Category:MSIR.0001 - MSIR.0199
This page contains a portion of the Sirius Mods messages.
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Pages in category "MSIR.0001 - MSIR.0199"
The following 197 pages are in this category, out of 197 total.
- MSIR.0001 IUCV not installed
- MSIR.0002 Unable to load IUCVMULT
- MSIR.0003 IUCVMINI error, rc = (rc)
- MSIR.0004 HNDIUCV error, rc = (rc)
- MSIR.0005 Unable to connect to (name) rc = (rc)
- MSIR.0006 Connection severed, IPUSER = (ipuser)
- MSIR.0007 Unexpected IUCV interrupt, IPTYPE = (iptype)
- MSIR.0008 IUCV send error, IPTRGCLS = (iptrgcls), IPRCODE = (iprcode)
- MSIR.0009 IUCV message rejected, IPTRGCLS = (iptrgcls)
- MSIR.0010 IUCV audit error, IPTRGCLS = (iptrgcls), IPAUDIT = (ipaudit)
- MSIR.0011 Invalid response from initial message = (rc)
- MSIR.0012 Unable to attach JANUS PST, rc = (rc)
- MSIR.0013 Bind error, port number (portnum) already in use
- MSIR.0014 Bind error, errno = (rc)
- MSIR.0015 Bind error, PST shutting down
- MSIR.0016 Socket error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0017 GETSOCKOPT error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0018 Main path IOCTL error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0019 Connection request rejected for port (port), MAXCON exceeded
- MSIR.0020 Connection request rejected for port (port), no SDAEMONS available
- MSIR.0021 LISTEN error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0022 Main path SELECT error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0023 Connection request rejected for port (port), couldn't get storage for buffers
- MSIR.0024 ACCEPT error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0025 GIVESOCKET error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0026 Connection request rejected for port (port), site connection limit exceeded
- MSIR.0027 TAKESOCKET error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0028 Client path IOCTL error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0029 CLOSE error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0030 Port name missing for JANUS command
- MSIR.0031 Port (port) already stopped
- MSIR.0032 Port (port) already started
- MSIR.0033 Port (port) already draining
- MSIR.0034 Port (port) already forcing
- MSIR.0035 Port (port) drain requested
- MSIR.0036 Port (port) force requested
- MSIR.0037 Port (port) deleted
- MSIR.0038 Port (port) not started
- MSIR.0039 Port (port) started
- MSIR.0040 Invalid JANUS subcommand '(token)'
- MSIR.0041 No ports named (port) defined
- MSIR.0042 Port name (port) invalid
- MSIR.0043 Can't define (type) port, support not linked in
- MSIR.0044 CMD required for (type) port
- MSIR.0045 Insufficient storage for JANUS control blocks
- MSIR.0046 Insufficient storage for JANUS buffers
- MSIR.0047 Insufficient storage for (porttype) tables
- MSIR.0048 PST shutting down, can't start (port)
- MSIR.0049 Remote server name missing for JANUS command
- MSIR.0050 Invalid LOGIN record received from (port)
- MSIR.0051 Invalid (keyword) parameter
- MSIR.0052 (Requesttype) called when not an Open Server
- MSIR.0053 Invalid buffer type received from (port)
- MSIR.0054 BUG condition - (condition)
- MSIR.0055 Subcommand missing for JANUS command
- MSIR.0056 Invalid buffer header received from (port)
- MSIR.0057 Unexpected EOM received from (port)
- MSIR.0058 Remote server name must be 30 characters or fewer
- MSIR.0059 Remote server HOST missing for JANUS command
- MSIR.0060 SDAEMON is an obsolete command
- MSIR.0061 Can't issue SDAEMON command from SDAEMON
- MSIR.0062 SDAEMON command can only be issued on IODEV 3
- MSIR.0063 Insufficient storage to start SDAEMON
- MSIR.0064 No free IODEV number to use for SDAEMON
- MSIR.0065 LOBUFF must be at least 256 for SDAEMONS
- MSIR.0066 Unable to add $COMM output to output $LIST
- MSIR.0067 Error doing $COMM output
- MSIR.0068 Running $COMM request for USER (user)
- MSIR.0069 Can't issue SDAEMON command from subsystem
- MSIR.0070 Insufficient storage to initialize TCPIP
- MSIR.0071 Port name must be 8 characters or fewer
- MSIR.0072 Can't issue SDAEMON command while web port(s) started
- MSIR.0073 Invalid port type (type)
- MSIR.0074 Invalid (item) - must be number between (min) and (max)
- MSIR.0075 '(Parm)' is not valid for (type) ports
