Overview of Model 204 commands: Difference between revisions

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particular command. For a complete list of the commands that each type of Model 204 user can
particular command. For a complete list of the commands that each type of Model 204 user can
issue, see [[Commands by user type]].
issue, see [[Commands by user type]].
===Comparing user types===
The user types shown in this section do not form a simple hierarchy. The table below shows the
types of commands each user type can issue. Most of the user types shown correspond to user
privilege bit settings you can see with VIEW UPRIV.
<b>Model 204 user types</b>
<tr><th>Type of user</th> <th>Can issue these commands</th></tr>
<tr><td>System manager</td> <td>System manager <br>System administrator <br>Operator <br>Ordinary user</td></tr>
<tr><td>System administrator</td> <td>System administrator <br>Operator
Ordinary user</td></tr>
<tr><td>Operator</td> <td>Operator</td></tr>
<tr><td>Ordinary user</td> <td>Ordinary user</td></tr>
<tr><td>Superuser</td> <td>Superuser <br>Ordinary user</td></tr>
<tr><td>File manager</td> <td>File manager <br>Ordinary user</td></tr>
<tr><td>User 0</td> <td>See [[Issuing User 0 commands]]</td></tr>
<tr><td>Subsystem</td> <td>Defined in the subsystem</td></tr>
==Issuing User 0 commands==
Model 204 CCAIN stream commands can be issued only by the user currently functioning
as User 0. Which commands User 0 can issue depends on the setting of the system option
parameter SYSOPT.
If the SYSOPT value requires login, that is, includes the 16 option (X‘10’), the following
commands can be issued in the CCAIN stream:
<li>BROADCAST (for login message)</li>
<li>DEFINE STREAM (can be issued before the User 0 input line)</li>
<li>DEFINE DATASET (can be issued before the User 0 input line)</li>
<li>RESET (privileges depend on parameter being modified)</li>
If the SYSOPT value does not require login, that is, does not include the 16 option (X‘10'), and no User 0 login ID and password are present, User 0 by default has special superuser privileges and can issue all commands except those requiring system manager privileges.
The User 0 function is explained in the <var class="book">Rocket Model 204 System Manager’s Guide</var>.

Revision as of 18:05, 13 November 2013

This page describes the syntax of all Model 204 control commands. The commands page provides an alphabetical listing of links to the command descriptions.

In general, all the information necessary to issue and use a command is included in the command description.

Cross-referencing other Model 204 documentation

Many commands are best understood in the context of more global concepts introduced in other Model 204 manuals. For example, the description of the checkpoint commands, CHECKPOINT, CHKABORT, and CHKMSG, can be supplemented by the general description of checkpoint and restart facilities in the Rocket Model 204 System Manager’s Guide. The field description and field attributes mentioned in the presentation of fields for the DEFINE and REDEFINE commands are described in greater detail on those pages.

Commands are context sensitive

If not otherwise indicated, you can issue a command from within a procedure. However, some of the system control commands cannot be issued from within a procedure. If procedure specification is not permitted for an individual command, this is indicated in the command description.

You can issue most commands in either file or group context (that is, when the current default is either a file or a group). In some cases, as indicated in the descriptions of the commands, commands can be issued only in file context.

What Model 204 commands do

System control commands instruct Model 204 to perform specified operations. Unlike User Language statements, which you must compile in Model 204 before you can run them, commands are executed immediately.

Commands as system interface

Commands provide the first system interface between users and Model 204. For example, at most installations, a user must issue a LOGIN command to establish communication Model 204.

To enter and run a User Language request, first you must open a Model 204 file with the OPEN command and enter a BEGIN or MORE command. To invoke any of the Editor functions, you must enter an EDIT command. Commands also create files and groups, define procedures, and perform a wide variety of other functions.

