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$list of active and enqueued Fast/Unload requests

This requests a list of active and enqueued Fast/Unload requests. The list is returned to a $list that can be processed with the $list functions.

The $FunList function accepts one argument and returns a numeric result.

The only argument is a destination $list identifier.


<section begin="syntax" />%RESULT = $FunList(list_identifier) <section end="syntax" />

$FunList Function

%RESULT is set either to 0, if the information was added to the $list, or to an error code if not.

3 - CCATEMP is full 6 - Invalid $list identifier

$FunList Error Codes

Each item in the destination $list has the following format :

Col 1-8 Request number
Col 11-18 Task number running request or blank if request still enqueued
Col 21-30 Userid of request originator
Col 33-40 User number of request originator
Col 43-50 Time request originated
Col 53-60 DDNAME of file being unloaded

For example, this statement sequence displays a list of all active and enqueued requests.

%LIST = $ListNew %RC = $FunList(%LIST) IF %RC GE 0 THEN FOR %I FROM 1 TO $ListCnt(%LIST) PRINT $ListInf(%LIST, %I) END FOR

A full screen Fast/Unload request display procedure is provided with the Fast/Unload distribution. It is called FUNLIST CCAIN in the CMS distribution, and it is member FUNLIST in the MVS distribution library.

Products authorizing $FunList