- MSIR.0076 No remote servers named (string) defined on port(s) (string)
- MSIR.0077 Host name (name) resolved to (addr)
- MSIR.0078 Sirius functions are expired
- MSIR.0079 Sirius functions not authorized for CPU (cpuid)
- MSIR.0080 Invalid value (value) for SDAEMDEV
- MSIR.0081 Maximum connections cannot exceed number of SDAEMONS ((value))
- MSIR.0082 Maximum connections cannot exceed authorization limit ((authlimit))
- MSIR.0083 (Load type) (porttype) tables for USER (user)
- MSIR.0084 Unable to resolve host name (host)
- MSIR.0085 Unable to connect to (host) port (portnum)
- MSIR.0086 Invalid parameter (parameter)
- MSIR.0087 Port name (portname) already defined
- MSIR.0088 Maximum number of ports ((ports)) already defined
- MSIR.0089 Remote server port missing for JANUS command
- MSIR.0090 Name must follow 'OPEN' keyword
- MSIR.0091 OPEN name must be 8 characters or fewer
- MSIR.0092 SDAEMON unable to open (catfile)
- MSIR.0093 Port name missing for JANUS DEFINE command
- MSIR.0094 Port number missing for JANUS DEFINE command
- MSIR.0095 Port type missing for JANUS DEFINE command
- MSIR.0096 Value missing for (param) in JANUS DEFINE command
- MSIR.0097 No ports named (pname) with remote servers named (sname) defined
- MSIR.0098 No SDAEMONS available to load (porttype) tables
- MSIR.0099 SDAEMON could not load (porttype) tables
- MSIR.0100 Starting SQL connection for USER (user)
- MSIR.0101 SQL connection closed by initiating user
- MSIR.0102 Invalid initial data from IFDIAL client at (ipaddress)
- MSIR.0103 Incompatible IFDIAL client at (ipaddress)
- MSIR.0104 Invalid data received from IFDIAL client at (ipaddress)
- MSIR.0105 Port (portname) defined
- MSIR.0106 Port (portname) in use
- MSIR.0107 Port (portname) not stopped, can't delete
- MSIR.0108 Buffer size must follow 'RBSIZE' keyword
- MSIR.0109 JANCAT filename must be 8 characters or fewer
- MSIR.0110 Insufficient storage for JANUS RPC buffers
- MSIR.0111 Connection from (ipaddress) terminated, insufficient storage for (purpose)
- MSIR.0112 Connection from (ipaddress) terminated, pacing protocol violation
- MSIR.0113 Connection from (ipaddress) terminated, terminal input required
- MSIR.0114 Processing connection for port (portname) from (ipaddress)
- MSIR.0115 Starting outgoing site manager for port (portnum), remote server (servnam)
- MSIR.0116 Starting incoming site manager for port (portnum), remote server (servnam)
- MSIR.0117 Invalid response to LOGIN RECEIVED from remote server (servnam)
- MSIR.0118 TCPTYPE must be set to 'IBM', 'INTERLNK', 'KNET', or 'HPNS'
- MSIR.0119 TCPTYPE of 'INTERLNK' is only valid under MVS
- MSIR.0120 AOPEN error, RETCODE = (rc), ERRCODE = (ec) DIAGCODE = (dc)
- MSIR.0121 (Function) ERROR, RETCODE = (rc), COMPCODE = (cc) TPLRTNCD = (tplrc)
- MSIR.0122 (Product) is expired
- MSIR.0123 (Product) not authorized for CPU (cpuid)
- MSIR.0125 Invalid TRUST option
- MSIR.0126 Parameter missing for TRUST command
- MSIR.0127 Insufficient storage to add entry for (userid)
- MSIR.0128 RESTART functionality being provided by SIRTUNE
- MSIR.0129 Insufficient storage to add RESTAUTH entry (entry)
- MSIR.0130 RESTAUTH command only valid under CMS
- MSIR.0131 USERID '(userid)' too long for RESTAUTH command
- MSIR.0132 Restart utility is not running
- MSIR.0133 Restart utility is started
- MSIR.0134 No JANUS (entity) defined
- MSIR.0135 Invalid (parameter) (value)
- MSIR.0136 Invalid IP address (ipaddress)
- MSIR.0137 Invalid port number (port)
- MSIR.0138 INONLY invalid, Janus Open Server support not linked in
- MSIR.0139 OUTONLY invalid, Janus Open Client support not linked in
- MSIR.0140 Can't define a remote server as both INONLY and OUTONLY
- MSIR.0141 (Parameter) ID must be 10 characters or fewer
- MSIR.0143 Can't add remote server to port (portname) because not an OPENSERV port
- MSIR.0144 Remote server (servername) already added to port (portname)
- MSIR.0145 Insufficient storage to add remote server (servername) TO PORT (portname)
- MSIR.0146 Remote server (servername) added to port (portname)
- MSIR.0147 Can't delete remote server (servername) from port (portname), a connection is active
- MSIR.0148 Remote server (servername) deleted from port (portname)
- MSIR.0149 SYBMSG(20149,14,1) (message)
- MSIR.0150 SYBMSG(4002,14,1) Login failed.
