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System administrator
Specifies an output definition that, together with the USE PRINTER command, directs Model 204 output to a particular printer. The definition remains in effect throughout the run unless it is overridden by another DEFINE PRINTER command specifying the same name.

Note: Due to a z/VM limitation, the LRECL maximum is 204 bytes.


DEFINE PRINTER name [LIKE previousname] WITH SCOPE=SYSTEM [BURST | NOBURST] [CHARS=table] [CLASS=class] [DIST=code] [FCB=name] [FLASH=overlay] [FORM=form] [HDR1[='string'] | HDR2[='string'] | HDR3[='string']] [HOLD | NOHOLD] [ID=destination] [MODIFY=module] [NAME=name] [OUTLIM=n] [OUTPUT=ddname] [ROUTE=route] [ROUTER={CICS | MVS | VM}] [SEGSIZE=n] [SEP | NOSEP] [SYSID=system] [TAG=text] [TERMID=identifier] [TRANSID=identifier] [UCS=set] [UNIT=device] [WRITER=subroutine]


The options for the command are defined in the following tables. The first table defines options common to all routers; the second table defines options that are router-specific.

The options ROUTER, SEP/NOSEP, HDR1, HDR2, and HDR3 are common to all routers. The routers are listed in the syntax diagram for the ROUTER keyword below:


The options common to all routers are shown in the table below:

DEFINE PRINTER options (all routers)
Option Specifies...
HDR1 or

HDR2 or


First, second, and third words of text on the Model 204 separator page. This option consists of 1 to 8 characters and is used with the SEP option.

The HDR1 default is M204LIST. The HDR2 default is the first eight characters of the Model 204 user ID. HDR3 has no default.

To set HDR1, HDR2, or HDR3 to nondefault values, specify the value as a quoted string (for example, HDR1='M204').

If the IBM Block Letter Routine is available, Model 204 generates a separator that contains the following message lines:


The Block Letter Routine generates letters that are 12 characters in height. If the routine is not available, options HDR1, HDR2, and HDR3 form a single line with a blank space between each header.

Under z/VSE/POWER, the Model 204 separator page is printed in addition to the separators generated by z/VSE/POWER when JOBSEP is specified.

ROUTER Method used in routing output. CICS, MVS, and VM are the acceptable values for this option. The ROUTER option is required unless already specified in a template referred to by the LIKE phrase of the current DEFINE PRINTER command. This option has no default value.

The requirements for the router options follow:

If a router of MVS is specified, Model 204 must be running under z/OS.

With the VM option, Model 204 must be running under z/VM or a guest operating system under z/VM. The guest operating system can be a z/VSE operating system supported by Model 204.

With the POWER option, Model 204 must be running under z/VSE.

With the CICS option, the user must be a CICS teleprocessing user.

SEP/NOSEP Whether a Model 204 separator is to be printed. SEP, the default, indicates that there is a separator.

The HDR1, HDR2, and HDR3 options are used to format the separator page. Refer to the discussion of these options.

The options in the following table are router-specific:

Router-specific DEFINE PRINTER options
Option ROUTER= Specifies...
MVS Which stacker receives the paper output. The BURST option specifies the 3800-type printer's burster-trimmer-stacker. The NOBURST option, the default, sends output to the continuous forms stacker.
CHARS MVS and VM Name of the character arrangement table used for printing. The table name consists of 1 to 4 characters. Used with 3800-type printers. This option has no default.
CLASS MVS and VM Output class. The maximum length is one alphanumeric character; the default is A.
CLASS POWER Output class. The class can be specified as any alphanumeric character (A-Z or 0-9). CLASS can be specified in conjunction with FORM to group together the same types of output.

The class specified when the partition was started via the PSTART command is the default CLASS.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is CLASS.

COMPACT POWER Name of the compaction table (defined via the PCPTAB macro) to be used for data compaction of print output. The name can be one to four characters in length. The first character must be alphabetic; that is, A-Z, pound sign (#), dollar sign ($), or at sign (@).
  • If COMPACT=NO is specified, no compaction is performed.
  • If the COMPACT parameter is omitted, the default compaction table specified in the PRMT macro is used.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is CMPACT.

COPIES POWER Number of copies to be printed. The number must be in the range 1 to 255 to match the range allowed for the COPY parameter of the z/VSE/POWER *$$LST and *$$PUN statements. The default is 1.

If COPIES is omitted or a zero value is specified, COPIES=1 is assumed.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is COPY.

DIST VM Distribution code for the output. The code is 1 to 8 characters. The default value is the first eight characters of the user's Model 204 user ID.
FCB MVS and VM Name of the forms-control buffer that controls the vertical spacing of output on the page. Under z/VM, this option applies only to a 3800-type printer. This option has no default.

FCB can be up to four characters in length.

FCB POWER Name of the phase under which an FCB (forms control buffer) image is cataloged in a core image library available to $$BSGMNT. FCB can range from one to eight characters in length.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is FCB.

FLASH MVS and VM Name of the forms overlay used by the 3800-type printer. The overlay is superimposed on every copy of the output. This option consists of 1 to 4 characters. FLASH has no default.
FORM MVS and VM Printer form of the output. The form name is the name defined during system generation. This option has no default.

