<section begin="desc" />LIMITS<section end="desc" />
This provides information about overall Janus thread usage activity in an Online, which can be useful in isolating problems with thread availability and in doing capacity planning. The JANUS TSTATUS command (JANUS TSTAT or TSTATUS) provides information about port-specific thread usage and availability. The JANUS LIMITS command is only available in Sirius Mods 6.0 and later.
<section begin="syntax" /> JANUS LIMITS <section end="syntax" />
JANUS LIMITS command syntax
JANUS LIMITS provides the following information:
- The maximum number of licensed simultaneous connections.
- The number of sdaemon threads in the Online. The minimum of this value and the maximum licensed connection value is the absolute limit on simultaneous Janus connections in the Online. Since sdaemon threads can be used for things other than Janus (such as $COMMBG processing), the actual number of sdaemons available for Janus processing in an Online will often be less than the value displayed here.
- The current number of Janus "connections" in the Online. These are connections that count against the site's maximum connection limit and include active network connections and persistent WEBSERV sessions (Janus Web Legacy or $WEB_FORM_DONE).
- The high water mark of number of Janus "connections" in the Online. These are connections that count against the site's maximum connection limit and include active network connections and persistent WEBSERV sessions (Janus Web Legacy or $WEB_FORM_DONE).
- The number of refused connections. Connections can be refused either because the licensed connection limit has been exceeded, all the threads for a port are in use, no sdaemons are available, or Janus could not get the virtual storage for the required buffers on an ALLOCC port. Ideally, this number should be zero. If it is non-zero, the root cause can only determined by scanning the journal for messages, MSIR.0019, MSIR.0020, MSIR.0023 or MSIR.0026. To make this process simpler, it might make sense to MSGCTL these messages to OPR. Of course, in many cases it might be possible to infer the cause of refused connections or at least to eliminate some possibilities. For example, if the connection highwater mark is less than the maximum licensed connections, it's clear that no connections could be rejected for exceeding the site's connection limit. SirMon also provides some TCP and sdaemon usage statistics that might be helpful in isolating the cause of refused connections.