Dictionary/204 entity type definitions

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This topic lists entity type definitions in alphabetical order.


One ACCOUNT entry exists for each Model 204 account that uses Dictionary/204, Workshop/204, or PC/204. ACCOUNT entries are used by Dictionary/204 and Workshop/204 to determine which facilities the user can use and to determine the user's session defaults. ACCOUNT entries are also used by PC/204 and the Workshop/204 Query/Update facility to determine who controls each view definition and who can read or update the data associated with each view.

Used by
Dictionary/204, Workshop/204, PC/204
Defined in
Dictionary Administration

System attributes

ENTITY Value must be ACCOUNT.
CREATE DATE Date the entry was created
LAST UPDATED Date the entry was last updated
UPDATED-BY Account that last updated this entry
NAME Model 204 logon account (user ID) for a user. The value must be a name from 1 to 10 characters.
OUTPUT FILE Name of the default output destination when generating hard copy reports with Dictionary/204 facilities. Unless otherwise specified, the system default is OUTFILE. This value can be from 1 to 30 characters.


SHORT DESCRIPTION Brief description of this entry. This description is the display header when Dictionary/204 reports on the entry. The limit is 64 characters.
DESCRIPTION Longer description of this entry. This description provides more detail than the short description in the header. There is no limit on the numbers of lines of text.
KEYWORD Keywords used to retrieve this entry along with related entries. There is no limit on the number of keywords you can specify. The limit for each keyword is 50 characters.
ALIAS Alternate names for this entry when browsing. There is no limit to the number of aliases you can use. The limit for each alias is 50 characters.
DOC_ENT_ALLOWED Multiply occurring field containing all entity types the Documentation facility user is allowed to modify.

System relationships

USES FACILITY. States that this account has privileges to use the facility.


OWNS VIEW entries. Using Query/Update, the user with this account can update the OWNs, READs, and UPDATEs relationships to this view for all accounts.
READS VIEW entries. The user with this account can use these views to read data through Query/Update or PC/204.
READS COMPOSITE VIEW entries. The user with this account can use these views to read data through PC/204.
UPDATES VIEW entries. The user with this account can use these views to update data through Query/Update.

Referenced by

Entity Type Relationship PROCEDURE WRITTEN BY


ENTITY TYPE entries define the entity types in the dictionary's standard definitions (in contrast to the user-created entity types). These entries are used by Dictionary/204 as part of the Dictionary/204 security scheme.

Used by
Defined in
Dictionary/204 installation

System attributes

CREATE DATE Date the entry was created
LAST UPDATED Date the entry was last updated
UPDATED-BY Account that last updated this entry
NAME Standard entity type name


SHORT DESCRIPTION Brief description of this entry. This description is the display header when Dictionary/204 reports on the entry. The limit is 64 characters.
DESCRIPTION Longer description of this entry. This description provides more detail than the short description in the header. There is no limit on the numbers of lines of text.
KEYWORD Keywords used to retrieve this entry along with related entries. There is no limit on the number of keywords you can specify. The limit for each keyword is 50 characters.

Alternate names for this entry when browsing. There is no limit to the number of aliases you can use. The limit for each alias is 50 characters.

System relationships




Referenced by

Entity Type Relationship FACILITY CONTROLS


FACILITY entries define the Dictionary/204 facilities. These entries are used by Dictionary/204 as part of the Dictionary/204 security scheme. These entries also define defaults for some of the facilities, such as the Dictionary/204 File Management facility's Active/Inactive option. These entries are initially defined with the installation of Dictionary/204. The Dictionary Administration facility is used to change the defaults.

Used by
Defined in
Dictionary Administration

System attributes

ENTITY Value must be FACILITY.
CREATE DATE Date the entry was created
LAST UPDATED Date the entry was last updated
UPDATED-BY Account that last updated this entry
NAME Identifies the facility
ADMIN HELP Two lines of help text, 60 characters each. The text is defined at installation. It describes the use of the named facility.
ADMIN PROC Name of the procedure that controls the setting of the facility options through the Dictionary Administration facility.
ADMIN TITLE Name of the screen used to set the Facility options. This value is the same as the text of the menu option used to select the screen through the Dictionary Administration facility.
FM OPTION These values set the available command execution modes for File Management: IN = INACTIVE, AI = ACTIVE IMMEDIATELY, AD = ACTIVE DELAYED, GENERATE COMMANDS ONLY
FM DEFAULT OPTION This value is the default mode. Choose one of the values selected in FM OPTION.
FM DEFAULT PROCFILE Name of the procedure file in which commands generated by File Management are stored.
FM DEFAULT USEFILE Name of the default output or report file in which commands generated by File Management are stored.
SCG DEFAULT PROCFILE Name of the procedure file in which procedures generated by the Screen and Action Generator are stored. This attribute is present only if Workshop/204 is installed.
SCG DISPLAY PROCNAME Name of the default procedure template used when generating display procedures using the Screen and Action Generator. This attribute is present only if Workshop/204 is installed.
SCG QUERY PROCNAME Name of the default procedure template used when generating query procedures in Screen and Action Generator. This attribute is present only is Workshop/204 is installed.


