New and updated messages in Model 204 version 7.5
M204 messages
Mixed case messages by default
As of version 7.5, all Model 204 messages are issued with mixed case text by default unless UPCASMSG is set.
M204.0141: Bug .. duplicate file name in cp record
Explanation: A duplicate file name was encountered while attempting to add a deferred update dataset to the file directory during recovery. This indicates a potential problem in the Model 204 software.
System manager response: Contact Technical Support with the following documentation:
- Audit trail from the previous run
- Journal from the previous run
Return codes: E 0 4 AD OPR
M204.0163: SERVSIZE increased to 65536
In version 7.5, with zap maintenance applied, this message is now available.
If the calculated SERVSIZE or the SERVSIZE specified in CCAIN is less than 64K, it is forced to its minimum value of 64K.
Response: No response is needed. This message is for information only.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS
M204.0204: Parameter parmName obsolete and not reset
Explanation: Writing records to the SMF data set no longer requires the installation of an SVC. The
SMFSVC parameter is therefore obsolete and cannot be reset.
System manager response: No response required.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS
M204.0223: Statement label multiply defined
Explanation: A statement label is found that is not unique in a User Language request. This error does not prevent the request from executing.
- A jump or call to a statement label defined multiple times goes forward to the nearest occurrence of the statement label. It goes backward to the nearest occurrence if there is no forward occurrence.
- A FOR or COUNT statement referring back to a previous found set label defined multiple times goes backward to the nearest occurrence.
- Other statement label references go to the first occurrence in the request.
Response: Change the statement label(s) and retry. You can ignore this message if you are satisfied that the request executes correctly.
Return codes: I 0 0 ECHO
M204.0316: Recursive ON units exceed MAXOND: Evaluation stopped
Explanation: During evaluation, one or more ON units was entered recursively. When the number of recursions exceeded MAXOND, the evaluation was terminated.
System manager response: This message might indicate a logic error in the program. Inform the program author.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.0332 and M204.0336
These messages indicate problems with the CRAM interface. The visibility of these messages has been improved by:
- writing the message to the operator and the JESLOG
- writing the message as an ER line in CCAAUDIT
- setting the return code to 80
M204.0332: RC nn from CRFS operation
Explanation: The run has failed to initialize due to problems with the CRAM interface. The possible formats of this message are:
Format 1: RC nn from CRFS OPEN/PUT/GET
Format 2: ECB postcode from CRFS PUT/GET
- Format 1 indicates that Model 204 module CRFS attempted to open channel, send a message down the channel, or receive a message from a channel. CRAM was unable to satisfy the request. The message states the return code and the operation attempted.
- Format 2 indicates that Model 204 module CRFS received an unexpected post code from CRAM while attempting an I/O operation on a channel. The message states the post code and the operation attempted.
Possible return codes include the following values:
Value | Description |
99 | There is no SVC defined in the IGCLM244 module and the XMEMOPT ’80’ bit must be set for an SVC-less installation |
System manager response: Contact Technical Support and have the audit trail available.
Return codes: C 80 80 AUDITER NOTERM OPR
M204.0336: RC nn from CRIO OPEN
Explanation: The run has failed to initialize due to problems with the CRAM interface. The possible formats of this message are:
Format 1: RC nn from CRIO OPEN/PUT/GET
Format 2: ECB postcode from CRFS PUT/GET
- Format 1 indicates that Model 204 module CRIO attempted to open a channel, send a message down a channel, or receive a message from a channel. CRAM was unable to satisfy the request. The message states the return code and the operation attempted. For example, the return code 16 indicates that the CRAM channel is already open.
- Format 2 indicates that a Model 204 CRAM interface module, such as CRFS or CRIO, received an unexpected post code from CRAM while attempting an I/O operation on a channel. The message shows the post code and the operation attempted.
Possible return codes include the following values:
Value | Description |
99 | There is no SVC defined in the IGCLM244 module and the XMEMOPT ’80’ bit must be set for an SVC-less installation |
System manager response: Contact Technical Support and have the audit trail available.
Return codes: C 80 80 AUDITER NOTERM OPR
M204.0349: Login failed
(alternative text) Enter logoff
Explanation: Either you entered an invalid userid, or the password for the userid is incorrect. If an external authorizer is active, you may not be authorized to use Model 204, or you may have entered an invalid account code if account validation is active.
Available with zap 75Z279: The "Enter logoff" text is displayed for this message if the CUSTOM parameter is set to 19.
Response: Retry the login with a valid user ID and the correct password. If you are still unable to log in, contact your system manager to verify your userid and password.
System manager response: Issue the LOGLST command to determine if the user has a user ID and, if so, find out his or her password from your hardcopy file record and give the correct password to the user. If you do not have any record of the password or if the user ID does not exist, change the entry or add a new entry to the password table for the user with the LOGCTL command.
If an external authorizer is active (ACF2, Security Server (formerly RACF), Top Secret), use the appropriate commands for that system to verify that the user is a valid system user. If Model 204 is validating the authority of the user to enter the system, verify that the user has the appropriate authorization. In addition, if the default user ID has been set to blanks, or, if the default user ID cannot log in, no CCASTAT defined users may log in.
