M204.2255 Value specified in LDC violates BINARY data type validation, field ignored: token = token2
The fieldname=value constant specified in a LoaD Constant (LDC) Fastload statement is in violation of BINARY data type validation. The file to be loaded by the FLOD job has Numeric Validation specified in the FILEMODL parameter; the specific field to be loaded is BINARY.
This error message occurs during FLOD compilation, and it prevents Fastload from loading any data to the file.
Response: Correct the LDC instruction by supplying a valid BINARY constant. Re-run the FLOD job.
Message attributes:
RETCODEO=0 | Sets online return code |
RETCODEB=4 | Sets batch (single user) return code |
CLASS=E | Error class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter |
AUDITER | Writes the message with line type ER to the audit trail |
COUNT | Increments the error count (ERCNT) parameter |