SHORT DESCRIPTION Brief description of this entry. This description is the display header when Dictionary/204 reports on the entry. The limit is 64 characters.
DESCRIPTION Longer description of this entry. This description provides more detail than the short description in the header. There is no limit on the number of lines of text.
KEYWORD Keywords used to retrieve this entry along with related entries. There is no limit on the number of keywords you can specify. The limit for each keyword is 50 characters.
ALIAS Alternate names for this entry when browsing. There is no limit to the number of aliases you can use. The limit for each alias is 50 characters.

System relationships

CONTROLS ENTITY TYPE. The facility updates entities of this type.
Cross-Reference SUBSYSTEM. The subsystem corresponding to this facility.



Referenced by

Entity Type Relationship ACCOUNT USES


One FIELD entry exists for each field in a Model 204 file. This entry specifies the physical characteristics of the field. FIELD entries are used by the File Management facility in maintaining the field definition and in sizing the file, in mapping views (including COBOL views) to Model 204 data, and by the Screen and Action Generator in generating views from records.

Used by
File Management
Defined in
File Management

System attributes

ENTITY Value must be FIELD.
CREATE DATE Date the entry was created
LAST UPDATED Date the entry was last updated
UPDATED-BY Account that last updated this entry
NAME Model 204 file name concatenated with a period followed by the field name (that is, the UNQUALIFIED NAME). The field name must begin with a character and cannot exceed 70 characters (excluding the file name component). The format is:


(See the UNQUALIFIED NAME definition directly below.)

UNQUALIFIED NAME Name of this field without the file name prefix. This name need not be unique within the FIELD entity type. This is the same as the Model 204 field name.
AVERAGE LENGTH Specifies average number of characters in the values for this field. The value is an integer. Screen and Action Generator uses this attribute when generating a view definition from a record definition.
AVERAGE OCCURS Specifies the average number of occurrences of this field in a record. The value is an integer. Default is 1. If the value is non-zero, Access/204 View Management assumes that the field is multiply occurring. Screen and Action Generator uses this attribute when generating a view definition from a record definition.
CODED/FRV FEW VAL If the field is coded (CODED=Y) or for-each-value (FOR-EACH-VALUE Y/N=Y), this specifies that it is few valued, approximately 50 or fewer distinct values. This attribute corresponds to the Model 204 field attribute, FEW-VALUED. The value is Y, N, or null. The File Management default is N.
CODED/FRV MANY VAL If the field is coded (CODED=Y) or FRV, this specifies that it is many valued, approximately 50 or more distinct values. Corresponds to Model 204 field attribute, MANY-VALUED. The value is Y, N, or null. The File Management default is N.
CODED Specifies that this field is CODED. This means that each unique value is stored in the file's Table A and that a code is stored in each Table B record instead of the value. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attributes CODED and NON-CODED. The value is Y, N, or null. The File Management default is the Model 204 default (not coded).
DEFERRABLE Y/N If the field is key (KEY Y/N=Y), this specifies whether or not the updates to the index for this field can be deferred. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attributes DEFERRABLE and NON-DEFERRABLE. The value is Y, N, or null. The File Management default for key fields is Model 204 default, Y.
FIELD PERCENT RATE Percentage of time a field occurs in a specific RECORD. Specified as a RECORD=VALUE pair. One record = value pair is stated for each record that the field participates in. The value is an integer from 0 to 99999. The default is 100. Used by File Management for file sizing. Refer to Field Group Definition screen for the algorithm used to compute this value.
FLOATING PT Y/N Specifies that this field is floating point. The number of bytes is stored in AVERAGE LENGTH. The value for this attribute is Y, N, or null. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attribute, FLOAT. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, N, or null.
FOR-EACH-VALUE Y/N Specifies that this field is a FOR EACH VALUE field. This means that a separate list of the unique values is maintained and available to SOUL requests. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attributes FRV and NON-FRV. The value is Y, N, or null. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, N.
IMMED Number of immediate pointers per segment in the ordered index. The value is an integer between 0 and 255.

The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 1.

KEY Y/N Specifies that this field is KEY. This means that an index is maintained for the field. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attributes KEY and NON-KEY. The value is Y, N, or null. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, N.
LEVEL Specifies the security level for this field. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attribute LEVEL. The value is an integer between 0 and 255, or null. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 0.
LRESERVE Indicates the percentage of space to leave free on a leaf-page during deferred updates (FLOD) or the ordered index REORGANIZE OI. The percentage is a value between 0 and 99. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 15.
MAX OCCURRENCES For a multiply occurring field the maximum number of occurrences expected. Used by File Management. The default is 1.
MIN OCCURRENCES For a multiply occurring field, the minimum number of occurrences expected. Used by File Management. The default is 1.
MIXED CASE Specifies if data is stored in mixed case or uppercase. The value is Y for mixed case, N for uppercase, null for uppercase. The default is null.
NR NUM SIGNIF DIGITS If the field is numeric range (NUMERIC RANGE Y/N=Y), specifies the maximum number of significant digits for this field. The value is an integer. The value is required by File Management for numeric range fields.
NRESERVE Indicates the percentage of space to leave free on a node-page during deferred updates (FLOD) or the ordered index REORGANIZE OI. The percentage is a value between 0 and 99. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 15.
ORDERED Y/N Specifies that this field is an ORDERED field. The value is Y, N, or null
NUMERIC RANGE Y/N Specifies that this field is a NUMERIC RANGE field. The value is Y, N, or null. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attributes NUMERIC RANGE and NON-RANGE. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, N.
NUMBER UNIQUE VALUES If the field is KEY, NUMERIC RANGE, FRV, or CODED, specifies the estimated number of distinct values for this field in the file. The value is an integer. File Management requires a value for key, numeric range, frv, and coded fields.
PHYSICAL FORMAT Specifies whether the PHYSICAL PICTURE is fixed or variable. The values are: compact, V = VARIABLE, F = FIXED, Null for invisible fields.They are used to determine the search strategy in generated code.

