SIRFUNC parameter
- Default value
- X'00'
- Parameter type
- System
- Where set
- EXEC card PARM value under MVS, M204CMS command parameters under CMS
- Related products
- All
- Introduced
- Sirius Mods 6.9
This is a bitmask parameter that controls $function settings where the meanings of the bits are:
- X'01'
- Ignore the linked in FUND or FUNDLE module.
This makes it possible to access the Sirius version of many of the functions in
FUND, without relinking the Model 204 load module.
The Sirius $function alternatives available in Sirius Mods 6.9 and later are:
- $abs
- $arccos
- $arcsin
- $arctan
- $arctan2
- $cos
- $cosh
- $cotan
- $erf
- $erfc
- $ixpi
- $log
- $log10
- $exp
- $gamma
- $lgamma
- $max
- $min
- $pi
- $rxpi
- $rxpr
- $sin
- $sinh
- $sqrt
- $tan
- $tanh