Release notes for SoulEdit V7.7

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Note: This draft document describes SoulEdit V7.7, which is still in development. Until the commercial release of the software, Rocket reserves the right to add to, remove, or change anything described herein.

This document lists the changes that have been made for SoulEdit version 7.7.

SoulEdit 7.7 is designed for use with Model 204 V7.7 and later but is backward compatible to Model 204 V7.6.

SoulEdit is a member of the RKTools product family; see also the release notes for RKTools version 7.7.

RKWeb UI for SoulEdit functionality

The RKWeb tool, new in RKTools 7.7, enables you to access SirEdit functionality using a task-based web UI.

From RKWeb, you can view a list of procedures in a selected file, filter and customize the list, and open a procedure to edit it.

The standard 3270 SirScan interface has not changed; RKWeb simply provides an easy to use, mobile-friendly alternative.

For more information, see the Edit section of RKWeb.