MSIR.0843 The record object's file/group does not match the file/group context of the record loop

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The shared function CurrentRecord in the Record class was invoked inside a For Each Record loop, but the For Each Record loop was on a file or group different from the file or group of the Record object. Since the intent of the CurrentRecord method is to return a Record object representing the current record in a For Each Record loop, it makes no sense for the file/group context of the For Each Record loop to be different from that of the Record object.

Change the file/group context of the Record object, or correct the For Each Record statement.

Message attributes:

RETCODEO=0Sets online return code
RETCODEB=4Sets batch (single user) return code
CLASS=EError class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter
AUDITERWrites the message with line type ER to the audit trail
COUNTIncrements the error count (ERCNT) parameter
ECHODisplays the line that caused the error

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