Describes the physical picture of the FIELD. This is used by Access/204 View Management for generating the Access/204 field attribute SYSTEM PICTURE. It is used by PC/204 to determine domain characteristics. The specification is the same as for Access/204 SYSTEM PICTURE. The default is X(20), which is the same as the Access/204 SYSTEM PICTURE default. The Access/204 limit for string length is 231 characters. For other products and facilities, the limit is 255 characters. The specifications follow:


  • X(n) - string, length n


  • 9(n) - numeric integer, length n
  • 9(n).9(m) - decimal number with embedded decimal point
  • 9(n)V9(m) - decimal number with implied decimal point
  • A prefix of '+' can be used to denote a positive numeric. Access/204 View Management converts the S to a minus (-) when it downloads the information to Access/204.
  • A prefix of '-' can be used to denote a negative numeric. For example: '+9(n)'.
  • A prefix of 'S' can be used to denote a signed numeric.
  • Null is the required value for invisible fields.

The following date formats are allowed (Y=year, M=month, d=day):

  • YYYYMMDD. For example: 19850625, June 25, 1985.
  • YYMMDD. For example: 850625, June 25, 1985.
  • MMDDYYYY. For example: 06251985, June 25, 1985.
  • YYYYDDD. For example: 1985176, June 25, 1985.
  • YYDDD. For example: 85176, June 25, 1985.


  • Value of P, indicating graphic data to be processed by PICTURE/205.
PREALLOCATED PAD If the field is preallocated, this specifies the character to be used to pad the field when a value is actually shorter than the preallocated length. The value is X'yy' or null. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attribute PAD. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, X'00'.

Specifies what digits are significantly stored in the PHYSICAL PICTURE. The values are:

A -- All digits are significant and stored. Essentially a fixed length field matching the PHYSICAL PICTURE.

T -- Trailing zeroes after the decimal point are stored, Leading zeroes are not stored

L-- Leading zeroes are significant, Trailing zeroes after the decimal point are not stored.

N -- No leading zeroes or trailing zeroes after the decimal point are stored. This is the default value

null -- Is interpreted as having a value of 'N'. These values are used to determine the search strategy in logically generated code.

SPLITPCT Indicates the percentage of data to leave on the earlier node during the split of a node in an immediate (as opposed to deferred) update. The percentage is a value between 1 and 100. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 50.
STRING Y/N Specifies whether a field is to be stored in character or numeric format. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attributes STRING and BINARY. The value is Y for character data, N or null for binary, or floating point (numeric data). The File Management default is the Model 204 default, Y.
TREETYPE Indicates whether an ordered index field is based on CHARACTER field or NUMERIC comparisons. The value is Y, N, or null. The default depends upon the values specified for STRING Y/N. If STRING Y/N is Y, the default is C. If STRING Y/N is N, the default is N. These values can be changed by the administrator.
UPDATE-IN-PLACE Y/N Specifies whether or not the occurrence of a field is to be updated in place. If not, updating an occurrence makes the occurrence the last occurrence of the field. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attributes, UPDATE IN PLACE and UPDATE AT END. The value is Y, N, or null. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, Y.
UNIQUE Y/N Specifies whether a given field name = value pair can occur in only one record in a file. The value is Y, N, or null. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attributes UNIQUE and NON-UNIQUE. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, N.
VISIBLE Y/N If a field is KEY (KEY Y/N=Y), specifies whether or not a field is visible. Invisible fields have entries only in the indexes. Thus, they can be used as part of a search criteria but cannot be printed. Corresponds to the Model 204 field attributes, VISIBLE and INVISIBLE. The value is Y, N, or null. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, Y, for key fields.
WEIGHTING FACTOR Indicates the percentage of values in the file to be added immediately as opposed to those added in deferred updates (for example, the values added in a FLOD routine). This factor is used by File Management sizing to estimate the relative significance of LRESERVE and SPLITPCT. The value is an integer between 0 and 100. The default is 50.


SHORT DESCRIPTION Brief description of this entry. This description is the display header when Dictionary/204 reports on the entry. The limit is 64 characters.
DESCRIPTION Longer description of this entry. This description provides more detail than the short description in the header. There is no limit on the numbers of lines of text.
KEYWORD Keywords used to retrieve this entry along with related entries. There is no limit on the number of keywords you can specify. The limit for each keyword is 50 characters.
ALIAS Alternate names for this entry when browsing. There is no limit to the number of aliases you can use. The limit for each alias is 50 characters.
DEFAULT VAL This value specifies the default for data entered for this field.
NR MORE 3% FILE Y/N If the field is NUMERIC RANGE (NUMERIC RANGE Y/N=Y), this specifies whether or not this field occurs in more than 3% of the records in this file.

Note: This percentage represents the frequency of the field, not of a fieldname=value pair. The value is Y, N, or null. This value is for documentation purposes only.

ONEOF List of valid values for this field. The validation criteria on the view field are later used to generate validation criteria for a screen item.
RANGEIS Value specification of the range of permissible values for this field. The format is:

<RANGEIS=rangestart_value, rangeend_value>

This is not a repeating value; to specify multiple ranges, add more attribute=value pairs. ANDing of the multiple ranges is assumed. The validation criteria on the view field is later used to generate validation criteria for a screen item.