Finally, if account validation is active, ensure that the userid has the authority to use the account code that was entered.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.0434: NJBUFF set to %C
Explanation: The NJBUFF parameter was set to an invalid value. NJBUFF must be equal to:
- One (1), or
- Value of the NSERVS parameter, plus NSUBTKS parameter, plus 1.
NJBUFF specifies the number of journal buffers allocated by Model 204 during initialization.
Response: Notify the system manager.
System manager response: Reset the NJBUFF parameter to a valid value and rerun Model 204.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITAD
M204.0761: ATRPG*ASTRPPG exceeds maxentries
Explanation: You attempted to initialize a file that was created with invalid parameters. The number of dictionary entries is determined by the product of the parameters ATRPG and ASTRPPG. The maximum allowed product is 4000 (attribute dictionary entries), or 32000 for a FILEORG X'100' file. The INITIALIZE command is rejected.
Response: The file must be recreated. Retry the CREATE command specifying ATRPG and ASTRPPG parameter values such that the product of the two is less than maxentries.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.0790: File too big
Explanation: The total number of records possible in Table B exceeds 342 segments for files that do not have the FILEORG X'200' bit set and 1024 segments for files that have the FILEORG X'200' bit set. The number of potential record numbers per segment is 49,152. The number of possible segments in Table B is calculated by the following formula:
((BSIZE * BRECPPG) / 49,152)) + (1 if remainder not 0)
If the result exceeds 342 or 1024 respectively too many segments result and MODEL 204 rejects the CREATE command.
File manager response: Make the file smaller (by specifying a smaller BSIZE or smaller BRECPPG), or divide the file into smaller pieces and use the file group feature to process them as a single logical file.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.0797: BSIZE*BRECPPG exceeds maximum value
Explanation: The product of BSIZE and BRECPPG must not exceed 16,777,216 for regular Model 204 files (which do not have the FILEORG X'200' bit set) and 50,331,648 for files that have the FILEORG X'200' bit set. These numbers specify the maximum number of records allowed in a single Model 204 file.
The CREATE or INCREASE command is rejected.
File manager response: Retry the command, specifying values for BSIZE and BRECPPG so that BSIZE*BRECPPG does not exceed the limit. See Managing file and table sizes for more information.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.1050: CCATEMP full: operation or pooltype
Explanation: The operation being performed required an extra page from CCATEMP, but there were no free pages available. CCATEMP is defined by the system manager and provides a set of work pages that are assigned on request to various users. If a request gets this message, it might be because some other user is holding a large number of CCATEMP pages.
The message specifies either the operation being performed, or the section ("pool") of CCATEMP that was full.
operation can be one of:
pooltype can be one of:
The current request is cancelled.
If the operation was $BLDPROC or USE PROCEDURE COMMAND, then the temporary procedure that was being written is deleted, except for its very last CCATEMP page, which is retained for information purposes.
In some cases the user is restarted and, if the user was in the process of updating any files, MODEL 204 marks them physically inconsistent.
CCATEMP pages below 64K are allocated from the small model pool. CCATEMP pages above 64K are allocated from the expansion area pool.
The pooltype specified in the message indicates whether you exceeded the capacity of the small model pool or both the small model and expansion area pools.
Response: Notify your system manager.
System manager response: Recover the physically inconsistent files using one of the following procedures:
- Roll back/roll forward
- File reorganization procedure described in File reorganization and table compaction
- The RESTORE command for restoring previously dumped copies
This message is informational, but it indicates a need to increase the space allocation for CCATEMP. As the size of CCATEMP is fixed at initialization, it is necessary to bring down MODEL 204 to increase it.
M204.1052: LOUTPB %C TO %C
Explanation: LOUTPB has been increased or decreased, to the value given in the message. With a full-screen terminal the value is 1.5 times the minimum for that model number, rounded up to a multiple of 8. A model 2 terminal results in a LOUTPB of 3200. A model 5 terminal results in a LOUTPB of 5664.
If NBKPG is greater than 0, the largest allowable value for LOUTPB is PAGESZ minus 40, so the value can be decreased for this reason.
User response: No response is needed. This message is for information only.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITAD
M204.1060: %C not allowed with non swappable servers
Explanation: The service requested is not compatible with non-swappable servers.
System manager response: Remove any non-swappable server settings and restart Model 204 to repeat the service.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
M204.1131: Can't action
Explanation: The procedure action cannot be taken for one of the following reasons:
- The procedure is in use by another user.
- The procedure is not in the file.
- The user does not have the correct privileges to change the procedure.
- If a RENAME or ASSIGN has been attempted, the alias might already exist.
Response: Make sure that the procedure name is spelled correctly.
If the named procedure is in use, retry the command when the procedure is no longer in use. Otherwise, arrange to place the
procedure in the file or to obtain the privileges to change the procedure.
Return codes: C 0 4 SUFFIX AUDITER
The return codes for message M204.1149 have changed.
M204.1149: parameter_name has been set to its minimum|maximum value: value
Explanation: You have attempted to reset a parameter either below the minimum or above the maximum allowed for it. Model 204 has reset the parameter to the correct minimum or maximum.
