excusal was a medical problem. Finally, there is the Absence indicator where, if Excused is also checked would suggest that the absence was excused and, if not, that it wasn't. In any case, none of these checkboxes are used in any score calculations but should be checked where applicable so they could be used for data analysis.
  • Comment text. This could be anything the teacher determines might be helpful in understanding the score at a later date. These comments might be visible on the parent/student view of the gradebook.

Every score on the score input matrix has a star in front of it. If the score has no additional information associated with it the star is blue, otherwise it's orange. To see or modify the additional information for a score, simply click on the star in front of the score or hit the PgDn (Page Down) key when the cursor is in the score's input field. This will bring up a pop-up that allows viewing or updating of the additional information.

If changes are made on the pop-up, they can be saved by hitting the Save button or hitting Enter. They can be discarded by hitting the Cancel button or clicking on a different part of the score input matrix page. In this context "save" means that the updates are saved on the current view of the page. They are not actually saved in the database until the teacher click on the Save updates button or hits Enter when the cursor is inside a score input field. If a teacher has entered and saved additional information for a score but has not saved it in the database, this is indicated by the appropriate star having a pink background. If no data is changed on the additional score information pop-up, hitting Enter or clicking on the Save button simply close the pop-up, just like hitting the Cancel button or clicking on a different part of the page.

Viewing scores

There is no separate page for viewing SIS gradebook scores. The same page used for updating the scores is also used for viewing.

When viewing scores certain scores might appear dim. This indicates that the score is not being used to calculate the containing category score. This can either be because the score would be dropped based on a drop low scores rule for the containing category or because the score was explicitly excluded for the student.

A blue star in front of a score indicates that there is additional information associated with the score which can be seen by clicking on the star or placing the cursor inside the score input field (not possible for calculated scores) and hitting the PgDn (Page Down) key.

The information for students who drop out of a class is darkened in the score update matrix. Scores for such students can still be viewed and updated but for most practical purposes such students can be ignored in the score update matrix.

Entering comments

Standard marking period and mid-marking period comments as entered on the SISWeb marks update page can also be seen or updated on the score update matrix page. Because these comments tend to be large they are not shown by default. To view the score update matrix with comments, simply click on the "Show comments" link. The gradebook will show the page with the appropriate comments given the current date, either the mid-marking period comments or the marking period comments. If a teacher wishes to see both sets of comments he or she can click on the "Show all comments" link and the comments can be hidden again by clicking on the "Hide comments" link.

To enter or update a comment, simply navigate to a comment input box (either with the mouse or keyboard). A drop-down list should appear containing all the standard comments available for the school. The appropriate comment could be selected by scrolling through the drop-down list using up-arrow, down-arrow, page-up, and page-down keys or the mouse. However, because most schools have a lot of standard comments, this could be quite tedious and time-consuming.

An alternative to searching through all comments in the drop-down list is to type a few characters that the teacher expects to appear in the appropriate comment. For example, if a teacher wishes to make a comment about the student always being late for class, he or she can simply type "late" and the list of standard comments will immediately be winnowed down to the ones that contain the word "late". At this point, the teacher can the select the one appropriate for the situation from a handful of comments instead of hundreds. If the teacher knows the numeric code for a comment, he or she can simply enter that and the list of comments should be winnowed down to the single comment that contains the code.

Regardless of whether picking a comment from the complete or partial comment list, a comment can be selected by hitting the Enter key when the comment is highlighted or clicking on the comment with the mouse. As with score input fields, a comment field is flagged as having been updated with a pink background and an update can be undone by hitting the Esc (Escape) key when the cursor is in the comment field.

The comments entered on the score update matrix page are the same comments as entered on the SISWeb Marks update page and comment updates on either of those pages are visible on the other.

Single student view

Whether viewing or updating scores, all the scores for a student in a gradebook can be displayed n a single page by clicking on the student name on any score update matrix display. Because only a single student's data is show in this view, all the data for the student can be shown on a single, reasonably sized page with no pop-ups. Of course, scores and additional score information can be update in this view.

The single student view is useful if a single student hands in several assignments at once perhaps because of an extended absence and for parent-teacher or student-teacher conferences where a teacher can quickly see all of a single student's information on a single page.