FORM can be up to four characters under z/OS and eight characters under z/VM.

FORM POWER Type of forms to be used for the output. FORM is specified by one to four alphanumeric characters, including hyphen (-), period (.), and slash (/). If FORM is not specified, it is assumed to be four blanks, representing the installation's standard type of forms. FORM is invalid if the output is directed to a 3741 device.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is FNO.



MVS and VM Whether or not data is sent to a printer when one becomes available or is put on hold. The HOLD option delays the sending of the output to the printer. The output remains in a queue until it is released.

The NOHOLD option immediately sends the output to the printer. The default is NOHOLD.





POWER Disposition of the output after the USE file is closed:
  • HOLD: output remains in the list queue. The output is not written out until the operator changes the z/VSE/POWER disposition to D or K by means of the PALTER command or issues the PRELEASE command. If the output is released using the PRELEASE command, the output is written out and then deleted from the queue.
  • NOHOLD: output is written out immediately according to its class and priority. NOHOLD is the default.
  • KEEP: output is written out according to its class and priority. When the output has been sent, it is not deleted from the list queue and the disposition becomes L.
  • LEAVE: output remains in the list queue. The output is not written out until the operator changes the disposition to D or K through the PALTER command or issues the PRELEASE command.

    If the output is released using the PRELEASE command, the output is written out, but a copy remains in the queue with a disposition of L.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option names for HOLD, NOHOLD, KEEP, and LEAVE are DISP=H, DISP=D, DISP=K, and DISP=L.

ID MVS and VM Output destination. It consists of 1 to 8 characters.

For z/VM users, the default is the z/VM user ID.

Under z/OS, there is no default and the user cannot specify ID if the WRITER option is indicated.

ID POWER Destination to which output is routed when networking is active. The ROUTE parameter is used to provide the node ID to use in conjunction with the destination.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is the userid option of the DEST parameter.

JOBSEP POWER Number of separator pages to generate. JOBSEP must be a number in the range 0-9. If JOBSEP is not specified, the value defined during z/VSE/POWER generation by the JSEP parameter of the POWER macro is assumed. Refer to the z/VSE/POWER Installation and Operations Guide for a description of separator pages and cards.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is JSEP.

LRECL MVS and VM Logical record length (in bytes) for the printer. LRECL cannot exceed the value of LOBUFF. Operating systems and device type limitations also exist. Maximum logical record length varies depending on what is specified for the UNIT option. Also ensure that OUTUDD is not less than LRECL.

Note: For z/VM, UNIT defaults to a 1403 device, which has a maximum logical record length of 132. Output is truncated to the maximum logical record length of the device.

MODIFY MVS and VM Copy modification module that replaces blanks or data in the output. Used by the 3800-type printer. This option consists of 1 to 4 characters. There is no default.
NAME VM Further identification for the output. The NAME option corresponds to the NAME field in the CP CLOSE command.

The NAME value can be a z/VM-format file name and file type. The file name and file type must be one to eight alphanumeric characters in length and enclosed in single quotes. The file type defaults to blanks. For a z/OS-format or z/VSE-format file, NAME is a 1-to-24 character identifier (for example M204.OUTPUT).

OUTLIM MVS Maximum number of lines of output allowed per request. The range of OUTLIM is 0 to 16777215. A default value of 0 places no limit on the number of lines.

Since z/OS terminates Online jobs with a S722 abend if the OUTLIM setting is exceeded, Rocket Software recommends setting OUTLIM only for BATCH204 jobs. See z/OS JCL documentation for information about writing an exit routine to circumvent this problem.

OUTLIM POWER Maximum number of lines of output allowed per request. OUTLIM must be a number in the range 0 to 999999. The default OUTLIM value for print output is the value defined during z/VSE/POWER generation in the first entry of the STDLINE parameter of the POWER macro.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is RBM.

OUTPUT MVS Defined device name to which you can direct the printer output. You must also define the device in your ONLINE JCL.
PASSWORD POWER Password to be associated with the output. The password can consist of one to eight alphanumeric characters. If PASSWORD is not specified, the password obtained from the * $$ JOB statement for the Model 204 job is used.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is PWD.

PRIORITY POWER Priority of the output. PRIORITY must be a number in the range 0 to 9. The default value is the priority of the job running Model 204.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is PRI.

ROUTE MVS Destination of the output. The maximum length is eight characters. The route must be a valid JES destination. The default is LOCAL. This option is used together with the ID option.
ROUTE POWER Node ID to which output is routed when networking is active. The ID parameter provides the user ID at the node to which output is routed. The maximum length of this option is eight characters.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is the nodeid option of the DEST parameter.

SEGSIZE POWER Number of pages printed for print output before the output is segmented (that is, written out). The effect is as if SEGSIZE pages are written and a new USE command is issued for the same printer.

SEGSIZE must be in the range 0 to 999999. A default value of zero means that no segmentation occurs.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is RBS.

SYSID POWER System in a shared spooling configuration with which you want to associate the output. Possible values for SYSID are 1 to 9 or N. The default is the SYSID, if specified on the * $$ JOB statement, of the Model 204 job.

