Namespace (XmlDoc property)

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(Dis)allow or disable prefix handling

Namespace is a member of the XmlDoc class.

This property determines namespace handling in the XmlDoc, with the mapping of QName (qualified name) prefixes to namespace URIs.


  %curr = doc:Namespace
  doc:Namespace = newvalue

Syntax Terms

The XmlNamespaceSetting enumeration value of doc's Namespace property. Valid values are On, Ignore, and None, as described in “Usage Notes,” below.
An XmlDoc object expression.
The XmlNamespaceSetting enumeration value to assign to doc's Namespace property.

Usage Notes

  • The Namespace property may not be changed if an XmlDoc contains an Element node.
  • The values of the Namespace property are of type Enumeration XmlNamespaceSetting; these values, and their meanings, are shown below. For more information about enumerations, see Enumerations.
    This is the initial value of the Namespace property. With this setting, the requirements imposed by the XML Namespaces Recommendation are followed by Janus SOAP. That is, wherever a prefix occurs in the name of an element or attribute in the document, a namespace declaration must be in effect for that prefix.
    With this setting, namespaces are not handled in any way by Janus SOAP; specifically:
    • Every name in the document is treated as a character string, which may include a colon.
    • A namespace declaration during deserialization is simply treated as an attribute, whose name begins with the characters “xmlns”.
    • The request is cancelled if the URI argument is passed by an Element- or Attribute-adding method like ??AddElement, ??AddAttribute, ??InsertElementBefore, and so on.
    • Invoking the SelectionNamespace property causes a request cancellation.
    • Invoking the LocalName, Prefix, or URI functions causes a request cancellation.
    • Invoking the AddNamespace subroutine causes a request cancellation.
    With this setting, namespaces are not allowed in a document; specifically:
    • Any name including a colon causes a request cancellation.
    • Any namespace declaration during deserialization causes a request cancellation (prior to Sirius Mods version 7.7, default namespace declarations were deserialized as if they were attributes).
    • The request is cancelled if the URI argument is passed by an Element- or Attribute-adding method like ??AddElement, ??AddAttribute, ??InsertElementBefore, and so on.
    • Invoking the SelectionNamespace property causes a request cancellation.
    • Invoking the LocalName, Prefix, or URI functions causes a request cancellation.
    • Invoking the AddNamespace subroutine causes a request cancellation.


The following example obtains the string value of the Namespace property:

    %str = doc:Namespace:ToString

Request-Cancellation Errors (for set method)

  • XmlDoc contains an Element node.