Json methods syntax
The syntax for each of the Json class methods is shown below.
Square brackets indicate optional elements of the method invocation. See also the notation conventions for methods and the List of Json methods.
[%number =] Json:Add( json) Throws InvalidJsonType
%Json = [%(Json):]Array[( [itemList])]
%Json = [%(Json):]Boolean( boolean)
%boolean = Json:BooleanValue Throws InvalidJsonType
%outJson = Json:Copy
%count = Json:Count Throws InvalidJsonType
%outJson = Json:DeepCopy
[%number =] Json:Delete( %output) Throws InvalidJsonType
%Json = [%(Json):]False
[%number =] Json:Insert( number, json) Throws InvalidJsonType
%currentOutJson = Json:Item( %output) Json:Item( %output) = newOutJson Throws InvalidJsonType
%unicode = Json:NameByNumber( number)
%Json = [%(Json):]Number( number)
%number = Json:NumberByName( unicode)
%number = Json:NumberValue Throws InvalidJsonType
%Json = [%(Json):]Object
%Json = [%(Json):]Parse( unicode) Throws JsonParseError
%Json = [%(Json):]String( unicode)
%unicode = Json:StringValue Throws InvalidJsonType
%unicode = Json:Stringify[( [Indent= number])]
%unicode = Json:ToString[( [Indent= number])]
%Json = [%(Json):]True
%jsonType = Json:Type