<section begin="desc" />Retrieve input contents<section end="desc" />
$Web_Input_Content retrieves the "content" of an HTTP Put or Post sent by a client. $Web_Input_Content returns this content as a longstring.
<section begin="syntax" />%lstr = $Web_Input_Content( type ) <section end="syntax" />
$Web_Input_Content takes a single optional argument and returns a longstring.
type | A case-independent string set to one of the following:
type is an optional argument, and it defaults to Binary. |
$Web_Input_Content can be used to examine data from the client in the following situations:
- An HTTP Put.
- An HTTP Post where the mime-type is set to something other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.
- Any HTTP Post if the RAWINPUT parameter is set on the port definition.
Text data retrieved by $Web_Input_Content is not affected by the setting of the JANUS DEFINE, JANUS WEB ON, or $Web_ProcSend parameters CR, LF, or CRLF. But to facilitate subsequent parsing, ASCII carriage returns (X'0D') and linefeeds (X'0A') that a client sends as line-separators are translated by $Web_Input_Content to EBCDIC carriage returns (X'0D') and linefeeds (X'25').
Having the input content as a single longstring might be inconvenient for many applications, especially if the data is line-oriented. It is the application's responsibility to parse this longstring using longstring parsing functions (see "Longstrings and $functions" or Stringlist class parsing methods (the ParseLines method is likely to be particularly helpful).
$Web_Input_Content is available only in Versions 6.7 and later of the Sirius Mods.
See also $Web_Output_Content and $Web_File_Content.