If N is specified, the output is available to any system in the shared-spooling configuration. If SYSID is omitted, the output is associated with the system on which the Model 204 job is running.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is SYSID.


VM Description associated with the output. The maximum length is 50 characters. The text must be enclosed in single quotes, if blank characters are included in the text. For example:


TERMID CICS 4-character CICS terminal identification of the printer. This option is required unless already specified in a template referred to by the LIKE phrase of the current DEFINE PRINTER command.
TRANSID CICS 4-character CICS transaction name of the printer transaction to be used. The default is U204.
UCS MVS Universal character set for the output. The length is 1 to 4 characters. This option has no default.
UCS POWER Name of the phase under which a UCB (Universal Character Set Buffer) image is cataloged in a core image library available to $$BSGMNT. UCS can be up to eight characters long.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is UCS.

UNIT VM Device type (that is, type of IBM printer). This allows special characteristics (for example, line length greater than 132 characters) of the device to be passed on to the operating system that controls the printing. Acceptable values are: 1403 (the default), 1443, 3203, 3211, 3262, 3289E, 3800, 3800-1, 3800-3, 4245, and 4248.
USER POWER Up to 16 alphanumeric characters of user information. If the character string contains blanks or single quotes, the string must be enclosed in single quotation marks (for example, 'CORP.ACCTG'). Each embedded single quote must be represented by two quotes. The information appears in the job separator, if JOBSEP is specified. If user is specified on the * $$ JOB statement, it is the default.

The z/VSE/POWER equivalent option name is USER. There is no default.

WRITER MVS External writer subroutine for supporting devices that the JES writers do not support. The subroutine is defined by the installation. The maximum length is eight characters.

You cannot specify this option when the ID option is chosen.

Syntax notes

You can specify any number of DEFINE PRINTER output options. Options must be separated by commas or by one or more blanks.

Note: If you use the UNIT parameter, be sure that your spool execs correspond to the Model 204 spool exec (M204SPL), included with the Model 204 installation.

For general syntax and usage notes that apply to all forms of the DEFINE command, see DEFINE command.


The following examples show DEFINE PRINTER commands for a system running under native z/OS. The first example uses the WITH phrase to define the attributes of an output destination:


This example creates an output definition by using the LIKE phrase to reference most of the attributes of the definition defined in the first example:


Note that the WITH phrase was used to redefine the ROUTE and HDR3 options.

This example uses the LIKE phrase to create an output definition having all the attributes of the definition created in the second example:


The following examples show DEFINE PRINTER commands for a system running under native z/VM or a guest operating system under z/VM:


Usage notes

The DEFINE PRINTER command specifies a destination for Model 204 printed output and describes the characteristics of output that is to be sent to that destination. Any number of different definitions can be specified. These definitions exist for the duration of the Model 204 run and are available to all users. Once a particular definition has been specified, it can be changed only with another DEFINE PRINTER command.

This command is optional. The information supplied in this command can be specified instead in the USE command that actually directs the output to the alternate device.

Whenever you issue a USE command to direct output to a destination other than the user's terminal, Model 204 determines whether or not an output definition is specified for that alternate destination in a DEFINE PRINTER command. The characteristics (for example, output identifiers, number of copies, form name) specified with DEFINE PRINTER are used to produce the output.

You can override DEFINE PRINTER definition characteristics with options you specify in the USE command. (See USE: Directing output.) In addition, certain characteristics are determined by the device selection made by the system manager in the Job Control Language or EXEC procedure for the run.

Parameters provided on a DEFINE PRINTER/PUNCH or USE PRINTER/PUNCH command have certain limitations. Because of restrictions imposed by the $$BSGMNT transient, the total length of the * $$ LST or * $$ PUN statement cannot exceed 71 characters. This includes the 9 characters required for '* $$ LST ' or '* $$ PUN '. This restricts parameters and their values after translation to conform to * $$ LST and * $$ PUN parameters, to a length of 62 characters.

Options specifying default values (for example, COPY=1) are not passed to the $$BSGMNT transient. Also, values that are defined with null values (for example, SEGSIZE='' or USER='') on a DEFINE PRINTER/PUNCH or USE PRINTER/PUNCH command cause the parameter not to be used. This is useful when the LIKE option of these commands is specified.

Dynamically allocating output

The DEFINE PRINTER and USE commands support the dynamic allocation parameter, OUTPUT that lets you use special formatting options that are not supported directly on these Model 204 commands themselves.

  1. Define a device to your job by adding a JCL statement, with the printer attributes you require, similar to the following:


  2. Now you can define a device, or devices, to your job using a DEFINE PRINTER command.

    Example 1 defines a printer using the OUTPUT parameter to use the printer attributes defined in the JCL above. The OUTPUT parameter is set to the DDNAME of the printer definition in the JCL.


  3. To print in duplex mode, two sides of each sheet of paper, enter:


  4. To print single-sided enter:


You can also add the OUTPUT parameter to the USE command. For example, if you have previously defined printer PRT111 as non-duplex you can make it a duplex printer for any single use by issuing the command: