Upgrading to Model 204 version 7.5 on IBM z/OS
This page describes the installation steps for Model 204 version 7.5 on the IBM z/OS operating system.
Note: This page is currently under construction.
Model 204 version 7.5 is an upgrade to Model 204 version 7.4.
In order to install version 7.5, you must have version 7.4 and the latest Autofix set of Early Warnings installed on your system. |
With 7.4 and all Early Warnings installed, to upgrade to version 7.5 simply download, upload, and link the 7.5 object modules available from the downloads page.
Details are provided below.
Before you begin
- For system requirements for this installation, see the 7.5 Release notes.
- Ensure that you have a user ID to use for downloads (if you have a Sirius user ID, that is sufficient).
Overview of installation steps
This section summarizes the steps for upgrading to Model 204 version 7.5. Details for each step are provided later on the page.
An example workflow is provided at the end of the page.
Using your Rocket M204 user ID, go to the object files page and download the components.
- FTP the downloaded components to the z/OS system on the IBM mainframe.
- Build the object library.
Once you have built the object library, do not modify it.
- Submit the job to allocate additional data sets required for installation.
- If you have your own user $functions (FUNU), you must modify FUNU for 64-bit addressing considerations and store the modified source in your local source library. Any user-defined messages (MSGU) should also be stored in your local source library.
Then assemble FUNU (and MSGU, if applicable) with the object file stored in your local object library.
- If you use an external authorizer (such as RACF) for Model 204, assemble xxxPARM; the object file is stored in your local object library. If you use the dynamic xxxPARM configuration, link xxxPARM into the Model 204 load library.
- Link the ONLINE (and, if you use them, the IFAM1 and IFAM4) load modules.
- Link the Model 204 utility load modules.
- Customize the CICS interface, then assemble and link the CICS modules.
- Assemble and link-edit the TSO source modules.
- Upgrade SoftSpy for 7.5.
Components for installation
Object library (RKOBJLIB)
The object library is used to link the ONLINE and various other Model 204 load modules.
See the object files download page.
JCL job streams
In addition to the object files, the object library contains a number of z/OS JCL job streams. You will copy each job stream that you need to a local TSO library, modify it according to your system, and submit the job to perform the installation steps.
The job streams in RKOBJLIB all have member names ending in the letter "J."
Macro library (RKMACLIB)
The macro library is used if your installation requires assembling of any ASSEMBLE files.
RKMACLIB contains:
- Model 204 macros
See the macro libraries download page.
Building the object and macro libraries
(back to installation overview)
On the Model 204 object file download page, click the Download object file link beside the object that you want.
On the Model 204 macro library download page, click the Download macro library link beside the macro library that you want.
Uploading (FTP)
Once the object file and macro library are downloaded to the workstation, FTP them to the z/OS system on the IBM mainframe.
Specify these characteristics for the upload files:
transfer format | binary |
record format | FB |
record size | 80 for object and macro libraries |
block size | 6400 for object and macro libraries |
storage size for both | primary: 10 CYL; secondary: 5 CYL |
For details on how to download and upload, see Downloading and uploading Model 204 installation components.
Job stream to build the object and macro libraries
Once you have uploaded the object and macro library input streams to the mainframe, use the following approach to build the object and macro libraries:
- Click here to download the job stream which is also shown here.
