$List_Global and $List_Session
<section begin="desc" />and $List_Session: Access/create global/session $list<section end="desc" />
Most Sirius $functions have been deprecated in favor of Object Oriented methods. The OO equivalent for the $List_Global and $List_Session function is to be entered.
This function returns a $list identifier by which one may refer to a global or session $list in a request. The global or session $list may be one that already exists because of a previous $LIST_GLOBAL, $LIST-SESSION, or $ListSave function, or it may be created by the $List_Global or $List_Session function.
$List_Global and $List_Session accept two arguments and return a numeric result.
The first argument is the name of the global or session $list. This is a required argument.
The second argument indicates the type of processing $List_Global or $List_Session is to perform. Valid values are the following:
ANY | If the global or session $list already exists, it is referenced with its current contents. If it does not exist, a new empty global or session $list is created. |
OLD | The global or session $list must already exist, that is, it must have been created with a previous $List_Global or $List_Session or saved with a $ListSave. |
NEW | The global or session $list must not already exist. If it does, it will be recreated. |
PREP | Same as ANY but empties $list if it has data. |
PREPANY | Same as ANY but empties $list if it has data. |
PREPOLD | Same as OLD but empties $list if it has data. |
PREPNEW | Same as NEW. |
ANYPREP | Same as ANY but empties $list if it has data. |
OLDPREP | Same as OLD but empties $list if it has data. |
NEWPREP | Same as NEW. |
This is an optional argument and defaults to ANY.
<section begin="syntax" /> %RESULT = $List_Global(name, type) <section end="syntax" />
$List_Global Function
%RESULT is set either to the identifier of the global $list, or to a negative error code if an error has occurred.
%RESULT = $List_Session(name, type)
$List_Session Function
%RESULT is set either to the identifier of the session $list, or to a negative error code if an error has occurred.
A particular instance of $List_Global or $List_Session always returns the same $list identifier so it cannot be called multiple times for different global or session $list names to allow simultaneous reference to these $lists.
The scope of a $List_Global or $List_Session identifier is the evaluation of the User Language request in which it was contained. When evaluation is over, global $list data appears exactly like a $LISTSAVE'd (or $LISTSAV'ed) $list and, in fact, can be $LISTRST'ed. For a different request to access that same global $list, it must issue a $List_Global or $ListRst with the same name. A $List_Global can also be issued against a $list that was $LISTSAVE'd, even in the same procedure, as in the following example.
%RC = $ListSave(%LIST, 'NEW.NAME') %GLIST = $List_Global('NEW.NAME')
A $List_Session cannot access a $LISTSAVE'd $list, and $ListRst cannot access a session $list.
Separate $List_Global or $List_Session statements can be issued against the same name. When this is done, each instance of $List_Global or $List_Session will return a separate $list identifier, but they will actually refer to the same underlying $list. For example, the result of the following $List_Global statements is a single global $list with name WHATEVER that contains two items: WASTE NOT is the first, and WANT NOT is the second.
%LIST1 = $List_Global('WHATEVER', 'NEW') %LIST2 = $List_Global('WHATEVER') %RC = $ListAdd(%LIST1, 'WASTE NOT') %RC = $ListAdd(%LIST2, 'WANT NOT')
A $ListImg on a global $list identifier is associated with the $list identifier, not the underlying data, so in the case of multiple $LIST_GLOBALs or $LIST_SESSIONs for the same name, the $ListImg only applies to the $list identifier for which it was issued. For example, the first $ListAddI below adds data to the global $list from image MYIMAGE, while the second $ListAddI adds data from image YOURIMAGE:
%LIST1 = $List_Global('WHATEVER', 'NEW') %LIST2 = $List_Global('WHATEVER') %RC = $ListImg(%LIST1, %MYIMAGE:COUNT) %RC = $ListImg(%LIST2, %YOURIMAGE:COUNT) %RC = $ListAddI(%LIST1) %RC = $ListAddI(%LIST2)
Global and session $list names are kept in CCATEMP. For every $List_Global or $List_Session call, logical I/O (and possibly physical I/O) must be performed to look up the name. As such, it is a good practice to avoid $LIST_GLOBALs or $LIST_SESSIONs for constant names inside a loop, and to make global and session $list identifier variables COMMON rather than letting each subroutine issue a $List_Global or $List_Session function.
If it is uncertain whether the global or session list has been already declared inside a subroutine (or anywhere for that matter), code like the following can be used to ensure that the $List_Global or $List_Session statement is only issued once.
The PREP prefix or suffix for all the types indicates that the returned $list should be cleared of its contents. For example, after
%LIST1 = $List_Global('WHATEVER', 'NEW') %RC = $ListAdd(%LIST1, 'WASTE NOT') %LIST2 = $List_Global('WHATEVER', 'PREPOLD') %RC = $ListAdd(%LIST2, 'WANT NOT')
the global $list identified by WHATEVER would have a single item with content WANT NOT. Just as type ANY is the default for $LIST_GLOBAL, PREP is the same as PREPANY.
Global $lists can only be restored with a $ListRst if they have not been accessed as $List_Global in the procedure that issues the $ListRst. You can clean up any global $lists with $LIST_GLOBAL_DEL, which can be issued whether or not a name was referenced in the current procedure with a $List_Global. You can clean up any session $lists with $LIST_SESSION_DEL, which can be issued whether or not a name was referenced in the current procedure with a $List_Global.
$List_Global and $List_Session have independent namespaces. That is, the same name used for $List_Global and $List_Session reference different $lists.
A $List_Session call when there is no session open causes a request cancellation.
For more information about sessions see :hdref refid=ses..
-3 - No room in CCATEMP to add global name (not possible with OLD) -14 - No global list for name (for type OLD) Already a global list for name (for type NOTOLD) -15 - Invalid type (second parameter)
$List_Global and $List_Session Error Codes
$List_Session is new in Version 6.3 of the Sirius Mods.
- Sirius functions
- Fast/Unload User Language Interface
- Janus Open Client
- Janus Open Server
- Janus Sockets
- Janus Web Server
- Japanese functions
- Sir2000 Field Migration Facility
Products authorizing $List_Global and $List_Session