Response: Retry the command with a value within the correct range, or leave the value as is, since Model 204 has already reset the parameter to the correct minimum or maximum.
For PARAMETER=ESIZE, if you specify:
- A zero value, which is the equivalent of Not Applicable, no pages are allocated for Table E.
- A non-zero value, then the minimum of 20 pages allocated for Table E is enforced.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS
M204.1167: ITBL full -- argument string ignored
Explanation: Model 204 stores the arguments passed by the INCLUDE command ($READ and dummy string (??) responses) in the ITBL server table. If the storage allocated to ITBL is too small to accommodate the number and size of the arguments being passed, the argument string is ignored.
For example:
In your include command INCLUDE HOTEL,GRAND,BUDAPEST
, the procedure named HOTEL is being passed the arguments GRAND and BUDAPEST. However, the M204.1167 message indicates that the storage allocated to ITBL is too small to accommodate those arguments. Consequently, the argument string GRAND,BUDAPEST
is ignored. You will be prompted to provide those arguments, one at a time, as required for the number of $READ statements and dummy string substitutions encountered in the procedure.
Response: Use the VIEW LITBL command to determine the current size of ITBL; then use the UTABLE LITBL command to increase its size. A 10-20% increase should be sufficient in most cases.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.1260: {Field|Fieldgroup} was previously defined with different attributes, new {field|fieldgroup} options ignored
Explanation: A DEFINE FIELD or a DEFINE FIELDGROUP command has attempted to define an existing field or field group with different attributes.
Response: To redefine the attributes of the field or field group, you must issue the REDEFINE FIELD or the REDEFINE FIELDGROUP command. Notify your file manager.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.1307: %C logon rejected - reason text (reason code: %X)
Explanation: The MODEL 204 3270 terminal handler has rejected a logon request from a 3270 terminal for the reason stated. The following reason codes are defined:
- There are no control blocks available for new logons. Increase the number of IODEV 7 terminal definitions. The reason text is: NOT ENOUGH 3270 TERMINALS.
- The terminal has been defined with a non-3270 transmission services profile. The LU type must be 2. The reason text is: LU TYPE NOT = 2.
- The terminal has been defined to require definite responses to messages it sends inbound to the host. The transmission services profile must be 3.
The reason text is: TS PROFILE NOT = 3. - There has been an error on this terminal. This is a retryable error. The reason text is: LOSTERM SET FOR THIS TERMINAL.
- The terminal definition is in use. This error should not occur. The reason text is: TERMINAL ALREADY IN USE.
System manager response: Contact your VTAM systems programmer to correct the VTAM definition.
Return codes: E 0 4 AD SAVE NOTERM OPR
M204.1346: Server area greater than cylinder capacity for this device. Cylinder size = nnn BYTES.
Explanation: The number of bytes specified for the largest server area (SERVSIZE) is greater than nnn, the number of bytes contained in a cylinder for the type of disk device on which your CCASERVR (CCASRVR for DOS) data set resides.
System manager response: Do one of the following:
- ensure that the largest SERVSIZE value does not exceed nnn
- place your server data sets on a type of disk device that has a larger cylinder capacity
- place CCASERVR in storage. (See the "CCASERVR in Storage feature" section in the Rocket Model 204 System Manager's Guide.)
Return codes: C 96 96 AUDITER
M204.1381: (new informational message for REGENERATE)
M204.1381 is a new informational message issued during REGENERATE to help verify that the journal data provided in CCAGEN is from the correct CCAJRNL.
The 58 bytes printed are the journal header of each journal block. (Journal headers are described in the Header entry formats table.)
The message has four variations, which always appear:
Explanation: The first 58 bytes, in hex, of the first five CCAJRNL blocks and the last CCAJRNL block read from CCAGEN follow in CCAAUDIT.
- M204.1381: PASS1: hex representation of data
- M204.1381: LASTB: hex representation of data
M204.1381: CCAGEN BLOCK COUNT: nnnn
Explanation: The count of CCAJRNL blocks read from CCAGEN.
This example shows the first 5 CCAJRNL blocks and the last block read from CCAGEN during pass 1 of REGENERATE.
M204.1381: CCAGEN: FIRST 5 CCAJRNL BLOCKS + LAST BLOCK IN HEX M204.1381: PASS1: 006000020113214F155421910000000000CB... M204.1381: PASS1: 0AD000020113214F155421910000000100CB... M204.1381: PASS1: 07BF008A0113214F155421920000000200CB... M204.1381: PASS1: 0B5E00020113214F155422000000000300CB... M204.1381: PASS1: 0AAF00120113214F155422030000000400CB... M204.1381: LASTB: 00C900020113214F155930280000337100CB... M204.1381: CCAGEN BLOCK COUNT: ....
Response: This message is informational only; no response is required.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITAD
M204.1382: Chunk size nn used: flags=X"nn", low=nn, high=nn
Explanation: This is a debugging error message.
Response: No response is required.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS
M204.1387: Allocate failed; DDNAME=ddname,DSNAME=dsname could not be located
Explanation: An attempt to allocate an existing data set, data set name=dsname, failed because the specified dsname was not found in the catalog or the catalog could not be accessed.