//name JOB jobCardParameters //* //* 1: Modify the top line, creating a valid JOB card //* 2-5: Follow the instructions to modify the 4 bottom lines //* //* Then submit this jobstream to create the RKOBJLIB object library //* and the RKMACLIB macro library. //* //NEW204LB PROC PRITRK='320',BLK=6400,SYSPRT=DUMMY //* //* Usage: //BLD EXEC NEW204LB,VERSION=nn, (e.g., 75, 76, ...) //* // HLQ=m204DsnHighLevelQual, //* // OBJINP=objlibInputStreamDsn, //* // MACINP=maclibInputStreamDsn //* //* Important note: The first step DELETEs the two outputs (RKOBJLIB //* object library and RKMACLIB macro library). //* //* This PROC creates: //* - an object library, using the input stream which was downloaded //* from the Rocket Model 204 object files download web page; //* - a macro library, using the input stream which was downloaded //* from the Rocket Model 204 macro library download web page. //* //* After downloading, the object and macro library inputs must //* each be un-zipped, and then FTP'd (BINARY, 80 byte fixed //* length records) into the OBJINP= and MACINP= sequential //* files, the two z/OS datasets which are input to this PROC. //* //* (-- For Rocket Support only: filename=JZNEWLB 7.7 2016/11/14 --) //* //DEL EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //OBJ DD DSN=&HLQ..M204V&VERSION..RKOBJLIB,DISP=(MOD,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,1) //MAC DD DSN=&HLQ..M204V&VERSION..RKMACLIB,DISP=(MOD,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,1) //* //BLDOBJLB EXEC PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW //SYSPRINT DD &SYSPRT << Note: this output will contain on the order //* of 160K lines or more //SYSUT2 DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG),SPACE=(TRK,(&PRITRK,50,60),RLSE), // UNIT=SYSDA,DCB=(DSORG=PO,LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=&BLK), // DSN=&HLQ..M204V&VERSION..RKOBJLIB //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OBJINP //* //BLDMACLB EXEC PGM=IEBUPDTE,PARM=NEW //SYSPRINT DD &SYSPRT << Note: this output will contain on the order //* of 100K lines or more //SYSUT2 DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG),SPACE=(TRK,(&PRITRK,50,60),RLSE), // UNIT=SYSDA,DCB=(DSORG=PO,LRECL=80,RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=&BLK), // DSN=&HLQ..M204V&VERSION..RKMACLIB //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&MACINP //* // PEND End of NEW204LB in-stream PROC //* ------------------------------------------------------------------ //* //* 1: Modify the JOB card at the top //* //* 2: Provide the version of Model 204 being installed //* //* 3: Provide the high level qualifier(s) of all Model 204 //* installation DSNs //* //* 4: Provide the DSN of the OBJECT library IEBUPDTE input stream //* (./ ADD NAME=...) which you obtained at the //* Model204.Rocketsoftware.com web site //* //* 5: Provide the DSN of the MACRO library IEBUPDTE input stream //* (./ ADD NAME=...) which you obtained at the //* Model204.Rocketsoftware.com web site //* //* Then submit this jobstream to create the RKOBJLIB object library //* and the RKMACLIB macro library. //* //BLD EXEC NEW204LB,VERSION=nn, (e.g., 75, 76, ...) 2 << // HLQ=m204DsnHighLevelQual, 3 << // OBJINP=objlibInputStreamDsn, 4 << // MACINP=maclibInputStreamDsn 5 <<
- Place the job stream into your local TSO library.
- On the first line, modify the JOB card according to your local standards.
- On the final four lines, marked
2 <<
...5 <<
on the right:- Modify the
parameter, specifying the two-digit version of Model 204 you are installing. - Modify the
parameter, specifying the high-level qualifier(s) of all Model 204 installation datasets. - Modify the
parameter, using the DSN of the object library input file you uploaded to the mainframe. - Modify the
parameter, using the DSN of the macro library input file you uploaded to the mainframe.
- Modify the
Do not modify RKOBJLIB
Once you have built the object library ("RKOBJLIB") on your z/OS system, do not modify it in any way.
For example, do not store other members into the object library; it should only contain the members as supplied in a download from the web site. For those object files which you might assemble (for example, FUNU or RACFPARM), you should place those into a local object library.
Allocating data sets
There are three data sets used during Model 204 installation:
- The data set for the Model 204 load modules
- the data set for the local source library
- data set for the local object library
The data set for the load modules will contain, after linking, the modules for the Model 204 product, including: ONLINE, IFAM1, and IFAM4. The local source library is used to store the customized source for modules such as FUNU, MSGU, and ACF2PARM/RACFPARM/TOPSPARM. When the source is assembled, it is stored in the local object library.
You will need to edit and submit two job streams to allocate data sets for the installation.
JALINSJ -- allocates an empty loadlib data set for the Model 204 load modules and an empty local object library for the customized local object modules, with the following naming conventions: hlq.M204V75.LOADLIB and hlq.M204V75.LOCAL.OBJLIB
JALSRCJ -- allocates an empty local source library with the following naming convention: hlq.M204.LOCAL.SRCLIB
where hlq is the high-level qualifier that you specify.
