AtEnd (StringTokenizer function)
Is current tokenizing position at the end of the string? (StringTokenizer class)
This method returns a Boolean value that indicates whether
any tokens remain starting from NextPosition.
%boolean = stringTokenizer:AtEnd
Syntax terms
%boolean | An enumeration object of type Boolean to contain the returned value of AtEnd. For more information about Boolean enumerations, see "Using Boolean Enumerations". |
stringTokenizer | A stringTokenizer object. |
Usage notes
- The current tokenizing position may be after the last token but
not necessarily at the end of the token string.
In the following code sequence, the return from AtEnd is
and the position is not at the end of the string:%tok:string = 'example ' %tok:nextPosition = 10 %tok:atEnd
- NotAtEnd is the reverse of AtEnd:
it returns a value of
if the current tokenizing position is at the end of the string.
The following request selects the string's tokens one after another until the end of the string is detected:
begin %tok is object stringtokenizer %tok = new %tok:string = 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"' repeat while not %tok:atEnd printText {~} is {%tok:nextToken} end repeat end
The result is:
%tok:nextToken is Content-Type: %tok:nextToken is text/plain; %tok:nextToken is charset="US-ASCII"