FILEMODL parameter

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File model enforced


Default value
Parameter type
Where set
During file creation
Related products
Model 204 V2.2 or earlier


The model of the file

File models available are NUMERIC VALIDATION and 1NF.

Valid settings of FILEMODL are (options can be summed):

X'00'File is set to the default Model 204 settings and can be opened by Model 204 Release 9.0 and later releases.
X'01'File is a NUMERIC VALIDATION file. Fields defined as FLOAT or BINARY are subject to numeric data type validation.
X'02'File is a 1NF (First-Normal Form) file. 1NF files must also be NUMERIC VALIDATION files. Therefore, if you specify X'02', Model 204 automatically sets FILEMODL to X'03' to include the X'01' option.
X'03'File is both 1NF and NUMERIC VALIDATION. If you set FILEMODL to X'02', Model 204 automatically sets FILEMODL to X'03' to include the X'01' option.