Typical command operations

There are approximately one hundred Model 204 commands. The following list summarizes some representative operations that you can perform with these commands:

  • Logging in and out of Model 204
  • Creating files or groups
  • Defining or redefining the fields in a file
  • Opening and closing Model 204 files and groups
  • Defining procedures
  • Displaying file, group, record, and field information, procedure text, and access rights
  • Deleting groups, procedures, and fields
  • Protecting files and procedures from unauthorized access
  • Examining and resetting Model 204 parameters
  • Sending a message to the operator or to another user
  • Requesting system monitoring functions

Using the asterisk (*) character in User Language

The asterisk character is used the following ways in User Language:

  • As a pattern matcher in the ordered index.
    For example,


  • In column one (or the first position in a line of code) to begin a comment.
    For example,


  • At the beginning of non-published commands, such as *CANCEL, *LOOK, or *ZAP.
    Non-published commands are not documented for Model 204 because they are not intended for regular customer use, but you might at times be advised to use them by Rocket Software Technical Support.

Command level and user type

Using Model 204 commands requires understanding of the two basic concepts introduced in this section: command level and user type. Model 204 commands can be classified by the type of user that is allowed to issue them. This section differentiates the user types and lists the individual commands that each user type can issue.

Command level

System control commands are issued only from command level. You are at command level when Model 204 is waiting for input other than the following:

  • Editor command after an EDIT command has been issued
  • Response to a Model 204 prompt (for example, after a $READ prompt)

The text of a procedure can include system commands. Commands entered within a procedure are part of the procedure. They are not run until the procedure itself is run as a result of an INCLUDE or IF command.

User type

Model 204 commands can be classified by the type of user that is allowed to issue them. There are eight types of Model 204 users, and certain commands are restricted to one or more types of users or user functions. The functions of the different types of users are:

  • The system manager’s responsibilities include starting, halting, and monitoring Model 204, setting user priorities, entering passwords and privileges into the Model 204 password table, sending certain types of messages, creating and deleting permanent groups, and defining networks.
  • The system administrator, who can be an operator or an aide to the system manager, is allowed to issue certain system manager commands that monitor Model 204, set user priorities, suspend user processing, and maintain networks.
  • User 0’s privileges are similar to those of the system administrator.
  • The file manager is responsible for designing files, defining fields in files, and monitoring space usage in files. There might be many file managers at an installation.
  • The superuser has the privileges of any user but can also create files.
  • An ordinary user is any logged-in user. Any user can issue commands that do not change a file’s organization or affect general operations. Any user can open and close files, define procedures, examine and reset most parameters, and perform a variety of other operations.
  • The operator commands are the commands that the system console operator can issue.
  • Subsystem commands affect Model 204 application subsystems. The privileges to issue these commands are defined in the individual subsystem.

Model 204 security determines whether a particular type of user is authorized to issue a particular command. For a complete list of the commands that each type of Model 204 user can issue, see Commands by user type.

Comparing user types

The user types shown in this section do not form a simple hierarchy. The table below shows the types of commands each user type can issue. Most of the user types shown correspond to user privilege bit settings you can see with VIEW UPRIV.

Model 204 user types

Type of user Can issue these commands
System manager System manager
System administrator
Ordinary user
System administrator System administrator
Operator Ordinary user
Operator Operator
Ordinary user Ordinary user
Superuser Superuser
Ordinary user
File manager File manager
Ordinary user
User 0 See Issuing User 0 commands
Subsystem Defined in the subsystem

Issuing User 0 commands

Model 204 CCAIN stream commands can be issued only by the user currently functioning as User 0. Which commands User 0 can issue depends on the setting of the system option parameter SYSOPT.

If the SYSOPT value requires login, that is, includes the 16 option (X‘10’), the following commands can be issued in the CCAIN stream:

  • BROADCAST (for login message)
  • DEFINE STREAM (can be issued before the User 0 input line)
  • DEFINE DATASET (can be issued before the User 0 input line)
  • EOD
  • EOJ
  • HALT
  • RESET (privileges depend on parameter being modified)
  • *SLEEP

If the SYSOPT value does not require login, that is, does not include the 16 option (X‘10'), and no User 0 login ID and password are present, User 0 by default has special superuser privileges and can issue all commands except those requiring system manager privileges.

The User 0 function is explained in the Rocket Model 204 System Manager’s Guide.