M204.1387 replaces
M204.1070: ALLOCATE FAILED - reason
with additional information regarding the failure of the ALLOCATE command. However, M204.1070 remains in use by Janus/TCPIP for a different purpose.
Response: Correct the data set name or ensure that the data set exists and is cataloged.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.1388: CHUNK size exceeds maximum of nnn
On a DEFINE field command, the chunk size specified is too large.
User response: Specify a chunk size less than or equal to the maximum.
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.1393: CHUNK clause not of format "CHUNK chunkSize FOR chunkTarget"
Explanation: On a DEFINE FIELD, the syntax of the CHUNK clause was not in the format shown in this message.
File manager response: Correct the DEFINE FIELD command that has the incorrect CHUNK clause syntax.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.1394: CHUNK chunkSize value invalid: reason
Explanation: On a DEFINE FIELD, the value specified for the size of a CHUNK is invalid;
"reason" indicates why.
File manager response: Correct the DEFINE FIELD command that has the invalid CHUNK size.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.1395: CHUNK target field invalid type: reason
Explanation: On a DEFINE FIELD, the field specified as a CHUNK target is not a field type that can be used as a chunk target, for the reason specified.
File manager response: Correct the DEFINE FIELD command containing the invalid CHUNK target type.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
Explanation: On a DEFINE FIELD, an attempt was made to create a CHUNK field that was not INVISIBLE ORDERED NUMERIC, which is a requirement of chunk fields.
File manager response: Correct the DEFINE FIELD command that has the invalid CHUNK target type.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.1397: A CHUNK field was defined, %F may no longer be opened with M204 releases prior to V7R5
Response: This is an informational message. No action is required.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS
M204.1399: Same server area defined for server above the bar and non swappable server
Explanation: The same server table has been defined in SERVNSA and SERVGA.
Response: Correct the SERVNSA and/or SERVGA settings.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
M204.1400: Server areas ATB require server swapping in memory
Explanation: Parameters indicated that server areas ATB were used in the run where CCASERVR data set was defined.
System manager response: Either remove the server areas ATB parameters or use server swapping in memory.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
M204.1402: Invalid value for chunk target: fname='val'; values must be -999999999999999 -> 999999999999999
Explanation: If a chunk target is any field type besides DATETIME, any value stored in it must be within the range shown in the error message.
Response: Correct the value being stored.
System manager response: Correct the value being stored.
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.1403: Increase SERVGSZ to at least %C for required ATB server areas
Explanation: The total size of ATB server areas is larger than the ATB server size defined in SERVGSZ.
User response: If the message is issued in response to a UTABLE command, decrease the size of the ATB server areas.
System manager response: If the message is issued during initialization, either increase SERVGSZ or decrease the ATB server area size.
Return codes: E 80 80 AUDITAD OPR
M204.1412: service not allowed with ATB servers
Explanation: The requested service is not compatible with ATB (above the bar) servers.
System manager response: Remove the ATB server parameters and restart Model 204.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
Explanation: The user attempted to sort a record greater than 16M.
Response: Reduce the record size and retry. (See sorting guidelines for SORT RECORDS.)
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL AUDITER
Explanation: There were no valid records found in the journal(s) pointed to by CCAGEN, or a permanent I/O error was encountered.
System manager response: Verify that you have the correct journal(s) for the run. If I/O errors were detected while reading in CCAGEN, the appropriate error messages will have been issued before this message. Correct the error and rerun media recovery. If the problem remains unclear, contact Technical Support and have the following documentation available:
- Audit trail
- Snap dump
- UTILJ output for CCAGEN dataset
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.1489: Not enough file space to continue procedure definition - %F
Explanation: There is no room in the file to store the procedure being entered with the PROCEDURE command.
If… | Then Model 204… |
Error occurs after the first line of procedure text has been stored | Keeps the partial procedure |
You are entering the text at your terminal | Ends procedure definition immediately |
Procedure text is supplied by another procedure | Flushes the remainder of the input |
Procedure text is supplied in a batch input stream (CCAIN) | Flushes the remainder of the procedure text and resumes processing after the END PROCEDURE command |
Response: Create space in the file by deleting unwanted procedures or increasing Table D with the INCREASE command. Replace the partial procedure using the PROCEDURE command, or use the EDIT command to supply the missing text.
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL AUDITER
M204.1508: %<C userid> is not authorized to use Model 204
Message M204.1508 has been updated to include the actual user ID of the unauthorized user.
Explanation: This user ID does not have the authority to use Model 204. Login authorization to Model 204 is defined by your installation security officer or system manager.
Response: Ask your installation security officer or system manager to authorize you for logging into Model 204.
System manager response: Contact the installation security officer or issue the appropriate external security system commands to give the user’s logon ID the authority to use Model 204. Refer to the Security interfaces pages for instructions.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.1587: FSCB full, IMAGE too large: LFSCB required = num, bytes available in FSCB = num
Explanation: The value specified in an Identify statement with the Len or Occurs option causes the size of the associated Image to overflow the full screen buffer (FSCB). The FSCB is a server work area that is used to hold a compiled Image definition.
