M204.0299 VTAM logon failed - dev; X0, FDBK2 = x'hexValue' x'hexValue2'
Model 204 failed issuing an INQUIRE or OPNDST macro for the device displayed. Model 204 could not establish a connection (an SNA Communications Server (also known as VTAM) session) with the terminal.
The two return codes, X0
(which corresponds to field RPLRTNCD) and FDBK2
(which corresponds to field RPLFDBK2), detail the exact cause of the error. These codes are explained in the IBM manuals SNA Communications Server Macro Language Reference and ACF/SNA Communications Server Programmers Reference.
System manager response: Review the error codes in the manuals mentioned above, and discuss them with your SNA Communications Server systems programmer. If the error persists, contact Technical Support and have the audit trail from the Online job available.
Operator response: Inform the Model 204 system manager of the error.
Message attributes:
RETCODEO=0 | Sets online return code |
RETCODEB=4 | Sets batch (single user) return code |
CLASS=E | Error class; the message can be suppressed with the X'04' bit setting of the MSGCTL parameter |
AUDITAD | Writes the message with line type AD to the audit trail |
NOCOUNT | Does not increment the error count (ERCNT) parameter |
NOTERM | Does not display the message on the user's terminal |
OPR | Writes the message to the (operator) console |
SAVE | Saves the message in the VIEW ERRORS table |