- MSIR.0151 SYBMSG(20151,14,1) TDS version invalid.
- MSIR.0152 SYBMSG(20152,14,1) Language request invalid on RPCONLY port.
- MSIR.0153 SYBMSG(20153,15,1) Invalid RPC parameter datatype received.
- MSIR.0154 SYBMSG(20154,15,1) Length of variables and RPC parameters exceeds RBSIZE
- MSIR.0155 SYBMSG(20155,15,1) Invalid (type) stream received.
- MSIR.0156 SYBMSG(20156,15,1) Unable to open server (type) (fgname)
- MSIR.0157 SYBMSG(20157,15,1) Invalid statement '(statement)'.
- MSIR.0158 SYBMSG(131,15,1) The size ((size)) given to the parameter '(parm)' exceeds the maximum (255).
- MSIR.0159 SYBMSG(20159,15,1) '(Statement)' statement invalid after EXEC statement.
- MSIR.0160 SYBMSG(103,15,1) The identifier that starts with '(token)' is too long.
- MSIR.0161 SYBMSG(20161,15,1) Unsupported syntax near '(token)'.
- MSIR.0162 SYBMSG(20162,15,1) Unclosed quote before character string '(token)'.
- MSIR.0163 SYBMSG(2715,16,1) Parameter '(parm)' has an invalid datatype.
- MSIR.0164 SYBMSG(102,15,1) Incorrect syntax near '(token)'.
- MSIR.0165 SYBMSG(134,15,1) The variable name '(varname)' has already been declared.
- MSIR.0166 SYBMSG(156,15,1) Incorrect syntax near the keyword '(keyword)'
- MSIR.0167 SYBMSG(137,15,1) Must declare variable '(varname)'.
- MSIR.0168 SYBMSG(20168,15,1) Unable to store value '(value)' into variable of type (type).
- MSIR.0169 SYBMSG(20169,15,1) Implicit conversion from datatype '(itype)' to '(otype)' is not allowed.
- MSIR.0170 SYBMSG(20170,15,1) Unsupported datatype '(type)'.
- MSIR.0171 SYBMSG(179,15,1) Can't use OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure.
- MSIR.0172 SYBMSG(119,15,1) Must pass parameter number (num) and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'.
- MSIR.0173 SYBMSG(20173,15,1) Request from server (sname) at IP address (ipaddress) rejected, remote server not defined.
- MSIR.0174 SYBMSG(20174,15,1) Request from server (sname) at IP address (ipaddress) rejected, already have incoming connection.
- MSIR.0175 SYBMSG(20175,15,1) Request from server (sname) at IP address (ipaddress) rejected, incoming connections not allowed.
- MSIR.0176 SYBMSG(20176,15,1) Request from server (sname) at IP address (ipaddress) rejected, couldn't resolve host name for VERIP.
- MSIR.0177 SYBMSG(20177,15,1) Request from server (sname) at IP address (ipaddress) rejected, source is not expected IP address.
- MSIR.0178 Protocol error, connection with server (sname) at IP address (ipaddress) terminated.
- MSIR.0179 Unable to set up subchannel for server (servername), (info)
- MSIR.0180 RECV error, rc = (rc), errno = (errno)
- MSIR.0181 Unexpected token (token) received connection with server (servername) at IP address (ipaddr) terminated.
- MSIR.0182 Message from server - Msg (msgnum), Level (level), State (state):
- MSIR.0183 Message from server - Msg (msg), Level (level), State (state):
- MSIR.0184 Message from server - Server (servername), Procedure (proc), Line (linenum):
- MSIR.0185 Message from server - (msg)
- MSIR.0186 Connection to server (servername) terminated, insufficient RPC buffer space
- MSIR.0187 Connection to server (servername) terminated, unsupported datatype received
- MSIR.0188 Connection to server (servername) terminated, return code (rc) from (function)
- MSIR.0189 (Porttype) SDAEMON (USER (usernum)) still active port (portname)
- MSIR.0190 Error creating
- MSIR.0191 Error compiling
- MSIR.0192 No (entity) defined in (filename)
- MSIR.0193 Port (portname) reloaded
- MSIR.0194 SDAEMON for port (portname) is logging off
- MSIR.0195 Invalid value (value) for (field) in record (recnum) of (file)
- MSIR.0196 Missing value for (field) in record (recnum) of (file)
- MSIR.0197 Error opening (file or group) (name)
- MSIR.0198 Insufficient CCATEMP for (porttype) tables
- MSIR.0199 No columns defined for table (tabname)