Response: Use the VIEW LFSCB command to determine the current size of the FSCB. Use the UTABLE command to increase the value of the LFSCB parameter. Check the SOUL request for programming errors that might cause the value specified in the Identify statement to be too large. Retry the request.
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL AUDITER
M204.1589: Maximum IMAGE length is 32767: LFSCB required = num
Explanation: An attempt has been made to define an image greater than 32K.
Response: Redefine the image so that it is not greater than the maximum length of 32767.
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL AUDITER
M204.2126: User's pushdown list overflowed
Explanation: The user's pushdown list is an internal stack for maintaining state information for user threads across internal Model 204 subroutines. The user pushdown list lives in each user's server. Its size requirement depends on the complexity of the command or User Language request.
This message is issued whenever Model 204 detects that pushdown list data has spilled into adjacent control structures. Because of potential corruption the user is restarted.
Response: Increase the size of the user pushdown list by using the LPDLST parameter of the UTABLE command. Notify your system manager.
System manager response: If this becomes a frequent occurrence, consider more permanent changes to LPDLST and SERVSIZE, since the pushdown list is a server component.
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2316: TCPIP ERROR: category, PROCESS=process_name, REMOTEID=remote_id, SEITUH=data_header
In version 7.5, with zap maintenance applied, this message no longer issues a snap.
Unexpected data has been received on this connection requiring the connection to be closed. process_name identifies the name of the process opened at the time of error. remote_id identifies the remote Internet address. SEITUH is the data header (for Rocket Software internal use).
Response: Contact the System Manager.
System manager response: Obtain the CCAAUDIT file and contact Technical Support.
Return codes: C 0 20 AUDITER NOTERM
Explanation: The indicated subsystem at the specified node is not available for use due to one or more errors occurring at the specified node during start or login processing.
Response: Notify the system manager or try again later.
System manager response: If the subsystem is started, stop the subsystem and resolve communications errors or other errors which occurred at the specified node. After resolving error, use the START SUBSYSTEM command to make the subsystem available for general use. Check to make sure that the LOCATION parameter was set properly in the CCAIN input stream for the Online.
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2551: {FPL|FCT PG1} is invalid for file: filename
Explanation: If the message says FPL, then the FPL (file parameter list) for the associated file is invalid. This could be the result of an incorrect DD, FILEDEF or DLBL statement.
If the message says FCT PG1, then the existence page array page is invalid.
File manager response: If the DD, FILEDEF or DLBL statement is correct and points to the correct data set, then the file must be restored from a backup.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2651: Not all threads processed for IODEV %C
Explanation: The run is terminated because either:
- The number of threads specified by NUSERS has been initialized, but there are fewer users of the specified IODEV type than expected.
- The DUPTERM number specified by the IODEV card could not be initialized because it exceeded the number of NUSERS.
Response: Check that NUSERS matches the total of the listed IODEVs, plus one extra for USER 0. Check also the NOTERM/DUPTERM parameter for the specified IODEV card.
Return codes: E 80 80 ER
M204.2719: Open %C failed. Update statements already compiled, read only privileges insufficient
Explanation: The OPEN or OPENC User Language statement was issued from a request to reopen a file with read-only privileges. However, that request had already been compiled with update statements against the file.
Response: In a User Language request, you cannot use the User Language OPEN or OPENC statement to reopen a file with read-only privileges, if that request contains updates statements against the same file.
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2739: Parameter parm cannot be reset on user 0’s parameter line: value ignored
Explanation: You reset parameter parm on the User 0 parameter line, but the parameter cannot be set there. The value is ignored, the default value for this parameter remains in effect.
Response: Remove parm from the User 0 parameters, since it will not change the value of the parameter.
Return codes: E 0 4 AD
M204.2746: XSIZE*XRECPPG may not be 1 nor exceed 536870911
Explanation: The product of XSIZE and XRECPPG must not exceed 16777216 times 32 minus one, or 536870911. This specifies the maximum number of extension records allowed in a single Model 204 file when using Table X. Also, setting both XRECPPG and XSIZE to 1 is invalid.
The CREATE command is rejected.
Response: Retry the command specifying values for XSIZE and XRECPPG whose product does not exceed the 526870911 limit. Refer to the Rocket Model 204 File Manager’s Guide for more information on file sizes.
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2774: Another command command is in progress
Explanation: An INCREASE or DECREASE command or auto increase is taking place while another INCREASE, DECREASE, or auto increase has not finished yet.
File manager response: Repeat the command after the completion of the auto increase or previous INCREASE or DECREASE command.
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2826: %F %C compaction not allowed
Explanation: An attempt was made to compact a file created prior to Model 204 version 6.3.
File manager response: Reorganize the file using Model 204 version 6.3.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2831: Updates to DTS files not supported in this environment
Explanation: DTS files cannot be updated in IFAM, SQL, or PQO environments.
Response: Do not attempt to update DTS file.
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2833: Fields cannot be defined in a file with ATRPG*ASTRPPG>4000
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2836: Value of parameter %C invalid—reset to %C
Explanation: This is an informational message only.
A parameter was specified with an incorrect value. It has been reset to an internally calculated value that will accommodate other parameter settings. See the description of the parameter named to see what that calculation involves.