After data is updated in the single student view, the gradebook goes back to the score update matrix view that had been used to navigate to the single student view. In this way a teacher could bring up a score update matrix view and then go through some or all of the students in the view one at a time with minimal navigation.

Submitting grades

At the end of a marking period, it is possible for a teacher to submit the grades in the gradebook which means that the score calculated for the marking period category is entered as students marks for the marking period and will be reported as such on report cards. It is possible to submit grades for a marking period when the following conditions are met:

  • It is within two weeks of the end of the marking period or later.
  • All students in a section of scores for all subcategories of the marking period mark category.

When these conditions are meth, a "Submit grades" link appears on the score update matrix page for a section. Clicking on that link allows the teacher to submit the grades.

One caution should be mentioned here. Just because a subcategory of the marking period mark has a calculated score does not necessarily mean that all scores for subcategories of that subcategory have been entered. For example, if a section consists of 10 quizzes and scores have been entered for 8 of them, the SIS gradebook will calculate a quiz score for each of the students and so allow the marks to be submitted even though scores have not been entered for two of the quizzes. Obviously, if a teacher forgets to even add a quiz to the gradebook layout there'd be no way for the SIS gradebook to know there are missing scores anyway. The bottom line is that it is the teacher's responsibility to make sure that all appropriate scores have been entered for all students. The requirement that scores be entered or calculated for all subcategories of the marking period mark is only the roughest fail-safe against submitting incomplete marks. The good news is that if an error is discovered before report cards are printed, corrected marks can be resubmitted without any difficulty though, obviously, it's best to make sure marks are what they should be the first time they're submitted.

When a teacher clicks on the "Submit grades" link the score update matrix page is refreshed. However, the new view has some differences. Scores are no longer updatable, nor or comments, nor additional score information. In addition, there is a checkbox in front of each student's data indicating whether the student's mark is to be updated in SIS from the gradebook. If no marks have been entered for the section yet, all students' Submit checkbox should be checked. A teacher can check or uncheck all students' Submit checkboxes by clicking on the word "All" or "None" in the "Submit" column header. After doing so, a teacher can check or uncheck individual student Submit checkboxes.

In the common case where a teacher is happy with all the marks calculated by the SIS gradebook, the teacher can just click on the Submit grades button and the marking period marks in SIS will immediately be updated with the marks calculated from the gradebook. If for some reason a student's calculated mark (the value in the Total column) needs to be overridden, the teacher can enter a mark into the Override input box. In such a case, the teacher can (and probably should) also click on the star in front of the Override input box and enter a comment that explains the reason for the override.

A teacher can also choose to only submit marks for some students but this is probably not such a great idea unless exceptional circumstances require it — like if for some reason single student's grades aren't ready yet but everyone else's are.

Marks can be submitted from the gradebook as often as needed. If marks have already been submitted for a student when the grade submission view of the score matrix is requested, the Submit checkbox will be unchecked for all students for whom resubmitting the marks from the gradebook will not change the student's mark. In the common case where marks were submitted from the gradebook, this means that only students who have had score changes would be checked s thoe score changes would change the calculated marks. If no students had score changes, all students' Submit checkboxes would be unchecked but a teacher can check one and then enter an override mark for he student. There really wouldn't be much point in checking a student's Submit checkbox otherwise though it would also probably be harmless.

The marks calculated and submitted by the SIS gradebook submit process are stored in the same place that marks entered by the SISWeb marks update pages. As such, grades submitted in the gradebook are visible on the marks pages and marks entered on the marks pages are visible in the gradebook. In general, updating marks in both places is a bad idea as it could lead to lots of confusion but, nevertheless, it is allowed.

Final average submission

The process of submitting final grades for a section is identical to that for marking period with the exception that it must be done from the final average gradebook score update matrix page which is typically accessible by clicking on the "Year-to-date" column header on any score update matrix page.

Some schools might calculate the final averages offline using the marking period marks submitted via the gradebook or entered in the SISWeb marks update pages. In such schools, there's no point in submitting the final average via the SIS gradebook and the SIS gradebook will not override final averages calculated via the offline (batch) calculator.