VERIFY List of characters that are valid for this field. The validation criteria on the view field are later used to generate validation criteria for a screen item.

System relationships

Cross-Reference FIELD GROUP entries. Indicates that this field occurs in the corresponding FIELD GROUPs. Used by Access/204.
Cross-Reference RECORD entries. Indicates that this field occurs in the corresponding record types. Used by File Management.
Cross-Reference FILE entry. Indicates that this field occurs in a corresponding file. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD entry. Indicates that this field participates in a pending field definition. Used by File Management.



Referenced by



One FIELD GROUP entry exists for each repeating group of fields within a Model 204 file. This entry describes which fields occur together as a repeating group within physical records. No field can be in more than one field group in a file. These entries are used by the File Management facility for describing record layouts.

Used by
File Management
Defined in
File Management

System attributes

CREATE DATE Date the entry was created
LAST UPDATED Date the entry was last updated
UPDATED-BY Account that last updated this entry

Model 204 file name concatenated with a period followed by the field group name (that is, UNQUALIFIED NAME). The field group name must begin with a character and cannot exceed 70 characters (excluding the file name component). The format is:


(See the UNQUALIFIED NAME definition below.)


UNQUALIFIED NAME Name of this field group without the file name prefix. This name need not be unique within the FIELD GROUP entity type. This is the same as the Model 204 field group name.
SHORT DESCRIPTION Brief description of this entry. This description is the display header when Dictionary/204 reports on the entry. The limit is 64 characters.
DESCRIPTION Longer description of this entry. This description provides more detail than the short description in the header. There is no limit on the numbers of lines of text.
KEYWORD Keywords used to retrieve this entry along with related entries. There is no limit on the number of keywords you can specify. The limit for each keyword is 50 characters.
ALIAS Alternate names for this entry when browsing. There is no limit to the number of aliases you can use. The limit for each alias is 50 characters.

System relationships

Cross-Reference FILE entries. Indicates that this field group occurs in the corresponding files. Used by File Management.
Cross-Reference RECORD entries. Indicates that this field group occurs in the corresponding record type. Used by File Management.
Cross-Reference FIELD entries. Indicates that this field participates in the FIELD GROUP.
STAGED TO STAGED RECORD. Indicates that the field group participates in a pending RECORD definition. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD. Indicates that the field group has a staged field in pending status for a pending STAGED FIELD GROUP. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD GROUP. Indicates that the field group has a pending staged field group. Used by File Management.




One FILE entry exists for each Model 204 file. This entry describes the physical characteristics of the file. The File Management facility uses FILE entries to size files, create files, and maintain file definitions. FILE entries are also used in mapping views (including COBOL views) to Model 204 data.

Used by
File Management
Defined in
File Management

System attributes

ENTITY Value must be FILE.
CREATE DATE Date the entry was created
LAST UPDATED Date the entry was last updated
UPDATED-BY Account that last updated this entry
NAME Model 204 file name. The name must begin with a character and can be from 1 to 8 characters long.
ADD LEVEL Default field security level for adding occurrences of a field for a file. Corresponds to the Model 204 file parameter ADDLVL. The value is between 0 and 255 or null. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 0.
ASIZE Number of pages in Table A of this file. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 3.
ASTRPPG Number of Table A strings per page. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 400.
ATRPG Number of Table A pages for field names. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 1.
AVG PROC NAME LEN Average length of procedure names. File Management uses this or the actual lengths of procedure names for the procedure entries related to this file. The value is an integer or null. The File Management default is 20.
AVG PAGES PER PROC Average number of pages in a procedure. The value is used by File Management to calculate space for procedures. The value is an integer or null. The File Management default is 1.
BEXTOVFL Extra overflow pages are in Table B for sorted files. The value is expressed in Model 204 pages. The value is an integer; the default is null. Used by File Management.
BPGPMSTR Master area in Table B for sorted files, expressed as Model 204 pages. The value is an integer; the default is null. Used by File Management.
BPGPOVFL Master overflow area in Table B for sorted files, expressed as Model 204 pages. The value is an integer; the default is null. Used by File Management.
BRECPPG Maximum number of records per Table B page. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 256.
BRESERVE Number of bytes of space to reserve on a Table B page. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 17.
BREUSE Percentage of space that must be available on a Table B page beyond BRESERVE for the page to be placed on the reuse queue. Applies only to files that are designated RRN (reuse record number). The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 20.
BSIZE Number of Table B pages for this file. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 5.
CSIZE Number of Table C pages for this file. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 1.
DATA SET NAME Name the operating system uses for this file. Multiply occurs for each physical file that makes up this Model 204 file.
DDNAME Also known as file name, this is a multiply occurring value, one for each physical file that makes up this Model 204 file.
DEVICE TYPE Device type for this file. The value is 2311, 2314, 3330, 3340, 3350, 3370, 3375, 2305-2, or 3380, or null. If the value is null or invalid, File Management calculates TOT SPACE TRKS if there is only one data set.
DPGSRES Number of pages in Table D to be reserved for use in alerting Model 204 of a table full condition. The value is an integer; the File Management default is the Model 204 default: the smaller of (DSIZE/50 + 2) or 40.
DRESERVE Percentage of space to reserve for expansion of Table D pages. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 15.
DSIZE Number of Table D pages for this file. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 15.
FICREATE Specifies which release of Model 204 the file was created under. The value is the Model 204 release number. This value is used by File Management.
FILE OPTIONS Value corresponds to the Model 204 FOPT parameter. The value is the sum of:

X'80' -- Prohibit statement numbers in procedures X'40' -- Prohibit statement labels in procedures X'08' -- Append first if RDFS X'02' -- Disable lock pending updates X'01' -- Only file managers define fields


null -- None of the above

The File Management default is the Model 204 default, null.