System manager response: The parameter has been reset. No response is required.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS
M204.2838: %C only valid in FILEORG X’100’ files
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2839: %C is a %C, not a %C
Return codes: C 0 4 ECHO
M204.2841: Remote fieldgroups not supported
Return codes: C 0 4 ECHO
M204.2842: Invalid context for fieldgroup
Return codes: C 0 4 ECHO
M204.2843: Maximum fieldgroup id exceeded in record %R in %F
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2844: Mix of fields and fieldgroups, name =
Return codes: C 0 4 SUFFIX ECHO
M204.2845: Invalid fieldgroup context for %C
Explanation: The $function was used outside of field group context.
Return codes:C 0 4 SUFFIX ECHO
M204.2846: Invalid fieldgroup context for %C
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2847: Fieldgroup context lost in record %R in %F
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2848: Invalid fieldgroup id: %C
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2849: Required keyword %C missing
Return codes: X 0 4 ECHO
M204.2850: %C value missing
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2851: %C value "%C" too big, must be <%C bytes
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2852: Update to missing fieldgroup occurrence in record %R in %F
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2853: %C not allowed for EXACTLY-ONE field
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2854: Attempt to do %C for EXACTLY-ONE field: %C
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2855: Field depth+length unrepresentable in record %R in %F
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2856: Fieldname variable %C: expected %C, got %C
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2857: %C field not allowed for %C field
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2858: Fieldgroup context mismatch between COUNT-OCCURRENCES-OF field and counted field
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2859: New automatic field not allowed for non-empty file
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2860: Field %C already has a COUNT-OCCURRENCES-OF field
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2861: Occurrence counter %C overflowed
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2862: Attempt to update automatic field %C
Return codes: C 0 4 SUFFIX ECHO
M204.2863: Attempt to do %C for automatic field: %C
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2865: Attempt to %C invalid datetime value: %C = %C
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2866: File already has %C field
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2867: Fieldgroup %C already has %C field
Explanation: If you try to define a second update tracker field of the same type for the same field group, you will invoke message 2867, where %C represents:
Return codes: C O 4
M204.2868: MINLOBE must be between 0 and %C
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2869: Change refused: MINLOBE > 0 for File filename field fieldname
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2870: Change refused: MINLOBE > 0 for File filename field fieldname
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL AUDITER
M204.2871: Fieldgroup context mismatch between CONCATENATION-OF field and COMPONENT field
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2872: Concatenation value too long for field %C
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2873: Concatenation field %C component field %C contains separator character
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2874: Attempt to %C a value that's %C: %C
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2875: Concatenation list invalid: %C
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2876: Invalid %C value: %C
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2877: WITH clause invalid: %C
Return codes: C 0 4 ECHO
M204.2878: WITH clause invalid: field %C in %F %C
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2879: Remote id %C mode %C
Return codes: I 0 0 SAVE NOTERM OPR
M204.2880: Memory datasets cannot be part of multi-dataset file
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2881: Data conversion error
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2882: Recovery journal (CCARF) version %C is not supported
Explanation: A CCARF data set was provided as input to a recovery step, but that CCARF data set was produced by a different version of Model 204 than the version that is running recovery.
System manager response: Correct the data set name referenced in CCARF and ensure that it was produced by the version of Model 204 that you are using to run recovery.
Return codes: E 52 52 OPR
M204.2883: Mix of journal versions in recovery CCARF
Return codes: E 52 52 SNAP OPR
M204.2884: {Field|Fieldgroup} was previously defined as a {fieldgroup|field}, new definition ignored
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2885: Invalid fieldgroup id: fieldgroup
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.2886: Fieldgroup id %C already exists in record %R in %F
Return codes: C 0 4
M204.2903: FILEORG=X'100' is not supported during FLOD/FILELOAD
Return codes: E 0 8
M204.2916: %C requires at least one area to be set in %C
Explanation: When the size of a non-swappable server area is indicated (SERVNSSZ), at least one non-swappable server area must be indicated in SERVNSA.
Operator response: Correct the SERVNSA parameter setting.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
M204.2921: Server areas above the bar are not supported in VSE
Explanation: Non-swappable server areas ATB are not supported in VSE.
Operator response: Remove the parameters for non-swappable server areas.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
M204.2922: %C bit setting is not valid
Explanation: The bit setting in SERVNSA is not valid.
For release 7.4, valid bits are: X'02000000'
For release 7.5, valid bits are: X'02000000', X'00800000', X'00004000', and X'00002000'
Operator response: Correct the SERVNSA setting.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
M204.2923: Increase SERVNSSZ to at least %C for required non swappable server areas
Explanation: The total amount of non-swappable server areas is larger than the non-swappable area size defined by the SERVNSSZ parameter. The total amount equals a sum of nonswappable area sizes plus 8 bytes per area. M204.2923 is issued when the problem occurs during initialization.
System manager response: Increase the value of SERVNSSZ as noted (or decrease the non-swappable table size).
Return codes: E 80 80 AUDITAD OPR
M204.2933: Module version mismatch, KOMM=%C, %C=% C
Return codes: E 0 4 SNAP
M204.2934: FILEORG X'200' not supported for hashed or sorted file organizations
Explanation: Hashed or sorted files must be 16M files. The CREATE FILE command
is rejected.
