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Display certificate information

This command displays information about the contents of "trusted" certifying authority certificates that have been added to a port with the JANUS ADDCA command. Sample DISPLAYCA output that shows the kind of information displayed follows the parameter descriptions, below.

Certifying authority is often abbreviated as CA. DISCA is a valid synonym for DISPLAYCA.


JANUS DISPLAYCA [portname] [filename] [procname]

Where each parameter is positional, can be specified with pattern wildcards, and can be replaced with an asterisk (*), which returns all values for that category. You may omit a parameter (which is equivalent to specifying an asterisk value for it) if the parameters to its right are omitted.

portname The defined Janus port whose trusted certificate information is to be displayed.
filename The name of the file that contains trusted CA certificates whose information you want to display.
procname The name of the procedure that contains the CA certificate whose information you want to display. Because the certificates are copied into memory at the time of the JANUS ADDCA command, neither the file nor the procedure containing the certificate is opened during JANUS DISPLAYCA processing. In fact, neither the file nor the procedure need to be accessible or even to exist at the time of the JANUS DISPLAYCA.

The following example shows the format of DISPLAYCA output for a Sirius-certified certificate. Note that it includes the ADDCA command that loaded the certificate.

JANUS ADDCA SSLCLIENT TESTPROC TEST.CERT * Subject: sirius|sirius-software.com|www.sirius-software.com * Software Development * Sirius Software Inc. * Cambridge, MA, US * Issuer: sirius|sirius-software.com|www.sirius-software.com * Software Development * Sirius Software Inc. * Cambridge, MA, US * Version: 1 * Serial no.: xxxx:yyyy * Valid from: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 15:05:50 GMT * Valid to: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 15:05:50 GMT * Key length: 512 bits * MD5 hash: abcd:efgh:ijkl:mnop:qrst:uvwx:yz12:3456 * SHA hash: aabb:ccdd:eeff:gghh:iijj:kkll:mmnn:oopp:qqrr:sstt

The JANUS DISPLAYCA command is available only in Sirius Mods version 6.0 and later.

See: Janus command list