FILEORG Indicates the primary organization of the file. Corresponds to the Model 204 FILEORG parameter. For Release 9.0 files, the value is the sum of the options selected from:

X'40' -- Skewing enabled (obsolete feature) X'20' -- Unordered X'08' -- Hash X'04' -- RDFS - Reuse Record Number X'02' -- Sort or hash key required for every record X'01' -- Sorted


Default: X'00' (entry order)

For pre-Release 9.0 files, the value is the sum of the options selected from:

X'08' -- hash X'04' -- RDFS - Reuse Record Number X'02' -- Sort or hash key required for every record X'01' -- Sorted X'00' -- Entry order


X'14' -- RDFS, entry order, reuse record number

The default is X'00' (entry order).


Indicates whether the file supports floating point data storage. The values are:

4 -- File does not support floating point data storage. Created in Release 7.1 or earlier format and not transformed by the TRANSFORM FLOAT command.

5 --File supports floating point data storage. File is either a Release 7.1 or earlier format file that has been transformed by the TRANSFORM FLOAT command, or file was created under Release 8.0 or later and supports floating point data storage.

FM OPTION These values set the possible command execution modes for File Management:




FORMAT FILE Option of CREATE command, specifies if file storage area is to be formatted when creating a file. The File Management default is Y.

The FRCVOPT parameter controls the file recovery option. The value is the sum of:

X'80' -- No updates if roll forward logging inactive X'40' -- No updates if checkpointing inactive X'20' -- No participation in checkpointing X'10' -- Discontinuities not allowed) X'08'-- Disables the backout mechanism of transaction backout X'04' -- No participation in roll forward logging X'02' -- No participation in roll forward X'01' -- Roll forward all the way


Default: X'00'.

FREESIZE Number of unassigned pages in the file. The value is an integer or null. The File Management default is 0.
FVFPG Number of Table A pages for few-valued field values. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 1.
IVERIFY Option of CREATE command, specifies if file storage area is to be verified to be error free when initializing the file. The Model 204 default is N.
MVFPG Number of Table A pages for many-valued field values. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 1.
NUMBER OF PROCS Expected number of procedures to be stored in the file. File Management uses this value or takes the sum of the related PROCEDURE entries, whichever is greater.
NUMBER OF RECORDS Expected number of records for this file. The value is an integer. 0 means that this is a file with only procedures. File Management requires a value.
OPENCTL Open control parameters determines whether or not a password must be entered when opening the file. The value is one of the following:

X'80' -- Public X'40' -- Semipublic Z'00' -- Private

The value X'20' can be added to any of the values above to implement record security.

The File Management default is the Model 204 default, X'80' (public).

PAGE SIZE Page size of Model 204 pages. The value is 3368, 3624, 6184, or 7208. The File Management default is 6184.
PDSIZE Number of contiguous pages in the procedure dictionary in Table D. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 3.
PDSTRPPG Maximum number of procedure entries per procedure page. The value is calculated by the File Management facility. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 128.
PRCLDEF Default user class for procedures in a public or semipublic file. The value is between 0 and 255 or null. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 0.

Default user privileges for a public or semipublic file.

Valid settings of PRIVDEF are (options can be summed):

X'8000' -- File manager.

X'4000' -- Allow record security override.

X'2000' -- Allow updating of data with ad hoc queries.

X'1000' -- Allow changes, other than deletions, to internal procedures.

X'0800' -- Allow updating of data with internal procedures.

X'0400' -- Allow retrieval of data with ad hoc requests.

X'0200' -- Allow display, echoing, and copying of internal procedures.

X'0100' -- Allow retrieval of data with internal procedures.

X'0080' -- Allow updating of data with external procedures.

X'0040' -- Allow retrieval of data with external procedures.

X'0020' -- Allow INCLUDE of internal procedures.

X'0010' -- Allow definition of internal procedures.

X'0008' -- Allow deletion of internal procedures.

X'0001' -- Allow viewing of file parameters.

The default is X'BFFF'.

READ LEVEL Default field security level for read access. Corresponds to the Model 204 file parameter READLVL. The value is between 0 and 255 or null. File Management default is the Model 204 default, 0.
SECTY Type of security in effect for a file. Corresponds to the Model 204 file parameter SECTY. The default is X'00'.
SELECT LEVEL Default field security level for select (or FIND) for a file. Corresponds to the Model 204 file parameter SELLVL. The value is between 0 and 255. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 0.
TOT SPACE PGS Total space required for the file in pages. The value is calculated by the File Management facility.
TOT SPACE TRKS Total space required for the file in tracks. File Management calculates this value, if only one valid DEVICE TYPE was specified.
UPDATE LEVEL Default field security level for update access to the file. Corresponds to the Model 204 file parameter UPDTLVL. The value is between 0 and 255. The File Management default is the Model 204 default, 0.
WGTD RECORD LENGTH Weighted record length for all records in this file, based on their frequency of occurrence in this file. The value is an integer. The value is calculated by the File Management facility.