File manager response: Remove the conflicting FILEORG parameter and reissue CREATE FILE.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
M204.2935: {CHUNK|CHUNK target} fields may not be RENAMED or DELETED
File manager response: Do not attempt to RENAME or DELETE chunks or chunk targets.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2936: A CHUNK field of size nnn already exists for this field
Explanation: For a given CHUNK target field, duplicate chunk sizes are not permitted.
File manager response: Correct the DEFINE FIELD that caused the message.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2937: CHUNK SIZE: nnn is not an integral multiple/divisor of the existing CHUNK size: nnn
Explanation: A CHUNK field's chunk size must be an integral multiple/divisor of all other chunk's sizes for a given chunk target.
This message identifies the existing chunk size that conflicts with the new one.
File manager response: Correct the DEFINE FIELD that caused the message.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2938: You may not define more than %C chunks for a field
Explanation: A given chunk target can have at most 20 chunks defined.
File manager response: Do not try to define more than 20 CHUNK fields for any given CHUNK target field.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2939: %C has been set to its %C value: %C
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS
M204.2940: Use of filename after INITIALIZE keyword discouraged because it gave different results prior to version 7.5
Explanation: This message indicates that the format of the INITIALIZE command as entered does not conform to the syntax of:
Prior to version 7.5, it was possible to place any text on the INITIALIZE command, and if it was anything other than KEEPDEF[S], it was ignored. In version 7.5, the syntax of INITIALIZE command is checked for strict correctness.
If you have entered the name of the file being initialized AFTER the INITIALIZE command keyword, you can either correct the command (that is, remove the filename after the INITIALIZE command keyword) or use the MSGCTL M204.2940 command as described below so that the command can continue to work.
File manager response: The most direct response is to correct the command to conform to the proper syntax, that is, remove extraneous strings after the INITIALIZE command keyword.
System manager response: If the file manager has chosen to keep the filename after the INITIALIZE command keyword, and the filename is the same as the name of the file being initialized, you can have the following command executed at any time before the INITIALIZE command is executed:
This action represents a very special case for the NOCOUNT option of MSGCTL.
Normally, the NOCOUNT option only changes a message such that it does not increment the count of counting errors, but does not directly affect the operation which issued the error message.
For this message, however, setting the NOCOUNT operation indicates that this condition is to be allowed, and normal processing of the INITIALIZE command will continue.
Issuing the above MSGCTL command with version 7.5 of Model 204 will not present any risk of an incorrect operation of INITIALIZE.
A word of caution, however: In prior versions of Model 204, a filename after the INITIALIZE command keyword is NOT checked against the name of the file being initialized. Therefore the use of the filename after the INITIALIZE command keyword could be a risky practice if such a command might be used in a prior version of Model 204.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2941: File being initialized does not match name given after INITIALIZE command: %C
Explanation: This message indicates that the format of the INITIALIZE command as entered does not conform to the syntax of:
Prior to version 7.5, it was possible to place any text on the INITIALIZE command, and if it was anything other than KEEPDEF[S], it was ignored. In version 7.5, the syntax of INITIALIZE command is checked for strict correctness.
In some cases, users have entered the name of the file being initialized AFTER the INITIALIZE command keyword, but this message indicates that whatever string you entered after the INITIALIZE command keyword is not the name of the file being initialized.
File manager response:
Correct the command. The most direct response is to correct the command to conform to the proper syntax: that is, remove extraneous strings after the INITIALIZE command keyword.
However, if the system manager has performed a MSGCTL M204.2940 NOCOUNT command, and you want to enter the correct filename on the INITIALIZE command, that will allow the INITIALIZE operation to proceed.
System manager response:
If the file manager is unable to correct the INITIALIZE command, you can have the following commands executed at any time before the INITIALIZE command is executed:
These actions represent a very special case for the NOCOUNT option of MSGCTL.
Normally, the NOCOUNT option only changes a message such that it does not increment the count of counting errors, but it does not directly affect the operation which issued the error message.
For this message, however, setting the NOCOUNT operation indicates that this condition is to be allowed, and normal processing of the INITIALIZE command will continue.
Issuing MSGCTL M204.2941 NOCOUNT is not recommended, because this results in what might appear to be checking of the filename when in fact it is not checked.
Issuing MSGCTL M204.2940 NOCOUNT does not present any risk with version 7.5 of Model 204, but, as discussed in the System Manager response section of message 2940, this practice should be done with caution.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2942: Extraneous string after field attribute list: %C
Explanation: This message indicates that the format of the INITIALIZE command as entered for a hashed, sorted, or record security file does not conform to the syntax of:
INITIALIZE [SORT fldName (attributes)] [HASH fldName (attributes)] [RECSCTY fldName (attributes)]
In particular, it indicates that some string followed the right parenthesis (')') of the attribute list.
Prior to version 7.5, nothing after the closing parenthesis was checked.
File manager response: Correct the command. There should be no string after the right parenthesis.
System manager response: If the file manager is unable to correct the INITIALIZE command, you can have the following command executed at any time before the INITIALIZE command is executed:
This action represents a very special case for the NOCOUNT option of MSGCTL. Normally, the NOCOUNT option only changes a message such that it does not increment the count of counting errors, but does not directly affect the operation which issued the error message.
