SIRPRMPT parameter

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Sirius full screen prompt


Default value
Parameter type
Where set
System manager resettable
Related products
Before Sirius Mods 6.7


This parameter is a bitmask parameter that affects the command mode prompt in an Online. The meaning of the bits in SIRPRMPT are:

Add the jobname (or the VM's userid under CMS) to the command mode prompt. This makes it easy to determine which Online one is connected to in command mode, possibly averting accidents like someone typing 'EOJ' in a production Online when she means to be terminating a test Online
Add the name of the job step to the command mode prompt. Note that if the X'01' bit is on, the X'02' bit is ignored. The X'02' bit should not be used under CMS.

This setting was made available in version 7.1 of the Sirius Mods.

When the EOJ command is issued from a full screen thread (IODEV=7, IODEV=11, IODEV=41, or IODEV=47), the user is prompted for the name of the online (rather than for Yes or No) to confirm that the run is to be ended.

This setting was made available in version 7.5 of Model 204/Sirius Mods.

When the EOJ command is issued from a line-at-a-time thread, the user is prompted for the name of the online (rather than for Yes or No) to confirm that the run is to be ended.

A line-at-a-time thread has one of the following IODEV values:

This setting was made available in version 7.5 of Model 204/Sirius Mods.