SHORT DESCRIPTION Brief description of this entry. This description is the display header when Dictionary/204 reports on the entry. The limit is 64 characters.
DESCRIPTION Longer description of this entry. This description provides more detail than the short description in the header. There is no limit on the numbers of lines of text.
KEYWORD Keywords used to retrieve this entry along with related entries. There is no limit on the number of keywords you can specify. The limit for each keyword is 50 characters.
ALIAS Alternate names for this entry when browsing. There is no limit to the number of aliases you can use. The limit for each alias is 50 characters.

System relationships

Cross-Reference FIELD GROUP entries. Indicates the field groups for this file. Required by File Management.
Cross-Reference FIELD entries. Indicates the fields for this file. Required by File Management.
Cross-Reference RECORD entries. Indicates the records that are stored in this file. Used by File Management.
HASH KEY FIELD. Indicates the hash key for the file.
SORT KEY FIELD. Indicates the sort key for the file.
RECSCTY FIELD. Indicates the record security for the file.
HAS STAGED STAGED FILE. Indicates that the file has a staged file definition. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD. Indicates that the file has a staged field pending. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD GROUP. Indicates that the file has a staged field group. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED RECORD. Indicates that the file has a staged RECORD. Used by File Management.


Cross-Reference GROUP entries. Indicates the groups to which this file belongs. Not required.

Referenced by



One PROCEDURE entry exists for each Model 204 procedure. The File Management facility uses these entries in sizing to calculate PDSIZE and PDSTRPPG.

You can also use PROCEDURE entries to describe the Procedure Access Control Table for a Model 204 file by defining one entry per entry in the table.

Used by

File Management.

Defined in

System attributes

CREATE DATE Date the entry was created
LAST UPDATED Date the entry was last updated
UPDATED-BY Account that last updated this entry
NAME Model 204 name of the procedure (or the Procedure Access Control Table entry name). The name is composed of the Model 204 file name concatenated with a period followed by the procedure name (that is, the UNQUALIFIED NAME). The name must begin with a character and cannot exceed 70 characters (excluding the file name component). The format is:

<file_name. procedure_name>

(See the UNQUALIFIED NAME definition below.)

UNQUALIFIED NAME Name of this field without the file name prefix. This name need not be unique within the PROCEDURE entity type. This is the same as the Model 204 procedure name.
PCLASS If this entry describes a procedure, this attribute specifies the procedure class to which the procedure belongs. The value is an integer between 1 and 255. (PCLASS is a user-controlled attribute.) If this entry describes a Procedure Access Control Table entry, it specifies the procedure class to which users in the UCLASS user class have ACCESS privileges.
LENGTH Length of the procedure in bytes
OBJECT UPDATE DATE Date of the last update of the procedure in the procedure file. The date is stored in julian date format, YYDDD. This attribute is updated by all facilities that store PROCEDURE entries.
OBJECT UPDATE TIME Time of the last update of the procedure in the procedure file. The date is stored in HH:MM:SS format. This attribute is updated by all facilities that store PROCEDURE entries.
ACTION TYPE Types of actions (procedures) that can be generated by Screen and Action Generator:
DRIVER Implies the ability to query, display, add, update (modify), or delete data from a view by including other procedures that perform these actions. The driver specifies the types of actions allowed by the procedure it includes in the ACTION SUPPORTED attribute.
QUERY Implies the ability to query or add to the data in the view.
DISPLAY Implies the ability to display, update (modify), or delete the data in the view. For procedures generated by Screen and Action Generator, the facility supplies the ACTION TYPE value (the type of action that was generated).
ACTION SUPPORTED This attribute occurs in the dictionary only if Workshop/204 is installed. The value occurs only when ACTION TYPE=DRIVER. The value indicates what can be done with this driver. The value can be:



There can be multiple values if more than one type of action is supported. The system supplies the values for procedures created by Screen and Action Generator.


SHORT DESCRIPTION Brief description of this entry. This description is the display header when Dictionary/204 reports on the entry. The limit is 64 characters.
DESCRIPTION Longer description of this entry. This description provides more detail than the short description in the header. There is no limit on the numbers of lines of text.
KEYWORD Keywords used to retrieve this entry along with related entries. There is no limit on the number of keywords you can specify. The limit for each keyword is 50 characters.
ALIAS Alternate names for this entry when browsing. There is no limit to the number of aliases you can use. The limit for each alias is 50 characters.
ACCESS If this entry describes a procedure, the value is null. If this entry describes a Procedure Access Control Table entry, this attribute specifies the access privileges for users in the UCLASS user class to procedures in the PCLASS procedure class. The value is NONE, or a combination of USE, COPY, CHANGE, DEFINE, and DELETE. Multiple values can be separated by commas, blanks, or entered on separate lines.
UCLASS If this entry describes a procedure, the value is null. If this entry describes a Procedure Access Control Table entry, this attribute specifies the user class with ACCESS access privileges to procedures in the PCLASS procedure class. The value is an integer between 1 and 255.

System relationships

STORED IN FILE entry. Indicates the file in which the procedure is stored. Used by File Management and updated by the DDGEN utility.