Edit the job streams as follows:
- Replace the first line with a JOB card.
- Edit the lines, near the top of the job stream, marked with numbers followed by
. The numbers correspond to numbered steps in the comments following these lines. - Submit the
job to allocate the data set.
Linking the Model 204 ONLINE load module
(back to installation overview)
Note: If you have your own FUNU, it must be assembled before linking the ONLINE/IFAM1/IFAM4 load modules.
After downloading the object library, one of the members of RKOBJLIB is
; it is the ONLINE link job stream. Copy this into a local TSO library, modify it and submit it to link-edit the Model 204 ONLINE load module.
The items in LKONLNJ (on lines indicated with <<
) which
can be changed in the copy in your local TSO library are described in the following table.
The comments in LKONLNJ
are complete so that you may not need to refer to the instructions below. The
is shown in a sub-section below; it also has a set of instructions, which are more
succinct than the instructions in this table.
1 | You must specify a value for the HLQ symbolic parameter in the EXEC LKM204P statement. The value of HLQ corresponds to the high level qualifier used for the DSN for the downloaded object library, the Model204 load library in addition to the other datasets that are required for installation. |
2 | One of the modifications is always required, based on whether the ONLINE is to use RSQL (for Connect*) or not:
Do not uncomment both of them. |
3 | The other modification frequently needed is to use an external authorizer such as RACF or ACF2. If you use an external authorizer, you must:
4 | If you have other programs which you assemble for your Model 204 ONLINE module, for example, FUNU, they should be assembled into your local object library (creating one, if you have not already done so for the external authorizer xxxxPARM object file). You do not need to add additional INCLUDE statements for FUNU or other locally assembled object files - they are already present in the include streams from RKOBJLIB. |
5 | If you have an MQ series load library, you should set the MQ symbolic parameter to the correct DSN in the EXEC LKM204P statement. This allows you to use the MQ Series feature of Model 204, either if you are already authorized for it, or to support a trial of it, without requiring re-linking of the load module. You must also uncomment the INCLUDE MQ statement in the SYSLIN input. |
The modified JCL is now ready to run.
- There is not a separate link step for BATCH204. It is not maintained as a separate module; the same module as ONLINE is used, with a BATCH204 alias.
- The object library has the authorization zap pre-applied, so you do not need to get a new one from the web site. (The preapplied zap will authorize Model 204 itself and any separately purchased products such as MP/204 and SirScan.)
- It also has the maintenance zaps (as of the time the stream was prepared) pre-applied, so you do not need to apply any maintenance.
Job stream to link ONLINE
The downloaded object library contains a member named LKONLNJ, which is a job stream to link the Model 204 ONLINE load module.
- Copy
into a local TSO library. - Edit
for your configuration:- Replace the first line with a JOB card.
- Edit the lines, near the top of the job stream, marked with 1-4 followed by
. The numbers correspond to numbered steps in the comments following these lines. - As needed, edit the lines after
which are marked with<<
. See the comments at the top of theSYSLIN
sections (A-C) for instructions.
- Submit the
job to link the ONLINE load module.
The instructions in LKONLNJ
should be sufficient to explain the edits you need to make. Those instructions make use of the numbers (1-4) and letters (A-C) marking lines which need to be edited, or examined for editing. More expansive instructions are shown in the table above which further explain link-editing the ONLINE load module.
Linking the Model 204 IFAM1 load module
(back to installation overview)
After downloading the object library, one of the members of RKOBJLIB is
named LKIFAM1J
; it is the IFAM1 link job stream.
Copy this member into a local TSO library, modify this copy, and submit it to link-edit the Model 204 IFAM1 load module, as described below.
Job stream to link IFAM1
The downloaded object library contains a member named LKIFAM1J, , which is a job stream to link the Model 204 IFAM1 load module.
- Copy
into a local TSO library. - Edit your copy of
for your configuration:- Replace the first line with a JOB card.
- Edit the lines, near the top of the job stream, marked with numbers followed by
. The numbers correspond to numbered steps in the comments following these lines.
