Div (Float function)

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Integer division (Float class)

The Div intrinsic function returns the integer part of the result of dividing the method object by the method argument.

The numbers to be divided are first rounded to the nearest integer, including zero. Any remainder from the division is ignored.


%number = float:Div( divisor)

Syntax terms

%number A variable to receive the integer part of the quotient.
float A Float value to be divided by the method argument, divisor.
divisor A non-zero numeric value. A value of 0, or a value that rounds down to 0, causes a request cancellation.

Usage notes


  1. The following statement sets %z to the integer quotient from the division of the number in %x (rounded) by the number in %y (rounded):

    %z = %x:div(%y)

  2. The following statement sets %z to -95:

    %z = -191.4:div(2.3)

See also

The Modulus function returns the remainder of a division.