WRITTEN BY ACCOUNT entry. Identifies the account name of the person who wrote the procedure.
USES FILE entries. Specifies that the files are used (read or updated) by this procedure.
USES GROUP entries. Specifies the groups that are used (read or updated) by the procedure.
USES PROCEDURE entries. Identifies the procedure used by the DRIVER procedure to perform the action specified in the ACTIONS SUPPORTED attribute. There can be multiple occurrences of this relationship, one for each supported action. This relationship is present only if Workshop/204 is installed.
INCLUDES PROCEDURE entries. Specifies the procedures that are INCLUDEd by this procedure.

Referenced by

Entity Type Relationship



One RECORD entry exists for each type of record in every Model 204 file. There is one RECORD entry for Model 204 files that have only one record type to describe that record type. File Management uses RECORD entries to calculate file sizes and to describe record layouts. Screen and Action Generator uses RECORD entries to generate views.

Used by

File Management

Defined in

File Management

System attributes

ENTITY Value must be RECORD.
CREATE DATE Date the entry was created
LAST UPDATED Date the entry was last updated
UPDATED-BY Account that last updated this entry
NAME Model 204 file name concatenated with a period and followed by the name of this record type (that is, the UNQUALIFIED NAME). The record name must begin with a character and cannot exceed 70 characters (excluding the file name component). The format is:


(See the UNQUALIFIED NAME definition below.)

UNQUALIFIED NAME Name of this record without the file name prefix. This name need not be unique within the RECORD entity type. This is the same as the Model 204 record name.
AVERAGE LENGTH Average length of the RECORD.
PERCENT INCREASE Percentage of expected increase for records of this type. The value is an integer. Used by File Management in file sizing.
NUMBER OF RECORDS Expected number of records of this type for the file. The value is an integer. Used by File Management in file sizing.
PERCENT RATE Percentage of the records in the file that are of this type. The value is an integer. Used by File Management to weight this record length.

Used to indicate the field and values that can uniquely identify records of this type. For example, in a personnel file the field REC distinguishes record types. The field=value pair REC=E marks EMPLOYEE records and the field=value pair REC=D marks EMPLOYEE DEPENDENTS records. The value is specified as a field=value pair. A redundant relationship is maintained also for documentation and impact analysis. The format is FIELDNAME=VALUE.

Single-valued: no operations other than <=> are supported. Only one occurrence of this attribute is supported.


SHORT DESCRIPTION Brief description of this entry. This description is the display header when Dictionary/204 reports on the entry. The limit is 64 characters.
DESCRIPTION Longer description of this entry. This description provides more detail than the short description in the header. There is no limit on the numbers of lines of text.
KEYWORD Keywords used to retrieve this entry along with related entries. There is no limit on the number of keywords you can specify. The limit for each keyword is 50 characters.
ALIAS Alternate names for this entry when browsing. There is no limit to the number of aliases you can use. The limit for each alias is 50 characters.

System relationships

Cross-Reference FIELD GROUP entries. Specifies the field groups that are in records of this type. Used by File Management.
Cross-Reference FIELD entries. Specifies the fields that are in records of this type. Used by File Management.
Cross-Reference FILE entry. Specifies the file in which records of this type occur. File Management uses this relationship.
RECTYP ID FIELD entry, the values of which identify record types. This is redundant information with the record attribute RECTYPE ID.
UNIQUE ID FIELD entry. States that the field participates in uniquely identifying record occurrences of a given record type.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD. Indicates that the record has a staged field definition. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD GROUP. Indicates that the record has a staged field group definition. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED RECORD. Indicates that the record has a staged record definition. Used by File Management.



Referenced by

Entity Type Relationship VIEW MAPS TO


STAGED FIELD entries are used by File Management to stage changes to Model 204 fields.

Used by

File Management

Defined in

File Management

STAGED FIELD has all the attributes and references that FIELD has; in addition, it has the following attributes and references:

System attributes

COMMAND Model 204 or Dictionary/204 command that is to be executed for this STAGED FIELD entry
COMMAND STATE State of the command for this STAGED FIELD entry. The value can be:
  • PENDING -- Command is staged for execution; valid only for FM OPTION=AD (batch mode)
  • $STATUS -- One of several return codes from the executed command

Referenced by



STAGED FIELD GROUP entries are used by File Management to stage changes to Model 204 field groups.

Used by

File Management

Defined in

File Management

STAGED FIELD GROUP has all the attributes and references that FIELD GROUP has; in addition, it has the following attributes and references.

System Attributes

COMMAND Command that is to be executed for this STAGED FIELD GROUP entity
COMMAND STATE State of the command for this STAGED FIELD GROUP. The value can be:
  • PENDING -- Command staged for execution, only valid for FM OPTION=AD (batch mode)
  • $STATUS -- One of several return codes from the executed command

System relationships

STAGED TO FIELD. Indicates that the field group contains the specified field. Used by File Management.
DELLINK FIELD. Indicates that this field is no longer a part of the staged field group.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD. Indicates that this staged field group contains this staged field. Used by File Management.

Referenced by



STAGED FILE entries are used by File Management to stage changes the Model 204 files.

Used by

File Management

Defined in

File Management

STAGED FILE has all the attributes and references that FILE has in addition, it has the following attributes and references.

