MSIR.0658 Persistent/legacy session on port (portname) terminated, about to exceed site's (type) connection limit
An attempt to start a new persistent or legacy session was terminated because it would cause the site's connection limit for either Janus TCP/IP Base or Janus Web Server to be exceeded. Try to reduce the number of persistent or legacy sessions active at a time, perhaps by decreasing STIMEOUT, FORMPOSTWAIT, or MAXIPSES on the port definition, or by changing the applications to not use persistent or legacy sessions. If none of these options are feasible, it might be necessary to purchase a license that allows a higher connection limit.
Note that security sessions (held via SSLSES or SESCOOKIE) are not counted against a site's connection limit since these do not hold a connection of any sort while in effect.
Message attributes:
RETCODEO=0 | Sets online return code |
RETCODEB=4 | Sets batch (single user) return code |
CLASS=E | Error class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter |
AUDITER | Writes the message with line type ER to the audit trail |
COUNT | Increments the error count (ERCNT) parameter |
NOTERM | Does not display the message on the user's terminal |