- Submit the
job to link the IFAM1 load module.
Linking the Model 204 IFAM4 load module
(back to installation overview)
After downloading the object library, one of the members of RKOBJLIB is
named LKIFAM4J
; it is the IFAM4 link job stream.
Copy this member into a local TSO library, modify this copy, and submit it to link-edit the Model 204 IFAM4 load module, as described below.
Job stream to link IFAM4
The downloaded object library contains a member named LKIFAM4J, which is a job stream to link the Model 204 IFAM4 load module.
- Copy
into a local TSO library. - Edit your copy of
for your configuration:- Replace the first line with a JOB card.
- Edit the lines, near the top of the job stream, marked with numbers followed by
. The numbers correspond to numbered steps in the comments following these lines.
- Submit the
job to link the IFAM4 load module.
Linking the Model 204 utility load modules
(back to installation overview)
Most of the utility load modules from Model 204 version 7.4 will continue to perform correctly when used with version 7.5.
However, you must use the 7.5 version of the following utilities, which are sensitive to the Model 204 journal and checkpoint format:
AUDIT204 | Extract from journal, with report stats and analysis |
MERGEJ | Merge concurrent journal streams |
UTILC | Information from checkpoint stream |
UTILJ | Information from journal stream; add EOF markers |
Job stream to link utility load modules
The downloaded object library contains a member named LKALLUTJ, which is a job stream to link the Model 204 utility load modules.
- Copy
into a local TSO library. - Edit
for your configuration:- Replace the first line with a JOB card.
- Edit the three lines marked with
by entering your downloadObjectLib (twice) and m204LoadLib dataset names.
- Submit
to link the utility load modules.
Assembling into your local object library (LOCAL.OBJLIB)
Use the following job stream to assemble a member from your Model 204 local source library.
Edit each line marked with num << (such as 1 <<) as described in the corresponding numbered comment.
//name JOB jobCardParameters //* // JCLLIB ORDER=(hlq.M204V77.RKOBJLIB) 1 << //* //* Jobstream to assemble a member from your Model 204 local //* source library. //* //* In a copy from the downloaded object library, modify all //* lines marked '<<' on the right, and submit the job: //* //* 1: Change 'hlq' to the same value provided in (2) - the value //* inside parentheses will then be the DSN of the downloaded //* object library //* //* 2: Provide the high level qualifier(s) of all Model 204 //* installation DSNs //* //* 3: Provide the member name to assemble (e.g., FUNU, MSGU, //* RACFPARM, ...) //* //* For detailed explanations, see //* //* http://m204wiki.rocketsoftware.com/index.php/m204_inst_zOS#asm //* //* (-- For Rocket Support only: filename=JZJASM Z 7.7 2016/11/14 --) //* //ASM EXEC JASMP,HLQ=, 2 << // MEM= 3 <<
Setting up the security module
If you use a security interface, such as ACF2, RACF, or Top Secret, assemble and (optionally) link the security module: ACF2PARM, RACFPARM, or TOPSPARM. (back to installation overview)
Assembling security modules
Copy the security parameter module (ACF2PARM/RACFPARM/TOPSPARM) into your local source library.
Edit the JASMJ job stream and submit it to assemble the security module into your local object library.
Linking security modules
If you want Model 204 to dynamically load your security module, then you must link the security parameter module.
Run the LKSECRJ job stream to link-edit the security parameter module (ACF2PARM, RACFPARM, or TOPSPARM) in order to load it dynamically during Model 204 ACF2, RACF, or TOPSECRET interface initialization.
Dynamic loading lets you modify the security parameters without having to relink Model 204, which would be required if the parameter module were linked into Model 204 directly.
CICS interface
- CICS Transaction Server support
Rocket M204 supports the CICS Transaction Server versions 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, and 4.2.
- Supporting TPROCESS COBOL applications
You must relink any CICS TPROCESS applications using AMODE=31, as AMODE=24 is not supported.
CICS Interface overview information
For an overview of the CICS Interface, including storage requirements and a listing of CICS interface components, see CICS interface.
Installation steps for the CICS interface
To install the CICS interface:
- Customize the interface by copying the CICFG copy member into your local maclib and editing it as needed.
