InvalidBerData class

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An InvalidBerData exception can be thrown by any of the DER-to-XmlDoc methods. It has properties (Position and Description): Position indicates the position in the Longstring of the bad data, and Description describes the problem. There are currently no standardized error codes.

The InvalidBerData exception class validates whether the data being processed by the called method conforms to the BER (Privacy Enhanced Mail) protocol. BER data is base64-encoded binary data. The InvalidBerData class has properties that indicate the position and description of the non-conforming data.

A system method that throws this exception is PemToString.

To produce an InvalidBerData exception for yourself, you typically use a User Language Throw statement calling the InvalidBerData New constructor:

throw %(InvalidBerData):new(line=1, position=13)

The methods of the InvalidBerData exception class are described below.

This class is available as of Sirius Mods Version 8.0.

The InvalidBerData methods

The following are the available InvalidBerData class methods.

DescriptionDescription of error
NewCreate a new InvalidBerData object
PositionPosition where error encountered

The methods in the class are described in the subsections that follow. In addition:

Description property

Description of error (InvalidBerData class)

[Introduced in Sirius Mods 8.0]

This ReadOnly property returns the description . . .


%string = invalidBerData:Description

Syntax terms

%number This numeric value is the line in the data being validated where a non-PEM-conforming character was found.
invalidBerData A reference to an instance of an InvalidBerData object.

New constructor

Create a new InvalidBerData object (InvalidBerData class)

[Introduced in Sirius Mods 8.0]

This method generates an instance of an InvalidBerData exception. The New method format is as follows:


%invalidBerData = [%(InvalidBerData):]New( Position= number, - Description= string)

Syntax terms

%invalidBerData A reference to an instance of a InvalidBerData object.
%(InvalidBerData)The class name in parentheses denotes a Constructor. See "Usage notes", below, for more information about invoking a InvalidBerData Constructor.

Usage notes

  • As described in "Using New or other Constructors", New can be invoked with no object, with an explicit class name, or with an object variable in the class, even if that object is Null:

    %invalidBer = new %invalidBer = %(InvalidBerData):new %invalidBer = %invalidBer:new

Position property

Position where error encountered (InvalidBerData class)

[Introduced in Sirius Mods 8.0]

This ReadOnly property returns the position in the (expected) base64-encoded string where a non-BER-conforming character was found.


%number = invalidBerData:Position

Syntax terms

%number This numeric value is the position in the base64 string (in the line identified by the value of Line) where a non-BER-conforming character was found.
invalidBerData A reference to an instance of an InvalidBerData object.