For this message, however, setting the NOCOUNT operation indicates that this condition is to be allowed, and normal processing of the INITIALIZE command will continue.
Issuing MSGCTL M204.2942 NOCOUNT is not recommended, because if you issue this command the string after the right parenthesis will not be analyzed.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2943: Error using filename phrase for file %C: restriction
Explanation: This message indicates that the format of the INITIALIZE command as entered does not conform to the syntax of:
Prior to version 7.5, it was possible to place any text on the INITIALIZE command, and if it was anything other than KEEPDEF[S], it was ignored. In version 7.5, the syntax of INITIALIZE command is checked for strict correctness.
In some cases, users have entered the name of the file being initialized AFTER the INITIALIZE command keyword, but this message indicates that the syntax requires some modification for the particular file being initialized.
File manager response: The command should be corrected; the most direct response is to correct the command to conform to the proper syntax, that is remove extraneous strings after the INITIALIZE command keyword.
However, if the system manager has performed a MSGCTL M204.2940 NOCOUNT command, you can modify the command as indicated by the restriction shown in the M204.2943 text.
System manager response: If the file manager is unable to correct the INITIALIZE command, you can have the following commands executed at any time before the INITIALIZE command is executed:
This action represents a very special case for the NOCOUNT option of MSGCTL. Normally, the NOCOUNT option only changes a message such that it does not increment the count of counting errors, but does not directly affect the operation which issued the error message.
For this message, however, setting the NOCOUNT operation indicates that this condition is to be allowed, and normal processing of the INITIALIZE command will continue.
Issuing MSGCTL M204.2943 NOCOUNT is not recommended, because this bypasses the checking that is intended by the restriction shown in the M204.2943 text.
Issuing MSGCTL M204.2940 NOCOUNT does not present any risk with version 7.5 of Model 204, but, as discussed in the system manager response for M204.2940, this practice should be done with caution.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2944: Should have end of cmd command but instead found: string
Explanation: This message indicates that the format of the command indicated by cmd as entered does not conform to command syntax.
User response: Correct the command, either by simply removing string and any following strings or else by correcting the command to conform to the proper syntax.
File manager response: If the cmd in the M204.2944 text is INITIALIZE, this message indicates that the format of the INITIALIZE command as entered does not conform to the syntax of:
Prior to version 7.5, it was possible to place any text on the INITIALIZE command, and if the text was anything other than KEEPDEF[S], it was ignored. In version 7.5, the syntax of INITIALIZE command is checked for strict correctness.
The command should be corrected as described in the user response above.
System manager response: If the file manager is unable to correct the INITIALIZE command, you can have the following command executed at any time before the INITIALIZE command is executed:
This action represents a very special case for the NOCOUNT option of MSGCTL. Normally, the NOCOUNT option only changes a message such that it does not increment the count of counting errors, but does not directly affect the operation which issued the error message.
For this message, however, setting the NOCOUNT operation indicates that this condition is to be allowed, and normal processing of the INITIALIZE command will continue.
Issuing MSGCTL M204.2944 NOCOUNT is not recommended, because whatever string was indicated on the INITIALIZE command is not checked.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2945: Error encountered, cmd command not performed
Explanation: This counting error message indicates that the processing of the cmd command was not performed. This message should be preceded by one or more messages. (If the preceding messages were not counting error messages, they might not have been displayed on the user's terminal, depending on the MSGCTL parameter setting.)
User response: Correct any conditions indicated by the preceding messages.
Return codes: C 0 4 AUDITER
M204.2946: Error encountered, cmd command not performed
Explanation: This informational message indicates that the processing of the cmd command was not performed. This message should be preceded by one or more messages. (If the preceding messages were not counting error messages, they might not have been displayed on the user's terminal, depending on the MSGCTL parameter setting.)
User response: Correct any conditions indicated by the preceding messages.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS
M204.2947: Module address address length length protected
Explanation: This informational message is displayed during startup to show the ranges of load module protection. To see which Rocket CSECTs are being referenced, look at the module map in a snap. For more information on the load module protection facility, see the MODPROT parameter description.
Response: No response is required.
Return codes: I 0 0 AUDITMS
M204.2955: Buffer allocation failed.
Available in version 7.5 with zap maintenance applied. This message results in a cancel instead of a bug when storage is not available for universal buffer allocation.
There is not enough storage to allocate the universal buffer. The request has been cancelled.
System manager response: Correct and retry.
Return codes: C 0 4 CANCEL
M204.3026 TPN: transaction program name Requesting User: user id
Available in version 7.5 with zap maintenance applied.
Message 3026 accompanies this message:
and displays the transaction program requested by the attach and the User ID associated with that request.
System manager response: Use the information in this message to identify the issuer of the rejected attach request.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
M204.3027 Source was remote id
Available in version 7.5 with zap maintenance applied.
Message 3027 accompanies this message:
and displays the remote id from which the attach request was made.
System manager response: Use the information in this message to identify the issuer of the rejected attach request.
Return codes: E 0 4 AUDITMS
DDGEN messages