For information on customizations needed for using the CICS Standard Mapping Service, see CICS interface.
- Update the CICS System Definition (CSD) using one of the following methods:
- Resource Definition Online (CEDA). The supplied member CEDAM204 in RKMACLIB provides an example of the required PCT, PPT, and PLT definitions.
- The IBM DFHSCDUP offline utility, to process the definitions in batch.
- Assemble and link the CICS modules. To do this, run job LKCICSJ.
Updating the CICS System Definition (CSD)
You can update the CSD using either CEDA or the DFHCSDUP utility and the CEDAM204 member of RKMACLIB. Use the values in the following table, where appropriate, for the method you choose. Information about using CEDA follows the table.
CICS System Definition values
User program | Program name | Transaction ID | Modifiable CICFG symbol |
TWA size |
IFAM2 pseudo conversational | DFHPSF | DFHPSF is accessed by using a CICS LINK. It is never invoked with a transaction ID from a terminal. | ||
Full-screen interface | M204PSFS | M204 | &TRN | 88 |
Screen copy transaction | M204CRPS | U204 | ||
Screen print transaction | M204PRNT | P204 | &COP | 88 |
CEDA (the Resource Definition Online transaction) or the DFHCSDUP utility defines the transactions and programs to the CSD file.
If you are not using CEDAM204 member, then define the transactions and programs using CEDA and the values in the previous table, as in the following example:
CEDA DEFine PROG(program_name) GRoup(group_name) LANGuage(ASSEMBLER) RELoad(NO) RESident(NO) (Except for DFHPSF, RESident(YES)) RSL(PUBLIC) STatus(ENABLED) CEDA DEFine TRANsaction(trans_ID) GRoup(group_name) PROgram(program_name) TWASIZE(twa_size_value) . . . RSL(PUBLIC) . . . CEDA CHeck GRoup(group_name)
You can use a transaction ID for a user program that is different from the value shown in the previous table; however, if you do so, you must change the associated CICFG symbol shown in the table.
As shown in the example above, group_name is any valid group name for the user site.
Note: Remember to add the groups to the GRPLIST for the particular CICS region. If the groups are not added, they are not installed during each CICS initialization.
TSO interface
The Model 204 TSO Interface enables the TSO Interface to communicate with a Model 204 Online, using CRAM.
(For detailed information on CRAM, see Defining the user environment (CCAIN).)
The TSO Interface consists of two assembly language modules, TSFS and TSUL, whose source is located in the macro library. The modules are completely reentrant, reusable, and refreshable. Installation requires assembly and link-editing of the TSO source modules.
To install TSO:
- If you are using TSO extensions, modify TSFS in the maclib by changing:
- Assemble TSO modules, using the LKTSOJ job.
Changing the &TSOV SETC 'TSO' code in TSFS causes assembly of the NOEDIT form of the TPUT macro in the TSFS module. The NOEDIT form, required for 3270 extended data streams, allows proper handling of colors or highlighting in TSO extensions. NOEDIT is recommended for all TSO extensions.
FUNU and optional MSGU
(back to installation overview)
This section lists installation considerations if you have your own user-written $functions module (FUNU).
- If you have your own FUNU, it must be assembled before linking the ONLINE/IFAM1/IFAM4 load modules.
- Some customers who have their own FUNU also have their own MSGU module. If so, MSGU must also be assembled before linking ONLINE/IFAM1/IFAM4.
FUNU changes for version 7.5
Starting with version 7.5 of Model 204, all $functions are entered in AMODE 64. This requires you to modify the ENTER macro for each $function, and may require you to modify the code for proper addressing in AMODE 64.
- In order to exploit QTBL above the 2G bar, any $functions which has arguments must be in AMODE 64. The ENTER macro should use ZMODE=GQ (the AMODE will remain as 64) and the code must be changed for proper addressing.
- For the ENTER macro, the ZMODE operand default value (for FUNU only) is ZMODE=31. So if the $function does not have any arguments or if you will not exploit QTBL above the bar, and if the $function does not access any data structures above the bar, either specify ZMODE=31 or omit the ZMODE operand. (Note that most Model 204 data structures can be above the bar, including $function arguments.) The ZMODE=31 value will be used, causing your $function to switch to AMODE 31 at entry (and restore the AMODE upon exit).