System attributes

COMMAND Command name that is to be executed for this STAGED FILE entry
COMMAND STATE State of the command for this STAGED FILE entry. The value can be:
  • PENDING -- Command staged for execution, only valid for FM OPTION=AD (batch mode)
  • $STATUS -- One of several return codes from the executed command

System relationships

HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD. Indicates that this staged field is part of the staged file. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD GROUP. Indicates that this staged field group is part of the staged file. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED RECORD. Indicates that this staged record is part of the staged file. Used by File Management.
SORT KEY STAGED FIELD. Indicates that this staged field is a special field type contained in the STAGED FILE. Used by File Management.
HASH KEY STAGED FIELD. Indicates that this staged field is a special field type contained in the STAGED FILE. Used by File Management.
RECSCTY STAGED FIELD. Indicates that this staged field is a special field type contained in the STAGED FILE. Used by File Management.

Referenced by

Entity Type Relationship FILE HAS STAGED


STAGED RECORD entries are used by File Management to stage changes to Model 204 records.

Used by

File Management

Defined in

File Management

STAGED RECORD has all the attributes and references that RECORD has; in addition, it has the following attributes and references.

System attributes

COMMAND Command name that is to be executed for this STAGED RECORD entry
COMMAND STATE State of the command for this STAGED RECORD entry. The value can be:
  • PENDING -- Command not executed yet, only valid for FM OPTION=AD
  • $STATUS -- Return code from the executed command.

System relationships

HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD. Indicates that this staged field is part of the staged record. Used by File Management.
HAS STAGED STAGED FIELD GROUP. Indicates that this staged field group is part of the staged record. Used by File Management.
STAGED TO FIELD GROUP. Indicates that this field group is part of the staged record. Used by File Management.
STAGED TO FIELD. Indicates that this field is part of the staged record. Used by File Management.
DELLINK FIELD. Indicates that this field is no longer a part of the staged record.
RECTYP ID STAGED FIELD. Indicates that this staged record will contain this field. Used by File Management.

UNIQUE ID STAGED FIELD. Indicates that the staged field is part of the UNIQUE ID for the staged record. Used by File Management.

Referenced by



One SUBSYSTEM entry exists for each Model 204 subsystem. This entry describes the operational parameters, procedure specifications, and files of the subsystem.

Used by

Subsystem Management, Single-Step Test

Defined in

Subsystem Management

For more information about the Subsystem Management facility, see Overview of the Subsystem Management facility.

System attributes

CREATE DATE Date the entry was created
LAST UPDATED Date the entry was last updated
UPDATED-BY Account that last updated this entry
NAME Name of the subsystem.
AUTO COMMIT Specifies whether or not a COMMIT statement is to be executed automatically after each subsystem procedure is executed. The value is Y or N. The default is N.
AUTO LOGIN Specifies whether or not a user is to be automatically logged on to Model 204, when a subsystem is entered using the subsystem name as the Model 204 account name. The value is Y or N.
AUTO LOGOUT Specifies whether or not a user is to be automatically logged out of Model 204 when exiting the subsystem. The value is Y or N.
AUTO START Specifies whether or not the subsystem is to be automatically started when it is invoked by the first user. The value is Y or N. The default is N.
COMM VARIABLE Name of the global variable that is used to specify the name of the next procedure to be invoked in this subsystem.
COMMAND LINE VARIABLE Name of the global variable into which the parameters are passed when the subsystem is invoked.
DISCONNECT MSGS Specifies whether or not DISCONNECT messages are to be displayed to the user. The value is Y or N.
ERROR MSGS Specifies whether or not error messages are to be displayed to the user. The value is Y or N.
ERROR VARIABLE Name of the global variable that is set on an error condition in this subsystem.
EXIT Value of the communication variable (COMM VARIABLE) that causes the user to exit the subsystem.
INFO MSGS Specifies whether or not information messages are to be displayed to the user. The value is Y or N.
LOCK FILES Specifies whether or not the files and groups defined to the subsystem are to be locked while the subsystem is in operation. The value is Y or N.
PRECOMPILE PREFIX Prefix of the procedures that are to be precompiled and stored on CCATEMP when the procedures are first included by the subsystem.
NONPRECOMPILE PREFIX Prefix of the procedures that cannot be precompiled by the subsystem.
STATUS Status of subsystem that controls the user privileges granted when the subsystem is invoked. The value is PUBLIC, SEMI-PUBLIC, or PRIVATE.


SHORT DESCRIPTION Brief description of this entry. This description is the display header when Dictionary/204 reports on the entry. The limit is 64 characters.
DESCRIPTION Longer description of this entry. This description provides more detail than the short description in the header. There is no limit on the numbers of lines of text.
KEYWORD Keywords used to retrieve this entry along with related entries. There is no limit on the number of keywords you can specify. The limit for each keyword is 50 characters.
ALIAS Alternate names for this entry when browsing. There is no limit to the number of aliases you can use. The limit for each alias is 50 characters.

System relationships

USES PROC FILE entry. Specifies the subsystem procedure file.
USES DATA FILE entries. Specifies the subsystem data files.
USES GROUP entries. Specifies the subsystem groups.
USES ERROR PROCEDURE entry. Specifies the procedure that is to be INCLUDEd in case of subsystem error.
USES INIT PROCEDURE entry. Specifies the procedure that is to be INCLUDEd when the subsystem is initialized.
USES LOGIN PROCEDURE entry. Specifies the procedure that is to be INCLUDEd when a user invokes the subsystem.
Cross-Reference FACILITY. Specifies the Dictionary/204 or Workshop/204 facility that corresponds to this subsystem.




See VIEW for the definition of this entity type.

See also