Deleting a file with FILEMGMT

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The File Management DELETE command is staged on the File Delete screen and executed on the Execute Commands screen. FILEMGMT removes all file, field, record, and field group entries from the dictionary when it performs the deletion. References to the deleted entries are also deleted. No Model 204 command is executed except for the OPEN command required to perform deletions.

To release the disk space, you must use the IBM operating system commands.

Deleting files

To stage a file for deletion from the dictionary:

  1. Enter the file name on the FILEMGMT primary screen.
  2. Select the Delete function.
  3. Press Enter.

    The File Delete screen is displayed. The File Delete Screen is read-only, and it duplicates the information on the File Size Definition screen.

  4. FILEMGMT File Delete Screen FILENAME: ABC Inactive FICREATE: 6.1 FILEORG: Entry Order PAGESZ: 6184 ASIZE: 3 BSIZE: 15 DSIZE: 4 ESIZE: 0 PROCS ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------- ASTRPPG: 614 BRECPPG: 256 DRESERVE: 15 % EHIGHPG: CUR: 0 ATRPG: 1 BRESERVE: 17 PDSIZE: 1 EXP: 0 FVFPG: 1 RECS: 1000 PDSTRPPG: 128 AVPG: 1 MVFPG: 1 DPGSRES: 2 CSIZE: 1 FREESIZE: Total Space Pages: 5049 DDname Dataset Name ( 1 of 1 ) Device Trks/Blks ABC M204.ABC 3390 632 ===> 1=HELp 2= 3=QUIt 4= 5= 6=COMmands 7= 8= 9= 10= 11= 12=END

  5. Do one of the following:
    • To delete the file now:

      Select F6 to issue the COMmands command. COMmands stages the file for deletion and proceeds to the Execute Commands screen to complete the deletion.

    • To stage the file for deletion later:

      Select F12 to issue the END command. END stages the file for DELETE, then exits from the File Delete screen and returns to the primary screen without executing the deletion. You can proceed to the Execute Commands screen later by pressing F6 on the primary screen.

    • To exit the Delete File screen without making any changes, select F3 to issue the QUIt command.

File Delete screen commands

To issue a command, press a PF key or type a command name at the prompt (===>) and press Enter.

Key Command Meaning
F1 HELp Displays Help text for the File Delete screen.
F3 QUIt Exits from the File Delete screen and returns to the primary screen without making any changes.
F6 COMmands Stages the file for DELETE. Proceeds to the Execute Commands screen. This screen displays the staged commands that were generated for the file and allows you to select the commands you want to execute.
F12 END Stages the file for DELETE. Exits from the File Delete screen and returns to the primary screen. You can proceed to the Execute Commands screen by pressing F6 on the primary screen.