- In any case, the AMODE issues need to be accounted for in any routines which your $function routine does a CCALL to.
FUNU assembly
Copy the source into your local source library.
After making any changes required for the version of Model 204 you are installing, run the job to assemble FUNU into your local object library. (This job will also be used to assemble MSGU, if you have it.)
You do not need to insert any INCLUDE statements for either FUNU nor MSGU; they are already present in the INCLUDE member (LKSQLONL or LKNOSONL) provided in the downloaded object library.
Upgrading SoftSpy for 7.5
The SoftSpy procedure file, SPYPROC, is distributed in a dump format that you must download to a workstation file (in binary form), upload to your z/OS system, and then RESTORE into a Model 204 SOUL file.
Download SPYPROC from this page: https://m204.rocketsoftware.com/maint/ullist?nickname=ROCKET
For detailed instructions, see: http://m204wiki.rocketsoftware.com/index.php?title=Web_help_download_SOUL_files
Verifying your Model 204 7.5 installation
To verify that your 7.5 installation was successful, perform the following tasks:
- Run Sirius monitoring commands such as ....
- Invoke Dictionary/204
Example workflow for 7.5: download through installation
Reminder: This section shows one typical installation workflow; the previous sections on this page provide the actual installation steps in detail. |
This is an example for a site which does not use RSQL.
It uses the RACF external authorizer, and it does not have its own FUNU. The IBM system MQ loadlib is MQSERIES.SCSQLOAD
(this is typical in z/OS).
The high level qualifier in this example is MYBUILD.
The other item needed is the member name MYBLDOB
, which is chosen arbitrarily for this example, and the following DSNs:
- Download the object library (M204V75.OBJ) from the downloads page.
- Upload to the mainframe, in Binary format, with settings FB/80/6400, as
. - Download the macro library (M204V75_ZOS.MAC) from the downloads page.
- Upload to the mainframe, in Binary format, with settings FB/80/6400, as
. - Create the member MYBLDOB in my TSO library by copying
the job stream from "Job stream to build the object and macro libraries", using the following at the end of the job stream:
- Run MYBLDOB from my TSO library; this deletes and then creates
. - Upload to the mainframe, in Binary format, with settings FB/80/6400, as
. - Create the member MYBLDDS in my TSO library by copying
the job stream from JALINSJ, using the following at the end of the job stream:
- Run MYBLDDS from my TSO library; this allocates an empty loadlib data set for the Model 204 load modules and an empty local object library for the customized local object modules, with the following names:
. - Create the member MYBLDSL in my TSO library by copying
the job stream from JALSRCJ, using the following at the end of the job stream:
- Run MYBLDSL from my TSO library; this allocates an empty local source library for the customized local source modules, with the following names
Assemble and link
- Allocate
and copy in:- RACFPARM
- Allocate
and APF authorize it.Note: We need info about allocation (simple, just size info) and APF authorization (maybe link to a page discussing it??)
- Copy the member LKONLNJ from
to my TSO libary, and customize LKONLN as follows:- Make these changes at the top of the job stream:
- Uncomment the
line for LKNOSONL (that is, without RSQL). - Uncomment the
line for MQ. - Uncomment the
line for your external authorizer module (such as RACFOS and RACFPARM). - Submit LKONLNJ from my TSO library, this creates ONLINE (and BATCH204 alias) in MYBUILD.M204V75.LOADLIB.
- Make these changes at the top of the job stream:
- Perform a simple smoke test: run BATCH204 with 'DISPLAY ZAPS' and 'ROCKET' commands.
- To link the utilities, copy member LKALLUT2 from
to my TSO library, and see all<<
lines to customize for my site; submit this job stream. - Ensure that any JCL that performs deferred index sorting for Model 204 version 7.5
(typically, FLOD jobs) uses the new
for the E15 (OI15OS) and E35 (OI35OS) sort exits.
See also
Additional information
Refer to the Rocket Model 204 Installation Guide for IBM z/OS, version 7.4, for additional installation information.